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Example sentences for "lobbies"

Lexicographically close words:
loathsomeness; loaves; lobate; lobbed; lobbied; lobbing; lobby; lobbying; lobbyist; lobbyists
  1. The boards of the stairs and lobbies were bare, and a little dust lay on the wall and bannister, indicating the neglected state of a house abandoned by its tenants for a journey or a very long stay in the country.

  2. Papa's confidence, therefore, was very reasonably justified, and the matter was looked upon by those sages of the lobbies who count the shadowy noses of unborn Houses of Commons as settled.

  3. The dense masses which filled every inch of the room in the lobbies and in the galleries remained immovable.

  4. Tom said he had found Mr. Robert Grant walking about in the lobbies of the House of Commons, and saying that he wanted somebody to defend his place in the Government, which he heard was going to be attacked.

  5. It is no uncommon thing for the more prosperous and well-dressed prostitutes to solicit trade in the lobbies of these hotels.

  6. The earnest party man becomes a silent drudge, tramping at intervals through lobbies to record his vote and wondering why he came to Westminster at all.

  7. Alike in the lobbies and the newspapers the question was debated, 'What is he going to do?

  8. But Church reform which is the product of a Cabinet checked and controlled by party Whips and guided by House of Commons lobbies is surely in its nature a monstrosity, possibly a profanity, certainly a farce.

  9. I wonder where he is,' said Mr Lupton to Mr Beauchamp Beauclerk in one of the lobbies of the House.

  10. The lobbies were grottoes rich with ferns.

  11. He was only seeking some legal means of continuing his singular warfare, which was "nuts" to all the Paris loungers, for the adventure had been blazed about in the lobbies of the theaters and other public places.

  12. She was spoken of everywhere--in the lobbies of the Bourse, and even at the parliamentary refreshment bars.

  13. As many influential Americans had become interested in the rights of the French company, they began a campaign in the lobbies of Congress to secure the adoption of that route.

  14. Thiers, again restored to favour since the disasters, demonstrates in the committees and in the lobbies that this march is the way to utter ruin.

  15. The lower lobbies were encumbered by National Guards rolled up in their blankets.

  16. Every day they became more nervous, being deprived of their creature-comforts, obliged to camp in the lobbies of the castle of Versailles, exposed to all winds and to all panics.

  17. In one of the lobbies he encountered Fraide surrounded by a group of friends.

  18. More frequent knots discuss the status in hotel lobbies and even in the passages of the departments; careful non-partisans keep their lips tightly closed, and hot talk, pro or con, begins to grow more popular.

  19. People crowded into Dover from over the State and hot arguments took place in hotel lobbies and on the streets.

  20. Gallery and lobbies were thronged and only time limited the oratory.

  21. This council placed suffrage slides in moving picture houses and suffrage posters in the lobbies of theaters; and had a page advertisement of suffrage in every theater program.

  22. I got off the train at Indianapolis, and went into one of the numerous lobbies of hell near the depot.

  23. I told you aloud some day in one of the lobbies of the Assembly what you ask me to repeat here in a whisper.

  24. People hurried out into the lobbies to see him pass by.

  25. Roberts; and the Collins contract, which its editor will also personally advocate in the lobbies of Congress for a moderate compensation.

  26. There are pests who swarm through the lobbies of the Congress and the cocktail bars of Washington, representing these special groups as opposed to the basic interests of the Nation as a whole.

  27. It wasn't government and Washington lobbies that turned education around; it was the American people who, in reaching for excellence, knew to reach back to basics.

  28. The dense masses which filled every inch of room in the lobbies and the galleries, remained immovable.

  29. This scene we shall behold; and hundreds of American citizens, as many as may crowd into these lobbies and galleries, will behold it also: with what feelings I do not undertake to say.

  30. Climbing over the empty benches, tumbling over one another in the gangways, they made for the outer lobbies and sprang into the court-yards from every window.

  31. The deputies were wandering about the lobbies like men distraught, living on rumours, and quite without information.

  32. He ended by questioning the young journalist, surprised as he was that so many deputies should be in the lobbies when the sitting was in progress.

  33. It was the announcement of Mege's interpellation, following the terrible article of the "Voix du Peuple," which thus set the lobbies in an uproar.

  34. She'd seen them framed in the lobbies at musical shows she'd been to with Rodney.

  35. During the Kansas boom of 1886 the land-boomers had their desks in the lobbies of banks, the windows of hardware stores--any place and every place offering room for a desk and chair.

  36. Corrupt Indian agents made fortunes, and the Beef Ring at Washington, one of the most despicable lobbies which ever fattened there, now wrote its brief and unworthy history.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lobbies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.