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Example sentences for "joking"

Lexicographically close words:
joke; joked; joker; jokers; jokes; jokingly; jol; joli; jolie; jolis
  1. She was apparently joking with the Serbian cook-orderly and threatening to hit him on the head with the frying-pan.

  2. The Serbians have a delightful sense of humour, and before we had sat down to the meal, we were all laughing and joking about our places at the table.

  3. Practical joking had a long hold of literature, as of life; and it would be sanguine to think that it is dead.

  4. Of course he was only joking when he said this.

  5. But, joking aside, what really did happen to you, Thad, tell me?

  6. The rest of the long, closely-written four-paged letter is an indiscriminate and bitter, though joking attack, upon the race of publishers.

  7. But all this practical joking was at length fatal to the scene of it.

  8. Loneli has really suffered harm from this action, and I think that joking ceases under such circumstances.

  9. Oh, Mr. Falcon, you are still as fond of joking as ever," Apollonie returned.

  10. Yes, of course, if you are not joking now.

  11. It was difficult even now to decide whether he was joking or really moved.

  12. I was joking this morning, don’t be angry with me.

  13. Joking apart, it doesn’t matter to me, scold if you like, though it’s better to be a trifle more polite even to me.

  14. I realise now, that, joking aside, this is as perilous a voyage as ever human beings voluntarily ventured on.

  15. We had a fine time at supper, telling stories, and joking with one another.

  16. Rodolph, I ascribed it to his melancholy, and I fancied his low spirits prevented his joking like the others.

  17. Of course I was joking about interest," said Butterwell.

  18. I have only been joking all the time, though I do half believe in this old song, as my ancestors did before me.

  19. The sights of the wounded and dead are horrible, and yet the soldiers are always laughing and joking when they are going out to fight, and the poor fellows are getting very little rest.

  20. I have no doubt that Gander was only joking when he took you for a mushroom.

  21. Joking aside, it will be nice to have a real affair," assented Jane, "and I am sure we can get a wonderful array of talent.

  22. She could not guess that Jane's apparent joking had a motive, if not sinister, then deeply planned.

  23. At any rate, he drove to town to see Bayliss several times a week, went to sales and stock exhibits with him, and sat about his store for hours at a stretch, joking with the farmers who came in.

  24. Probably Gladys and Enid were joking about Bayliss' being there.

  25. But even as he laughed, he remembered that this was no joking matter for anybody concerned, unless it were Juanna.

  26. Look here, Otter," put in Leonard, "either you are joking or you are mad.

  27. Amid much laughter and joking the measuring went on.

  28. Paul stared at the tall gentleman, as though he thought at first the other might be joking him; but seeing not a ripple of a smile on the dark face, he changed his mind.

  29. I never can tell when you are joking and when you aren't!

  30. And there was Ted Dorrance, big as life, joking with them in the hall before it began.

  31. By this time Betty was used to mingling with the unknown, guessing at who they were and joking with any one at all as it happened.

  32. Whether a train was delayed an hour at a siding or whether it stopped so suddenly that all were thrown from their seats, there was no profane language, but usually jesting and joking instead.

  33. Still we kept turning and turning whither the Practical-joking Engineers led us, but seemed as far off from our journey's end as ever.

  34. They thought it was such a peculiar thing, you see, for a man of my age and habits to do that they kept talking and talking and joking and what not.

  35. In the half-darkness he saw two young men come to a buggy not far from him, take from under the seat a flask, and heard them joking as they drank.

  36. To Peggy, Polly and Nelly the happy, laughing, joking lot of lads were an old story, but the influx came near turning some of the other girls' heads.

  37. He was more accustomed to the fun-loving, joking girl than to this "cellar-grown turnip" as he mentally stigmatized her.

  38. The cooks seized the knife, the spoon or the broom; Kirusha, who had been joking with Matrona, hurried to the door, while Matrona hurried to the byre.

  39. You are in the mood for joking, but joking is not what I wanted," sighed Vera.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "joking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.