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Example sentences for "distributive"

Lexicographically close words:
distributes; distributing; distribution; distributional; distributions; distributor; distributors; district; districts; distrito
  1. Of this there are two kinds, Distributive and Corrective (II.

  2. Distributive Justice is a kind of equality or proportion in the distribution of property, honours, &c.

  3. Particular Justice is of two kinds, Distributive and Corrective.

  4. The technology of interconnecting provides means for distributive task strategies.

  5. Moreover, self-configuration, parallelism, and distributive strategies are brought to expression in simulations of the future.

  6. The distributive nature of market transactions cannot be held captive to the centralism of literacy without affecting the efficiency of market mediation.

  7. Hence, distributive justice is found not only in the heads of a state, or family, or other body, but also in the subordinates who are content with the fair distributions made by the heads.

  8. An indication of the specific difference between distributive and commutative justice is that the same individual may be just in private matters and unjust in public matters.

  9. The former relations are governed by distributive justice, which is defined as the virtue that inclines the ruler, as the representative of the community, to portion out the public goods (e.

  10. Grave injustice against distributive justice would be done in not proceeding according to the legal method, and some degree of injustice might be done to an eligible who is illegally removed from a list, passed over, etc.

  11. They differ in their special form; for distributive justice seeks equality and the golden mean, according to proportion, while commutative justice seeks the same according to quantity (see 1712).

  12. On account of the inequality or equality of the individuals between whom it exists, particular justice is subdivided into distributive and commutative, which are distinct species of justice.

  13. Thus, distributive injustice is accompanied by violation of a strict right of society when an unfair distribution is contrary to agreement made with the community (e.

  14. If the claim of the soldier was extinguished by receiving two shillings in the pound of the speculator, upon what principle is it contended that the latter should receive more than distributive justice?

  15. In Pennsylvania they mostly use sugar; now, if the people there pay a tax on that article, it is but distributive justice that the people of Massachusetts pay one on the article they use for the same purpose.

  16. Are there any marks of a distributive justice in the world?

  17. The distinction between the collective and distributive use of a term is of importance, because the confusion of the two is a favourite source of fallacy.

  18. So that by the 'fallacy of division' is now meant arguing from the collective to the distributive use of a term.

  19. It is doubtless this last example which has led to a convenient misuse of the term 'fallacy of composition' among modern writers, by whom it is defined to consist in arguing from the distributive to the collective use of a term.

  20. This, he says, is an axiom of justice as well as of mathematics; and he asks whether there is not a true coincidence between commutative and distributive justice, and arithmetical and geometrical proportion.

  21. I ask whether the most profound lawyer who never heard perhaps this axiom would be led to it by his notions of commutative and distributive justice.

  22. The Theories of Socialism and Anarchism=] Such is the status of the experimental development in associated manufacturing and distributive enterprise.

  23. Since you already have a pretty good idea of the working of the distributive system, let us begin at that end.

  24. These estimates, with a proper margin for security, having been accepted by the general administration, the responsibility of the distributive department ceases until the goods are delivered to it.

  25. It does not belong to distributive justice, nor is the magistrate bound to apportion it to the malignity of the offence, though this is usual.

  26. And, coming to consider the peculiar qualities of moral actions, he introduces the distinction of perfect and imperfect rights, objecting to that of Grotius and the Roman lawyers, expletive and distributive justice.

  27. For the conservation of an aggregate whole is the same as that of its divided parts, that is, of single persons, which requires a distributive exercise of the powers of each.

  28. The style was to be the perfection of French eloquence, the reasoning persuasive rather than dogmatic, the arrangement more methodical and distributive than at present, but without the excess we find in our old preachers.

  29. Fifthly--In order to bring about such a distributive outcome as will recommend the policy of wage settlement to the wage earners and to the community in general, some profits test should be devised.

  30. Labor unionism is a factor in the formation of relatively separate groups of wage earners, because each autonomous, or practically autonomous, trade union is a point of pressure upon the distributive mechanism.

  31. The distributive situation is never one of static equilibrium.

  32. They occasion changes in the distributive situation; and these changes may be desirable or undesirable--having reference to the distributive result that is sought.

  33. Changes in the distributive situation that are unfavorable--judged by reference to the distributive outcome to be sought by any policy of wage settlement--must be prevented, if possible.

  34. We can now enter upon the further question of whether the principles so far formulated, if used in wage settlement, would produce such distributive results as would justify them to the wage earners and the community in general.

  35. The concept of normal equilibrium is inadequate to account for the distributive situation at any given time; it is misleading with regard to prospective policy.

  36. The ultimate distributive question to be met is the division of the product between profit and wages.

  37. The scope and form of any measure designed to assure the desired distributive outcome can be discerned.

  38. This profits test should be used to mark and measure the distributive situation in industry as a whole, indicating, as it will, the share in the product of industry that is taking the form of profits.

  39. It is derived from an analysis of the distributive process which does not fit all the facts.

  40. Such are typical questions in the study of distributive justice.

  41. His object was to show the causes and nature of value, wages, and interest, not to estimate the moral claims of the agents of production, or the morality of the distributive process.

  42. On the other hand, the number of mediocre business men, especially in the distributive industries, is much larger than is necessary to supply the wants of the community.

  43. To have proved that the landlord gets what his land produces is not to have proved that the landlord earns his distributive share.

  44. To the relation of apposition, it may be proper also to refer the construction of a singular noun taken in a distributive sense and repeated after by to denote order; as, "They went out one by one.

  45. The foregoing examples are plain, but similar expressions sometimes require care, lest the distributive or collective term be so placed that its construction and meaning may be misapprehended.

  46. A distributive term in the singular number, is frequently construed in apposition with a comprehensive plural; as, "They reap vanity, every one with his neighbour.

  47. A distributive adjective denotes each one of a number considered separately.

  48. A distributive adjective, denotes each one of a number considered separately.

  49. The distributive pronominal adjectives each, every, either, agree with the nouns, pronouns, and verbs of the singular number only.

  50. Justice is of two kinds, distributive and corrective.

  51. Distributive justice assigns honours and rewards according to the worth of the individuals involved.

  52. The distributive form of tchû't’na refers to each of the various manipulations performed by the conjurer on the patient.

  53. How can distributive justice be said to obtain in this world?

  54. The rule for dividing profit and loss among partners; -- called also partnership, company, and distributive proportion.

  55. Note: The word multiplication is sometimes used in mathematics, particularly in multiple algebra, to denote any distributive operation expressed by one symbol upon any quantity or any thing expressed by another symbol.

  56. He has his gaze fixed on the New Jerusalem of "co-operative production" and "distributive justice.

  57. Observe how the distributive force of the sentence is expressed by repeating the whole phrase.

  58. The labour saved in manufacture would pass, as it does now, to intensify the competition of the distributive trades and to subdivide into needlessly small fragments the necessary but limited amount of distributive work.

  59. Only within the last few years have a few gigantic retail distributive businesses shown a tendency to apply steam and electricity to mechanical contrivances for purposes of distribution.

  60. In every town in Ireland efforts should be made to democratize the distributive agencies, and the workers will have many allies in this, driven by the increased cost of living to search out the most economical agencies of purchase.

  61. But it is not mainly as an aid to the strike that I advocate democratizing the distributive trade, but because control over distribution gives a large measure of control over production.

  62. The history of co-operative workshops indicates that these have rarely been successful unless worked in conjunction with distributive stores.

  63. Co-operators might double, treble, or quadruple the distributive trade, and still occupy only a very secondary position in national life unless they enter more largely upon production.

  64. The term “great men” is distributive in the premises and collective in the conclusion.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distributive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.