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Example sentences for "lobbied"

Lexicographically close words:
loathsome; loathsomeness; loaves; lobate; lobbed; lobbies; lobbing; lobby; lobbying; lobbyist
  1. Congress at this very time was spinning out laws in behalf of capitalist interests; granting public lands, public funds, protective tariffs and manifold other measures demanded or lobbied for by existing or projected corporations.

  2. Complete streets of lobbied cottages grew at angles from the main road with the rapidity of that plant which pushes out strangling branches more quickly than a man can run.

  3. The house was at the corner of Trafalgar Road and a side-street that had lobbied cottages down its slope.

  4. And these lobbied cottages were at once occupied.

  5. This assertion is borne out by every woman who lobbied at Baton Rouge and by all the fair-minded men.

  6. Mrs. Darrow and Mrs. de Lendrecie of the State Suffrage League lobbied for it.

  7. Miss Clay went to Washington and lobbied for it with all the prestige of her family back of her and with all her commanding ability, supporting it by unanswerable argument.

  8. While these violent tactics were being followed the Union worked also along legitimate lines, organized parades, lobbied in Congress, attended committee hearings, went to political conventions, interviewed candidates and worked unceasingly.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lobbied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.