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Example sentences for "checkers"

Lexicographically close words:
checked; checker; checkerberry; checkerboard; checkered; checking; checkmate; checkmated; checkmating; checkout
  1. The only game permitted was that of checkers or drafts, and over the rude board carved on the floor eager players bent during all the hours allotted to amusement.

  2. One of the guards often used to tease the prisoners by asking them how they liked being shut up in a prison, "playing checkers with their noses on the windows," etc.

  3. Magtsíkir ta palabay sa panahun, Let’s play checkers to pass the time.

  4. Ug dì ka mukáun, supla ka, In checkers you are obliged to take my piece.

  5. So the only way the government could collect on tips to hat-checkers would be to tax the tipper fifty per cent.

  6. I haven't had a good game of checkers since Will went away.

  7. I reckon they've got other things besides checkers to think about now," said her father.

  8. You can play checkers with a little community of meek, like-minded people.

  9. As to the Checkers and the Bell, they do no good, but much harm.

  10. When I first married, our John went to the Checkers every night, and I had my tea and fresh butter twice a-day at home.

  11. And a fray happening soon after at the Checkers (which was near the church) in time of divine service, Sir John was obliged to suffer the house to be put down as a nuisance.

  12. But he said nothing, and they played checkers for nearly two hours.

  13. She was playing checkers with Mr. Littell, whose injured foot still kept him a prisoner most of the time, and she had played badly all the evening, she knew.

  14. Some were reading books by the feeble tallow candle light, some played checkers on home-made checker boards, or amused themselves with other games.

  15. And back he came, having finished looking at the checkers and dominoes.

  16. You never can tell where a game of checkers will end," said Westy.

  17. After that we played checkers and when we all got good and sleepy we fixed the seats into berths.

  18. It's Mr. Stoddard, that used to come to the hospital to see you so much and play checkers with you when you got better.

  19. Betsy was playing checkers with Uncle Henry and interrupted the game to welcome the cat back delightedly.

  20. Ann hates checkers and I haven't got the time, often.

  21. Yes, yes, Father, and play checkers with you too, like as not!

  22. After that Betsy moved the checkers only with her other hand.

  23. A field divided into squares or checkers formed checky, and when divided into what are now called lozenges it became lozengy.

  24. It has in the middle a shield of FitzAlan, and about it three roundels with the checkers of Warenne.

  25. As a boy Checkers had worked in a paper-house and knew the stock.

  26. After their departure Checkers and Arthur sat together in the hammock.

  27. Standing by the window in his dismal boarding-house room Checkers read the letter over and over.

  28. Mr. Barlow was now all smiles and acquiescence; but his first meeting with Checkers was painfully strained.

  29. V A very few days sufficed to make Checkers feel thoroughly at home in his new surroundings.

  30. Checkers loosened her gown about her throat, then filling his hat with water at a little stream near by, he bathed her brow and wet her lips.

  31. Left alone, Pert tried to compose her mind and go to sleep; but in spite of herself her brain dwelt anxiously upon Checkers in Little Rock, and upon what her father had said to her.

  32. As Checkers drove home the following evening, he was met by Tobe, the hired man, about a mile from the house.

  33. Checkers told him his story, and borrowed ten dollars.

  34. Meanwhile, Checkers did not neglect the more serious part of his mission.

  35. Checkers talked for a while against time, but not with any brilliant success.

  36. No, little sweetheart," said Checkers finally, "there is no possible way for me to stay in Clarksville.

  37. They laughed, joked, played checkers and pounded the piano, some were dancing together.

  38. The little sod house was warm and snug, and as the men played checkers while the women sewed, what cared the pioneers for the snow and the cold and the wind whistling across the plains?

  39. Mary spent much time with her needle, from which John, when he felt she was applying herself too closely, beguiled her to a game of checkers or an hour with one of their few but valued books.

  40. Sidenote: Backgammon, Checkers and Dice] What men like Conon really enjoy, however, are games of dice.

  41. She sewed, and he read his paper in her satisfactory silence, or they played checkers together.

  42. He reads to her a good deal at night, and they play a game of checkers usually before they go to bed; she still cheats without scruple, for, as she justly says, he knows very well that she cannot bear to be beaten.

  43. He could have everything he liked; why, I would undertake to stay for a while at first, stay and amuse him, play checkers and all that.

  44. Checkers was the only game Lanse would play, he hated games generally.

  45. D held that these would be better games than two-handed checkers because they are more complicated.

  46. A game like chess or checkers can be shared with pleasure, irrespective of age, by any two people who have a sufficient "mental nearness.

  47. A boy who writes a poem, draws a steamboat, or devises a new game of checkers may immediately get credit for originality, while one who invents a technique of his own for shaving the back of his own neck may remain unheralded as a creator.

  48. Spent the long hours as best we could, playing dominoes and checkers with Griff and D.

  49. I amused myself with checkers most of the day.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "checkers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    checkers; chess; game; sport