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Example sentences for "did"

Lexicographically close words:
dicts; dictum; dictus; dicunt; dicuntur; didactic; didacticism; didde; didden; diddest
  1. Whatever fat you use, after you have done frying, let it remain in the pan for a few minutes, and then pour it through a sieve into a clean basin; it will do three or four times as well as it did at first, i.

  2. With careful management, they will look as beautiful when dressed as they did when growing.

  3. Worthy William Shakspeare declared he never found a philosopher who could endure the toothache patiently:--the Editor protests that he has not yet overtaken one who did not love a feast.

  4. BAKER, in his Chronicle, tells us the turkey did not reach England till A.

  5. The theory had a short shrift, though the industry of its authors certainly did much to throw light on the organisation and activities of the secret societies.

  6. Consequently, whatever else the Templars may have learnt from them, they certainly did not learn Judaism.

  7. They did a good deal of shopping, of one sort or another, and then Mrs. Hartwell-Jones gave the chauffeur a direction that made him stare.

  8. It hurt to think that perhaps Christopher did not want her—was glad she was not going.

  9. Mrs. Carpenter said she thought that they had just forgotten about the time; she said boys never could keep track of the time when they were off on a picnic; and she did not seem at all worried about Billy.

  10. She came up so softly over the thick turf that they did not know she was there until she spoke.

  11. Christopher knew that he had been disobedient, but he did not realize that he had also been selfish until grandmother pointed out to him how much upset every one had been by his long absence.

  12. Indeed, I was afraid to go to church again for three or four Sundays, and when I did I always kept at the back of the church and did not sing again.

  13. As if in answer to his wish the little girl did turn just then and looked directly at the children.

  14. This change in her circumstances did not make the child selfish and lazy, as it might have affected some natures, easily spoiled by comfort; but more eager and willing to serve those who had been so kind to her.

  15. And now, what did the future hold for her?

  16. He did not want to appear unmanly, but he was quite sure that Perk could have nothing half so good to trade.

  17. The ex-emperor did everything in his power to save Michizane, but in vain.

  18. However that may be, the party cabinet, for such it was in practice, did not recede from the government service without receiving deep scars on the prestige of the party itself.

  19. The two Chinese vessels did not return the salute of the Japanese ships, and when the latter turned to the southwest they were fired upon by the former.

  20. The cabinet did not, however, live much longer, as it resigned on May 2 from an entirely unforeseen cause, the like of which it is highly improbable would recur.

  21. No sooner, however, did the finance minister carry his point than he gave everyone a fresh surprise by recommending an entire suspension of public works for the ensuing fiscal year of 1902.

  22. As indefinitely did China support her contention that Korea at once was and was not dependent upon her.

  23. But in the early days the reins of administration were held so unflinchingly that even consanguinity with the shogun did not save from condign punishment a nobleman who failed in respect for the law.

  24. Treating as opponents all that did not take active part with them, they contrived to have them involved in the disgrace of Michizane.

  25. What mainly interests us here is the question as to what effect did the treaty produce upon Korea herself, whose sovereignty it recognized in unmistakable terms.

  26. But the change did not find complete expression in practice, for noble families, though nominally deprived of exclusive official privileges, still benefited by the conservatism of custom.

  27. Rarely, however, did the court move out of the contiguous provinces known as the Go-kinai, the great majority of the seats of government being in the province of Yamato.

  28. Twice did the ministers of state take the oath of allegiance to Prince Otomo, but rivalry and evil feeling continued to grow between the partisans of the new sovereign and those of Prince Oama.

  29. Nor did the new owner find himself under such restrictions as had existed under the feudal regime, either in the alienation of his estate or in its utilization to the best advantage by raising upon it whatever crop he liked.

  30. The Chinese forces in Korea hung upon the flanks of the Japanese troops as they withdrew, but were so disheartened by the crushing reverses they had just experienced that they did not dare to make any serious attack.

  31. Neither, when it was first introduced, did it put a stop to the use of stone.

  32. Besides, the walls did not reach the river.

  33. He finds that the territory on which the Mexicans originally settled was a marshy expanse of land which the surrounding tribes did not value enough to claim.

  34. But it must be manifest that, if they did not possess a knowledge of the true length of the year, and so make allowance for the leap-year, in the course of a very few years they would have to revise this date.

  35. Enough references have now been given to show that the Indian tribes certainly did erect mounds, and that there is every reason to suppose they were the authors of the temple mounds of the South, or of some of them, at any rate.

  36. But, as the tribe did not have any land of its own, except for some official purpose, this implies that each gens would have to set aside a small part of its territory for such purpose.

  37. Mr. Hutchinson claims there is no proof that the Incas did this sort of work.

  38. A plaster of clay and gravel formed the floor, and a few slabs of sandstone did duty for a fire-place.

  39. We are inclined to believe that a more careful survey would greatly modify the accounts we have of these canals, if it did not, in fact, show that they were the works of nature.

  40. But because things did not come up to his expectations he dipped his pen in vitriol and began to criticise.

  41. The work of tunneling was very severe on the laborers, but the Romans did not care, for nearly all the workmen were slaves and regarded in no better light than so many cattle.

  42. The Assyrian monarch, Tiglath Pileser, swept down on it, 2,700 years ago, but he did not succeed in wiping it out.

  43. But the movement abroad did not end in Europe.

  44. In the chancel of the Franciscan Abbey of Cavan, now grass-grown and trodden by the hoofs of cattle, his body was interred; his nephew and successor did honour to his memory at Clonmel and Limerick.

  45. The recall of the Earl for service in France, and the death of the Archbishop two years later, though it deprived the party they had formed of a resident leader, did not lead to its dissolution.

  46. The bishops at the time of the Union, were known to have entertained the idea, and Sir John Hippesley had published their letters, which certainly did not discourage his proposal.

  47. The Enniskilleners did not await the attack within their fortress.

  48. On the evening of the 14th of October, he expired, in the 68th year of his age, leaving a public reputation as free from blemish as ever did any man who had acted a leading part, in times like those through which he had passed.

  49. But for long years the memory of this doleful march lived in the recollection of the English on both sides the Irish sea, and but once more for above a century did a hostile army venture into the fastnesses of Idrone and Hy-Kinsellah.

  50. In Munster the President St. Leger, though lately reinforced by 1,000 men from England, did not consider himself strong enough for other than occasional forays into the neighbouring county, and little was effected in that Province.

  51. Now the hunter was sorely tempted to shoot these Ducks, but he knew that if he did he would have no chance that day to get Lightfoot the Deer, and it was Lightfoot he wanted.

  52. Instead, he rowed down the river, finally landing on the same side but on land which Lightfoot's friend did not own.

  53. He did not go too near Lightfoot, for he did not want to alarm him.

  54. Of course Lightfoot knew when Sammy did this, and each time he lost his temper.

  55. They hunted me so up there that I did not dare stay, and I came down here thinking that there might be fewer hunters.

  56. Isn't he handsome," whispered Peter to Jumper the Hare; "and did you ever hear of anything so wonderful as the growing of those new antlers in such a short time?

  57. On the banks the hounds stopped and bayed their disappointment, for they did not dare follow Lightfoot out into the Big River.

  58. He could hear the sound of the oars as the hunter in the boat did his best to get to him before he should reach the shore.

  59. But now, instead of trying to help Lightfoot as they did then, they gave him no help at all.

  60. Paddy the Beaver was tempted to warn them that they were not as safe as they thought, but as long as the hunter did not move Paddy decided to wait.

  61. Where did you leave your old ones and when did they come off?

  62. She did not tell him that she was already acquainted with every one of them, that she knew the Green Forest quite as well as he did.

  63. So they sat perfectly still among the brown stalks of the wild rice along the edge of the Big River, and not for a second did they take their eyes from that strange thing moving towards them.

  64. They were forever trying to catch him, but they did not strike terror to his heart because he felt quite smart enough to keep out of their clutches.

  65. As Vigdoroff took up his glass of tea the princess said: "I did not know you were so much of a Russian patriot.

  66. After a little she demanded: "What did you mean by 'exiling' me?

  67. It was a small town then; the Jewish population did not exceed eight hundred, but these unanimously decided to be slain rather than abandon their faith.

  68. Then, crouching before the absurdest looking samovar Pavel had ever seen, he explained that his mother had gone to his sister's for the night, as she did very often to avoid the noise of his gatherings.

  69. For some reason Masha did not seem to be agreeably impressed by the announcement, and Clara did not fail to notice it.

  70. When they reached their hotel the countess unburdened herself to her son's tutor of certain memories which interested her now far more than did her unexpected rupture with the Polish woman.

  71. Her childhood had been spent in foreign countries and she knew their languages as well as she did her own; nevertheless her abstraction of a foreigner was a man who spoke broken Russian--a lisping, stammering, cringing imbecile.

  72. Pavel's heart swelled with joy and gratitude, but he did not show it.

  73. The seminarist was annoyed at this attempt to steal the applause from him, but Boulatoff did not like Elkin's manner and offered him no encouragement.

  74. Pievakin raised his glance, paling as he did so, but was so overawed by the sight that he forthwith dropped his eyes, a sickly expression on his lips.

  75. She did feel like an infant in her presence, although Sophia, with her small stature and fresh boyish face, looked the younger of the two.

  76. In his entire experience as a revolutionary speaker he had never felt as he did at the present moment.

  77. The Terrorists immediately connected with the plot held their gatherings at a "conspiracy lodgings" kept by a man and woman Rysakoff did not know.

  78. It was strange that he should believe so implicitly Grosket's tale, coming as it did from one whom he knew hated him.

  79. This mariners saw, and it did them affright; They straightway concluded all could not be right.

  80. Occasionally calling, they were eloquent in excuses for their neglect; for when did the prosperous lack an excuse for neglecting the unfortunate?

  81. How did you first become acquainted with him?

  82. The Spirit did not tarry here, but bade Scrooge hold his robe, and passing on above the moor, sped whither?

  83. In vain did she assert her ability to maintain herself and child when health should return.

  84. And nobly did the mother strive to shield from want and ignorance the little orphan, now her only care.

  85. They are indeed to be rejected as the final ends of character, but what Kant did not recognize is that they are the psychological means for attaining character.

  86. In the first place, even the earliest lessons in geography give rise to the question, whenever the description of a country is finished, "How did things look in this country formerly?

  87. Foreign languages would be assigned the lowest place, if particular circumstances did not in many cases lend them a special importance.

  88. And spite of all premonishment, to everyone's astonishment, The gay old lady did so--and astride!

  89. The throng this task did not disdain, But threw with heart and soul, Till round the youth there raged a rain Of lumps of cannel-coal.

  90. She did not faint, she did not quail, She did not cry out: "Scat!

  91. Precisely thus do, or did, actual people speak in the quiet old times before the War; precisely thus also did nothing whatever of any consequence happen to the vast majority of them.

  92. But did not Mr. WELLS do something to redress the balance in Kim?

  93. And who can blame Longshanks if he did the same?

  94. As I walked forth in Baker Street As sober as a Quaker, Whom did I have the luck to meet?

  95. She did not ask whether I could jazz, mainly, I think, because I had already danced with her.

  96. This was a dignity that Louis did not entirely appreciate.

  97. Not only did France seem still to drift away from Catholicism, but the spirit of Gallicanism had passed over the Rhine and the Pyrenees.

  98. But only a few in France were fully acquainted with the views of the expert thinkers, and Talleyrand did a fine piece of work in thus presenting them.

  99. It is explained that Napoleon did not care to put any minister in an "immovable" position.

  100. He did not return to his house that night, and she feared a catastrophe.

  101. However, he really did a good deal with Grenville in the way of arranging the details of the understanding between the two countries.

  102. Talleyrand did little more than conduct the correspondence between the two brothers.

  103. The suspicious pontiff did not feel his apprehensions allayed when, at their first meeting, Napoleon deliberately tricked him into taking the second seat in the carriage.

  104. As Maubreuil did not pretend to have treated with either Louis or De Pradt, and as the likelihood of such a contract being heard by others is inconceivable, the rumour would be worth little even if it were better grounded.

  105. The Dutch did not finally yield until May, 1833.

  106. Napoleon did not at first set a stirring example.

  107. The reply to Austria indicates clearly enough that, as Talleyrand writes, Napoleon did not want peace.

  108. He will not dash into Port Said, but even if he did and wanted to murder you, he would first have to do with me.

  109. So he was to be solicitous and heedful only that they did not undertake anything on their own account, and more particularly excursions with Nell on camels, on which a ride was fatiguing.

  110. But I am glad that I did not do that, as the men would perish on the way, and, even if they reached the coast, why should we awaken vain hopes?

  111. For the children a week of hunger and misery began, for Gebhr did not think of feeding them.

  112. He said to himself that the defense, liberty, and life of Nell were involved, and in view of this the lives of his adversaries did not deserve any consideration, especially if they did not surrender and it came to a fight.

  113. Thanks to this they did not have to stop and wait from ten to three, until the greatest heat was over, and they could travel a longer distance than is customary with caravans.

  114. Nell and Stas had a desire to leave at once, but Stas did not dare to make the request.

  115. But the apes, to make a retreat, did not need to seek the rocky ridge; they dashed over the broken rocks towards the river and the trees growing near it with such rapidity that Saba's fangs could not reach any of them.

  116. The negroes grumbled at this order, but fear of Stas was still great; so they did not dare to rush at this last supply, especially as near it stood a guard of two men armed with Remingtons, the guard being changed every hour.

  117. I did not expect," he said to Nell, "that kites could fly such a distance.

  118. Where did the children get the paper for the kite?

  119. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "did" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    did his; did not; did not know how; did not know what; did not know where; did not know whether; did not take long; did not think proper; did she; did the; did this; did you; didactic poetry; diddle diddle; didna think; didst thou