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Example sentences for "lobby"

Lexicographically close words:
lobate; lobbed; lobbied; lobbies; lobbing; lobbying; lobbyist; lobbyists; lobe; lobed
  1. Late that afternoon he arose, much refreshed, dined and waited around the lobby until it was time for the bus to leave for the north-bound train.

  2. He went at once to the post-office, and after receiving permission from Miss Pickett, screwed into the wall of the post-office lobby what appeared to Miss Pickett to be two pictures, framed.

  3. The gambler smiled his thanks and walked across the hotel lobby to the public-telephone operator.

  4. The youths went down to the hotel lobby and found their fathers, Dr.

  5. It was Reggie who had first brought in his name, as he stood with Joe and Jim in the lobby of the Marlborough, waiting for the others of the party to come down on the way to the train.

  6. They had barely finished their meal when word was brought to Joe that there was somebody waiting in the lobby to see him.

  7. No one who had been standing in the lobby of the hotel would have guessed that these three people who had talked and bowed and shaken hands so quietly were facing one of life's most appalling, most overwhelming tragedies.

  8. Well, that same power, I suppose, stood him in good stead in the lobby of the Veterans' Club.

  9. In the lobby of the Veterans' Club," replied Luke, "the night before last.

  10. Now that I know it in all its details, I can see the whole scene in the lobby of the Veterans' Club before me.

  11. Alone," reiterated Luke with measured emphasis, "in the lobby of the Veterans' Club.

  12. You were in the lobby of the club last night as usual?

  13. In the morning hours they were free there from perpetual meetings with undesired company--all outside company being undesirable in the lobby of the fairy universe.

  14. With the precision of a soldier he had replied curtly and to the point to every question put to him, and had retold all that had occurred on that foggy night, in the smoking room and the lobby of the Veterans' Club in Shaftesbury Avenue.

  15. You parted from him in the lobby of the club?

  16. He was in the lobby of the Veterans' Club and I just outside.

  17. Once more in my dressing-gown I stole out; his candle was still burning, for I saw a ray of light slanting towards the lobby floor from the keyhole of his room, with the motes quivering in it.

  18. I accompanied him downstairs, and he stopped for a moment in the lobby outside the drawing-room.

  19. Think better of it, do, Harry,' I called after him, but he was already clanking over the lobby in his cyclopean shoes.

  20. Mr. Perceval has been shot in the lobby of the House of Commons; there is an account come from London to Truro written after the newspapers were printed.

  21. It was said that Lord North held an interview with Fox in the lobby of Drury Lane Theatre.

  22. As Miss Woodville was not yet sufficiently wealthy to order a portrait from the great painter, a group of enthusiastic amateurs had raised the necessary money in order to decorate the lobby of the theatre with the portrait.

  23. Now, this shows the public elevators, the lobby way in front of the elevators, and then a hall that extends the length of the third floor from north to south.

  24. That was in the lobby or in near the lobby of the jail office.

  25. On the evening after their return to the city they sat in a corner of the comfortless lobby at the hotel.

  26. After supper one evening they sat in the lobby of their shabby hotel in a gloomy mood.

  27. A belated lounger glanced up in surprise as Waring, booted and spurred, entered the lobby with a man in pajamas.

  28. As he entered the hallway leading to his room three men rose from the leather chairs near the lobby window and followed him.

  29. She muffled herself in this cloak, hurried downstairs with a soft but rapid step, and went out into the garden through a little lobby near John Mellish's room.

  30. She threw her cloak aside upon the lobby bench, and went through a passage leading to the hall.

  31. The room in which these gentlemen were seated was separated from the general suite of apartments by a lobby off the landing-place, and served for Lady Beaumanoir's boudoir.

  32. Elizabeth stood in the lobby waiting for her cab, and watched the scene.

  33. The white steps of the stairs were washed, and the linoleum in the lobby was polished until it became a danger to the unwary walker.

  34. Jessie," to her daughter, who at that moment came into the lobby from the kitchen, "get down another fruit dish.

  35. In the lobby downstairs half a dozen war correspondents had gathered in a little knot.

  36. At one side of the small lobby was a desk.

  37. She rose and left the box, and as she passed through the narrow lobby outside she came face to face with Sir Percy Carlyon.

  38. The lobby was well nigh deserted, but Colonels Smith and Powell and a few more officers sat by one of the big open doors having a farewell smoke and chat before going to bed.

  39. On his days off, between flights, nothing suited him quite so well as sitting in the narrow lobby of his own hotel, the old Prince George, listening to the scraps of conversation that drifted unbidden to his ears.

  40. One of the men whom McWayne had instructed to shadow Tom sat in the lobby just in front of the elevator.

  41. Fearing a scene, he told Tom that he would speak to the ticket-takers in the lobby to be on the lookout for ticket H 77.

  42. They walked off together, and in a little while they were seated in the lobby of an up–town hotel and Clavering was telling the story of his life—or what he chose to tell of it—to General Brandon.

  43. Came out of Division Lobby with flying colours and majority of 117.

  44. The railroad interest was fully represented in the lobby at Washington, and congress provided for an additional justice.

  45. During one of the sessions there had appeared in the lobby an excellent man, Dr.

  46. I opened the glass door and found myself in a lobby with a door on the right.

  47. The lobby of the Harburger House was large, and gloomy in its old-fashioned black-walnut woodwork.

  48. Philo Gubb walked across the lobby to the clerk's desk.

  49. Except for one man sitting at a desk by the window and writing industriously, and the clerk behind the counter, the lobby was untenanted.

  50. He got up and strolled into the lobby again, and went to the desk.

  51. Sometime after midnight, when he had finished, he went out for a breath of fresh air, and as he returned he found Oliver and his friend standing in the lobby of the hotel.

  52. He saw Bates's glance sweep the lobby and rest upon him.

  53. He was sitting in the lobby reading a paper, and he noticed an elderly gentleman with a grey goatee and rather florid complexion who passed down the corridor before him.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lobby" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    access; advocate; approach; cajole; coax; court; crusade; draw; entrance; entry; exhort; faction; foyer; hall; heavyweight; importune; influence; insist; key; lobby; lobbyist; lounge; magnetize; manipulator; nag; passage; plead; portal; portico; press; pressure; push; recommend; threshold; urge; vestibule; wheedle