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Example sentences for "several times"

  • Several times he had been heard to say it was mere machine-preaching-made according to pattern, delivered according to price, by persons whose heads and hearts had no sympathy with the downcast.

  • Several times have I resolved on putting an end to my unhappy existence, but as often did something say to me, 'live hoping-there is a better day coming.

  • But the front attack was kept up so vigorously that, to prevent the success of these attempts to get on our flanks, the National troops were compelled, several times, to take positions to the rear nearer Pittsburg landing.

  • The Duke received me well, and invited me to come and see him at Paris; I did so several times; although this great acquaintance, of which I shall frequently have occasion to speak, was never of the most trifling utility to me.

  • Diderot himself told me several times at the beginning that Grimm in whom I had so much confidence, was not my friend.

  • I several times went to pass a few days at Mercoussis, the vicar of which was known to Madam le Vasseur, and with whom we all arranged ourselves in such a manner as not to make things disagreeable to him.

  • Several times he was about to speak, and each time he hesitated.

  • Martin had heard Herbert Spencer quoted several times in the park, but one afternoon a disciple of Spencer's appeared, a seedy tramp with a dirty coat buttoned tightly at the throat to conceal the absence of a shirt.

  • Maria came in several times to change the cold cloths on his forehead.

  • He struck himself on the chest, several times in succession, with the butt-end of his knife, that there might be no doubt to whom he referred.

  • Once or twice lately I've heard a report about you--several times, indeed.

  • Several times, even, I felt a smile on my lips.

  • Several times Lord de Winter, Porthos, or Aramis, tried to talk with the man in the red cloak; but to every interrogation which they put to him he bowed, without response.

  • Several times, with terror, no doubt, the cold sweat burst from her burning brow.

  • He has followed us several times, as I think, when I have waited for my wife at the wicket of the Louvre to escort her home.

  • At several times in our own lives we have accumulated stuff enough to furnish two or three house and have paid a pretty stiff house-rent in the form of storage for the overflow.

  • Several times he tried to begin to speak, but stopped.

  • Letting his head sink into his hands, he sat for a long while in that position, several times attempted to speak and stopped short.

  • They tossed Serpuhovskoy in the air and caught him again several times.

  • Several times he had crossed in front of them before he saw with delight a sudden narrow rift--a tall chink of beauty the colour of iris flowers, like a glimpse of Paradise, remote, ineffable.

  • He got up several times in spirit, to find that his body had remained in bed.

  • I have been in nineteen battles--several times in positions of some danger, when the lifting of a finger perhaps meant death; but I have never felt what I was feeling at that moment.

  • Several times in that mile and a half she stepped into a patch of brighter moonlight, to take out and kiss a little photograph, then slip it back next her heart, heedless that so warm a place must destroy any effigy.

  • Several times he took a poignant imaginary leave of her and of the earth, tears oozing out of his eyes.

  • They repeat it several times, losing their grip and mixing it all up.

  • Several times I saw her make immediate cures of severe toothaches.

  • I have noticed you go past our house, sir, several times in the course of the last week or so.

  • I chanced in my descent to overturn Crampley, who no sooner got up than he struck at me several times with a cutlass, and ordered the men to throw me overboard; but they were too anxious about their own safety to mind what he said.

  • Several times he struck his foot, for the ground had various levels of unequal height, which formed a succession of apartments, as it were, in the room.

  • Several times a day, they left their camp, and walked along the foot of the walls, shouting a demand that the Suffet's head should be thrown to them, and holding out their robes to receive it.

  • The guanacos readily take to the water: several times at Port Valdes they were seen swimming from island to island.

  • I several times threw a piece to two or three of them when together; and it was amusing enough to see them trying to seize and carry it away in their mouths, like so many hungry dogs with a bone.

  • When in this neighbourhood, I several times heard of the Sierra de las Cuentas: a hill distant many miles to the northward.

  • A horse walking over dry coarse sand, causes a peculiar chirping noise from the friction of the particles; a circumstance which I several times noticed on the coast of Brazil.

  • The congregation sang and prayed alternately several times, and the tunes of the psalms were particularly lively and cheerful, though at the same time sufficiently grave, and uncommonly interesting.

  • The Englishman here spoke to me several times in a very friendly manner, while I testified not the least inclination to enter into conversation with him.

  • The heat being now very great, I several times in this village heard the commiserating exclamation of "Good God Almighty!

  • Sir Robert Gordon has been here several times, and tells me that they have seen nought of you; and although I have made many inquiries I have been able to obtain no news, save that you and your band have disappeared.

  • Archie, however, with his bow and arrows ventured several times to go hunting in order to relieve the sad condition of the ladies, and succeeded two or three times in bringing a deer home with him.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "several times" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being exposed; bound coast; dinna like; diuers sorts; magnesian limestone; pound sugar; psychical research; several cities; several countries; several days; several gentlemen; several letters; several members; several minutes; several occasions; several parts; several species; several specimens; several states; several things; several thousands; several waters; several years; thine heart; voice trembled; young girl