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Example sentences for "jokes"

Lexicographically close words:
joists; joke; joked; joker; jokers; joking; jokingly; jol; joli; jolie
  1. Why do so many of his jokes turn upon an affectation, let us say, of moral cowardice in himself?

  2. There are a great many good jokes told of the false notions formed as to the character and standing of persons, as judged by their dress and other outward signs.

  3. But men, girls and boys were always scheming and practising jokes and tricks upon the beau.

  4. The store of practical jokes was exhausted.

  5. Night after night, after playing in a serious piece, she would appear in burlesque, sing, dance, and crack her small jokes with the best of them.

  6. Upon what subject in the world is there a greater accumulation of jokes than upon love and marriage; and upon what subject are jokes so indefatigably current?

  7. Some sent their dogs yelping at his horse's heels, and others vented wrath or jokes about churchyards.

  8. The room resounded with exclamations, and admiration, and grave jokes upon the children.

  9. Men go in for drink, practical jokes and many other grotesque things; they do not much mind making beasts of themselves, and would not much mind having beasts made of their forefathers.

  10. We told you not to try to see through any more jokes till your leg gets well, Slim," Andy reminded condescendingly.

  11. Our way is to have little jokes and allusions, and a great deal of chatter about nothing in particular, and to think other people bores if they don't do the same.

  12. I with a heavy weight inside me, feeling all of a sudden as if I hated parties and everything about them, and dear little Mr Nash, happy and complacent, cracking jokes to which no one deigned to listen.

  13. Father and I just make plain, straightforward jokes, like everyone else, but mother jokes daintily, as she does everything else.

  14. It is true that no literary fashion is more subject to change than the fashion of a jest, and that jokes that make one generation laugh seem insipid to the next.

  15. Grimm jokes over plots admitting of double denouements, and alludes to the Norman vicar of Montchauvet, who wrote a tragedy on the subject of Belshazzar.

  16. The jokes fell lifeless, to the great disgust of Rowe, who was in the pit.

  17. This is all that I have to say about Black Jack, without whose funny jokes and good ordinary I should have passed my time in Paris in a very disconsolate manner.

  18. That’s been so since I was young, when I had to make jokes for my living in noblemen’s families.

  19. Stout men with napless hats on, look out of the bedroom windows, and cut jokes with friends in the street.

  20. Come now and see my emergency closet, and you will understand why Dick's little jokes do not alarm me.

  21. You always spoil my nice little practical dinner-jokes by your confounded preparedness!

  22. A German clock with a cock attached to it happening to chime out the hour of two, gave rise to a number of jokes about the cuckoo.

  23. The guests drank a great deal of wine, and laughed very loudly; and risky jokes did not give any offence, all present experiencing that sense of relief which follows a somewhat prolonged period of constraint.

  24. He might sell them, criticise, make jokes about them.

  25. You will need one dull and prosy squire to arrange your pillows, so that you can laugh at Jack's jokes without weariness, and doze quietly while Geoff and Uncle Doc are talking medicine.

  26. Nor did he seem to mind if one of his jokes backfired right in his face.

  27. And he also liked to play practical jokes on other people.

  28. Hastily flinging aside the loathed morsel which he had just placed within his lips, the traveler indignantly exclaimed: "How dare you pass such jokes upon a man when he is in the middle of his dinner?

  29. But at last he went drunk into a formal examination, and sent in papers, after the manner of Aristophanes, containing capital jokes upon the Dons and Big-wigs themselves.

  30. The jokes and pleasantries of the American puncher are so close to nature often, and so generously veneered with heart-rending profanity, as to exclude their becoming classic.

  31. The speaker laughed as though he were making the finest jokes ever made, and even his adoring sister could not but remonstrate.

  32. She talked and chuckled over her own jokes till the girl felt glad that it had given her so much pleasure to gaze on the family jewels.

  33. How silent it was now that the old father was not cracking his jokes in the corner!

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jokes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.