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Example sentences for "what effect"

  • What effect on wealth would a change of climate have, whereby the consumption of coal would be decreased?

  • What effect on wages and interest does the bringing in of foreign capital have?

  • What effect on prices should be expected from an invention that makes possible the carrying of fresh meat from South America to England?

  • If manna fell from heaven daily in a climate where clothing and shelter were unnecessary, what effect on wealth would result?

  • What effect is produced upon AIR by COLD?

  • If the pipe leading from the feed valve pipe to the excess pressure head of the governor breaks, what effect will it have on the compressor?

  • If the application cylinder pipe breaks, what effect will it have on the locomotive brake?

  • What effect would be produced upon the lap and lead by changing the length of the eccentric rod?

  • If a final discharge valve breaks, what effect will it have on the compressor?

  • What effect, if any, would the complete franchise to our citizens have upon real estate and business in Washington?

  • If the Democratic party makes anti-imperialism the prominent plank in its platform, what effect will it have on the party's chance for success?

  • Supposing this to have been accomplished, what effect is it likely to have on the future of creeds?

  • What effect does it have on the value of a letter to draw a line above it?

  • What effect does it have on a letter as a numeral to repeat it?

  • What effect do Stimulants have on the voice?

  • What effect would be produced upon the gravity of a body, were it placed beneath the surface of the earth, and what supposing it at its centre?

  • What effect is likely to be produced where the winds meet?

  • What effect is produced by this refraction, as represented in fig.

  • Or, in other words, what effect is popular education having upon the general intellectual habit and taste?

  • If it could be changed, what effect would it have upon the faith of men?

  • What effect is produced upon one who skillfully uses the harp?

  • What effect is produced upon one by the return of a very dear friend long absent?

  • When the human race comes to a knowledge of the value of the ransom-sacrifice, what effect will it have upon the ones who appreciate it?

  • What effect do his own suggestions have on the speaker himself?

  • What effect do habits of thought have on confidence?

  • What effect do such habits have on the audience?

  • What effect if this principle be disregarded?

  • What effect will be produced on the body if it is deprived of blood?

  • What effect on the digestive process has the restriction of the ribs and diaphragm?

  • What effect on the system when the secretions are not regularly maintained?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "what effect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both clauses; ecclesiastical discipline; houses and; other answer; servant shall; what appears; what concerns; what does; what evidence; what happened; what has; what has gone before; what have you been; what kind; what king; what might; what more; what part; what parts; what power; what purpose; what relates; what seemeth; what sense; what should; what while