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Example sentences for "didactic poetry"

  • Splendid examples of didactic poetry may be found in the episodes of the epic poems, and more particularly in the collections of fables and apologues in which the Sanskrit literature abounds.

  • The ordinary interest of didactic poetry is derived from the repellent qualities of the subject, and consequently from the dexterities of the conflict with what is doubtful, indifferent, unpromising.

  • From this attempt to rectify the idea of didactic poetry, it will be seen at once why Pope failed utterly and inevitably in the 'Essay on Man.

  • The history of didactic poetry in France repeats, in great measure, but in drearier language, that of England.

  • In didactic poetry, of which the great purpose is instruction, a simile may be praised which illustrates though it does not ennoble; in heroics that may be admitted which ennobles, though it does not illustrate.

  • His belief that the ethical philosophy of the Essay on Man could be brought under his law of didactic poetry was a fresh instance of his want of insight into the demands both of poetry and philosophy.

  • Bolingbroke had right conceptions of the characteristics of didactic poetry, and he imparted his views to Pope.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "didactic poetry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    against thee; beef juice; county courts; creative power; didactic poetry; found necessary; fruit juice; fuel value; full vigour; grain doses; half mile; here because; other occasions; philosophical work; plural verb; puff paste; railway travelling; stand here; takes place; thick wood; would not live alway; wrought iron