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Example sentences for "exhort"

Lexicographically close words:
exhilarate; exhilarated; exhilarates; exhilarating; exhilaration; exhortation; exhortations; exhorte; exhorted; exhorter
  1. But concernynge the translacion of this Boke: I exhort ye reders to take no displesour for y^t it is nat translated word by worde acordinge to ye verses of my actour.

  2. But concernynge the translacion of this boke; I exhort ye reders to take no displesour for y^t, it is nat translated word by worde acordinge to ye verses of my actour.

  3. I exhort you to proceed in a peaceable and lawful manner; but, at the same time, to proceed with zeal and resolution in the attainment of this object.

  4. I would exhort the young to respect religion, in whatever form they find it, and to have a high and just regard for the rights and feelings of professing Christians of every class.

  5. But we have as good and perfect a right to exhort slaveholders to liberate their slaves as we have to exhort them to practice any virtue or avoid any vice.

  6. He bore them with perfect resignation, and continued to exhort those who surrounded his bed of death so to conduct themselves in this life as to leave it with a peaceful conscience.

  7. With other sins he can have patience, that he may exhort and incite us to repentance.

  8. Embracing that faithful word which is according to doctrine, that he may be able to exhort in sound doctrine and to convince the gainsayers.

  9. Young men, in like manner, exhort that they be sober.

  10. Exhort servants to be obedient to their masters: in all things pleasing, not gainsaying: 2:10.

  11. These things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority.

  12. To give notice of danger to; to warn; to exhort [one] to take heed.

  13. Language could not more forcibly exhort the people to be satisfied with no concessions merely commercial; but to insist that their country should be acknowledged as an independent, though not a separate state.

  14. Your distress has left the Repeal Association without funds to aid your contest, and we can do no more than to exhort and to advise.

  15. They often exhort people to 'cease to do evil and learn to do well;' but they never urge them to regard their sacrifices as types or manifestations of the sacrifice of Christ.

  16. He went to his palace to exhort him to patience, and found him lying on his bed as ill as ever, surrounded by a great many of his friends, and several physicians, who used all their art to discover the cause of his disorder.

  17. Ebn Thaher, who only wished to get out of the palace, was obliged to comfort them, and to exhort them to have patience: but the trusty slave again interrupted them.

  18. Above all, exhort her to moderation, and to overcome her feelings, for fear she should drop before the caliph some word, which may prove fatal to us all.

  19. Well, go on, because it will soon be time for you to be getting down to the meeting-house to exhort the hands.

  20. Why, what are the hands going to do for some one to exhort them on Sunday.

  21. Moreover, brethren, as you learnt from our lips the lives which you ought to live, and do live, so as to please God, we beg and exhort you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live them more and more truly.

  22. And we exhort you, brethren, admonish the unruly, comfort the timid, sustain the weak, and be patient towards all.

  23. In congratulating him upon his elevation to the papal dignity, he took occasion to exhort him to do away with the many abuses which had become so widely spread in the Church by worldly influences.

  24. Ebn Thaher, whose chief business was to get out of the palace, was obliged to comfort them, and to exhort them to have patience.

  25. Let me exhort all of you, old and young, to read and search for its hidden treasures, for therein are contained the words of eternal life.

  26. His Word is full of them; and I most affectionately exhort every one here to-day to go to that Word and find the water of eternal life.

  27. I fear we do not speak and exhort one another as plainly and warmly as we should on this most essential part of every true believer's experience and life.

  28. Brethren and sisters, I must exhort you to remember the text.

  29. I exhort every one, both old and young, to study God's Word for the truth it contains, represented by the beautiful symbols set before you therein.

  30. In words as nearly like the above as I can give them, and in many others, did the brother exhort the church.

  31. In sweet-toned language he did her exhort To look to Him who "bottles up each tear" His children shed while in deep sorrow here.

  32. Shifts the scene into a Court, Near to suffocation full; Counsel unto lies resort, And the jury loud exhort To make proceedings null.

  33. He hears them exhort him to "let the world talk on--to stand like a tower unshaken by the winds.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exhort" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    exhort them; exhorted them; exhorting them; exhorts them