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Example sentences for "games"

Lexicographically close words:
gamekeeper; gamekeepers; gamely; gamen; gameness; gamesome; gamest; gamester; gamesters; gamete
  1. The games had started as fights between skilled swordsmen, being observed by knowledgeable combat soldiers of a warrior people.

  2. What in Zen was this long monologue on the Roman games leading to?

  3. What I was thinking was that at first the Roman games were athletic affairs without bloodshed.

  4. Boxing at its top had never been more than an inadequate replacement of the games once held in the Roman area.

  5. And as in the case of Rome, the games are bankrupting it.

  6. Have you read much of the Roman ludi, the games as we call them?

  7. Holland said, "By the way, contrary to some belief, the games didn't end upon Christianity becoming the dominant faith and finally the State religion.

  8. The wheelwright of Coq came too, with his miserable club, and made such fine strokes that all the players left their games to see him play.

  9. The pilgrim stepped lightly up to the dais, the infernal devil in his legs making the nuns think of the games the village folk play all night in the churchyard on Saint John's Eve.

  10. The games of Ceres are to be soon celebrated, and the Roman crowd will think it but a poor show if some hundreds of gladiators are not slaughtered at the least.

  11. It was, perhaps, not unnatural that a desire for imitation should at last be aroused by the excessive fondness for these games of bloodshed, which pervaded all classes of the community.

  12. You will see my band to better advantage when they defile by Caesar at the games of Ceres.

  13. Better men than you have been under the net ere now, and the great games are not so far off.

  14. In return I used to hoist Patty over the wall, and we would play at children's games under the fruit trees that skirted it.

  15. There I often stayed the whole day long, romping with Dolly at games of our own invention, and many the time I was sent home after dark by Mrs. Manners with Jim, the groom.

  16. The boys who joined in these games formed a set in themselves, apart from the rest.

  17. He was fond of his sister and her English husband, and had offered no opposition to his boys entering into the games and amusements of their cousins--although his wife was constantly urging him to do so.

  18. He may occasionally play at marbles but, after twelve years of age, he puts aside games as beneath him.

  19. But, they were not always learning; they had the merriest games that ever were played.

  20. I play a few games at Bézique with one of my daughters, for honour and glory, and so our evenings pass pleasantly enough.

  21. Games for grown-up children, the puerilities of country-house parties, what are they?

  22. If we took our place again in the holiday-making class, we should be as diverted as the rest, with all the games and make-believes.

  23. People who were worried about their souls could not be expected to relish the selfish joy of being first in the games at recess.

  24. She seemed to have lost her hitherto unfailing gusto for games and outings.

  25. De courtin' couples liked dese games 'case dey could set out or play an' court all dey pleased.

  26. We children didn't play any games we wus afraid to play around de white folks.

  27. We chillun played de games uv marbles, cat ball, an' we played base, prison base.

  28. In fact he had a peculiarly dour and dark look, and it was no wonder that when he walked through his parish the little children left their games in the road, and hurried inside their garden gates as he passed.

  29. He was wont to relieve the tedium of the evening hour by strolling into the kitchen, sitting in the rush chair, always looked upon as the young master's, and freely entering into the games or gossip of the farm-servants.

  30. Role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons used to be extremely popular among hackers but they lost a bit of their luster as they moved into the mainstream and became heavily commercialized.

  31. And in their various games of wrestling, running and jumping, the victors always turned to the chief's daughter for signs of special favour.

  32. To him the games and idle chat of his men were of no interest.

  33. It is curious, too, that many of our most interesting games happened when grown-ups were far away.

  34. Dora said, 'It would be a noble action to have all the school-children from the village and give them tea and games in the paddock.

  35. Oswald can see that ere long he will be too old for the kind of games we can all play, and he feels grown-upness creeping inordiously upon him.

  36. The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports "point.

  37. Gael] A pole or beam used in Scottish games for tossing as a trial of strength.

  38. During the day they are well cared for, the younger ones properly nursed, and the older ones taught simple little kindergarten games and songs.

  39. Also, at the largest Industrial Home in London, called "The Spa Road Elevator," we found a regular cricket club organized which played cricket games with other clubs.

  40. She thought first of her happy, peaceful childhood, her grandfather's blind affection, the pure joys of her days of innocence, the exciting games with her little sister and tall cousins.

  41. Along the sides of the room and at its centre were tables equipped for strange games of chance which only his picture knowledge enabled him to recognize.

  42. Frank Merriwell fancied he had hit upon a scheme to stop the card games from which he could not remain away.

  43. Splendid games and festivals were arranged for the princes of Milan and the other lords.

  44. Of games he indulged in chess only, and this rarely, and not till after dinner.

  45. Public games in which physical strength and, still more, agility were brought into play, delighted high and low.

  46. There seemed no end to the games he could invent, and he played with a zest that carried everyone along with him.

  47. She's really a very likeable girl; and if she puts all the energy she uses to play games into church-work she will be a great success.

  48. I've got a pretty face, and I play games well, so I am tolerated, but I have hardly one real friend.

  49. Like street boys everywhere, they have a special fondness for games that admit the dice as an element.

  50. In the club games the dice are robbed of their power for evil.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "games" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abandon; athletics; bout; connections; contest; deal; encounter; engagement; fight; game; games; gymkhana; intrigue; joust; lobbying; match; matching; meet; meeting; ploy; rally; regatta; rencontre; scheme; sport; strings; test; tilt; tournament; tourney; trial