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Example sentences for "lobbying"

Lexicographically close words:
lobbed; lobbied; lobbies; lobbing; lobby; lobbyist; lobbyists; lobe; lobed; lobelia
  1. He put his considerable oratorical and literary skills to work lobbying his former peers and Congressional representatives on behalf of some lucrative new clients--the railroads.

  2. In fact, as time went on, he turned over most of the cases to Frank, quit his lobbying position for the railroads, ceased attending legislative sessions and devoted more and more of his attention to the farm and his investments.

  3. Corbin's venality in lobbying for corrupt bills was notorious; he admitted his complicity before a Congressional Investigating Committee in 1857.

  4. In 1859 they began lobbying in Congress to have this claim recognized.

  5. Most of the rougher man-to-man lobbying was done here; and at times it was Babel.

  6. There was little but routine; and the main interest of the chamber was in the lobbying that was being done upon the "Sunday Baseball Bill" which had passed to its third reading and would come up for final disposition within a fortnight.

  7. Public industry does not have to meet the costs of lobbying and blackmail which are often forced upon private companies.

  8. Short terms also keep the subject continually before Congress and the Executive Government, and foster that extensive and depraved lobbying which has wrought so injuriously on our legislation.

  9. It subjects us to expedients, and to all of the evils of constant lobbying and legislation on the subject.

  10. It illustrates the method adopted by the patent-medicine makers to compel the newspapers In each state to do their lobbying for them.

  11. The American Federation of Labor is lobbying in Washington, begging for legal protection, and in return venal Justice sends Winchester rifles and drunken militiamen into the disturbed labor districts.

  12. I ventured: "This is a lobbying expedition of a peculiar kind, and does not seem to invite any half-way measures.

  13. The economic players in such economies engage mostly in lobbying and in political manoeuvring - rather than in production.

  14. Exemption from taxation and the lobbying necessary to maintain this special privilege infallibly defeat its alleged aims.

  15. Members from clubs over the State came to assist in lobbying for the amendment and pledges were secured from a majority in both Houses.

  16. It is to the credit of the work of the Federated Clubs in the State that its members of Congress, with one exception, have needed no lobbying from suffrage forces in Washington.

  17. There was active lobbying among the opponents, but it finally passed and was sent to the voters!

  18. Lobbying in this sense is legitimate, and may almost be regarded as a necessity.

  19. Unfortunately, however, all lobbying is not of this innocent character.

  20. Carroll Cook was at Sacramento lobbying against the bills, as were others of that gentleman's view of affairs.

  21. The lobbying problem, like Jere Burke, continues with us.

  22. The lobbying and the confusion continued in spite of Stanton's efforts to enforce something of the appearance of order.

  23. The problem of drawing the line between legitimate and reprehensible lobbying has perplexed wiser men than sat in the California Legislature of 1909.

  24. No suggestion was made that the rule prohibiting lobbying be enforced against them.

  25. There is an increasing tendency to curb lobbying in state legislatures.

  26. Both reiterated views which during two days of lobbying they had disseminated in Columbia "on all proper occasions.

  27. And when Rhett, early in the lobbying at Montgomery, was set aside as too much of a radical, Toombs seemed for a time the certain choice of the majority.

  28. But as against this did not the vast horde of greedy corporations maintain a lobby at every session and was not a certain amount of lobbying legitimate?

  29. He says they were going to cut down the Reformatory's appropriation last winter, but that you went to the legislature and gave an example of lobbying that made the tough old railroad campaigners green with envy.

  30. You would have her degrade and unsex herself by going to the polls, to caucuses and conventions; you would have her, no doubt, in time, lobbying for and against measures in the council chamber and the legislature.

  31. Lee, in reply, spoke of the lobbying going on outside the Convention.

  32. Whether from agitation outside the legislative hall[717] or from the oratory of Patrick Henry, or from a greater power of the leaders in lobbying among their fellow members, a quick and radical transformation of sentiment took place.

  33. The extremes to which the opposition went in lobbying with members and the nature of their conversation are shown by an acid sentence of Nicholas in this speech.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lobbying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    allurement; blandishment; connections; deal; engagement; enlistment; exhortation; game; inducement; intrigue; lobbying; persuasion; ploy; preaching; salesmanship; scheme; selling; solicitation; strings; wheedling