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Example sentences for "aberration"

Lexicographically close words:
abed; abeen; abeout; aber; aberrant; aberrations; abesse; abest; abet; abets
  1. Planetaryÿaberration is that due to the motion of light and the motion of the planet relative to the earth.

  2. The grinding of spherical lenses was greatly improved by Huygens, who also attempted to reduce chromatic aberration in the refracting telescope by introducing a stop (i.

  3. Huygens observed that spherical aberration was diminished by making the deviations of the rays at the two lenses equal, and Ruggiero Giuseppe Boscovich subsequently pointed out that the combination was achromatic.

  4. An aberration known as bella, Gerhard, has a yellowish mark at end of the cell on the upper side of the fore wings, and at least one such variety has been taken in England.

  5. Other examples of aberration on the under side are shown on Plate 119.

  6. Except that the colour varies in the direction of a pale golden tint there is little in the way of aberration in this butterfly.

  7. A curious female aberration has the central black spots much reduced or absent, whilst those on the outer margin are united, and form elongate blotches between the veins, the upper one being wedge-shaped.

  8. An example of this kind of aberration is shown on the plate.

  9. Except in a few instances, where the aberration is of an unusual kind, it is possible to obtain all the intermediate stages, or gradations, between the ordinary form of a species and its most extreme variety.

  10. A not uncommon aberration is without spots between the discal spot and the base of the fore wing; this is known as icarinus.

  11. A specimen exhibiting aberration in this direction is shown on Plate 118, Fig.

  12. An aberration known as testudo has the black spots of the fore wings united, and forming blotches on the front and inner areas; the ground colour of the fore wings is lighter, and the hind wings are blacker.

  13. The left-hand figure at the bottom of Plate 68 shows an aberration approaching this form, whilst the right-hand figure comes close to var.

  14. This is a parallel aberration to that of the Chalk Hill Blue known as syngrapha, but it seems to be somewhat rarer in this country.

  15. Connected with the suppression of the middle black line above there is usually aberration on the under side of the hind wings also, where the central area is clear of black dots, and the basal area is fulvous, edged and marked with black.

  16. Such an aberration would be referable to obsoleta, Tutt, which is considered to be very rare.

  17. Similar modifications occur on the under side also, but there may be aberration on the upper side of a specimen, and not, or at least not in the same way, on the under side.

  18. How great at first was the confusion, the aberration of my poor brain, under the frightful, heavy blow which fell upon it!

  19. You told me that you had shown respect for dogma, and I still wonder what aberration can have come over you that you should have been so blind to all consciousness of your offences.

  20. If actual mental derangement does not result from an exposure to the causes referred to, a certain degree of eccentricity bordering on the confines of aberration is generally perceptible.

  21. Are they not capable of curbing the expression of their delirium, and dissembling their aberration of intellect?

  22. A person who manifested indications of mental aberration was found in the act of hanging himself.

  23. The early symptoms of mental aberration are as much an evidence of the presence of insanity, as when the disease is more advanced, and the indications become so apparent that no one hesitates in pronouncing the individual mad.

  24. He could not detect the slightest aberration of the mind, nor was there a trait in his countenance of a propensity to commit suicide.

  25. Monogamy is no doubt an old and well-established phylogenetic heritage, while polygamy is on the whole rather an aberration produced by individual power and wealth.

  26. Such aberration can only be explained by suggestive influence on the part of men.

  27. There has existed and still exists more than one aberration of this kind in the intermediate stages of civilization; for instance, torture, slavery and the use of narcotic substances, such as alcohol.

  28. Henry Rayne threw back his curly head and laughed heartily and loud; Guy looked on in open-mouthed astonishment, suspecting a temporary aberration of mind in his uncle.

  29. Aunt Jean was a most fastidious woman, and dressed according to certain rules and regulations, any aberration from which was a gross mistake not to be tolerated.

  30. But this, though a suspension of that reason which comprehends accuracy of judgment, is no more a permanent aberration of reason than were Sir Humphry Davy's visionary ecstasies under the influence of the gas.

  31. Of course there have been attempts made to defend aberration as something justified and voluntary, and even to erect it into an intellectual distinction.

  32. Nature, and to characterize as morbid aberration the better opposing moral instincts, manifesting themselves in us as that which we call conscience.

  33. As it is the most widely diffused, so is Wagnerism the most momentous aberration of the present time.

  34. Nevertheless, in the interpretation of the particular phenomena in which the aberration manifests itself, he commits an error, which is explained by the fact that Dr.

  35. Here there mingles with the aberration that mysticism which is never wanting in the degenerate.

  36. The predilection for strange costume is a pathological aberration of a racial instinct.

  37. Such is the foolish aberration of the ‘cultivators of the “I.

  38. To lie, or touch what was not his own, was beyond the pale of pardon, or mercy, and a solitary aberration was a stain for life.

  39. Soon after the birth of her third child, there was discovered aberration of mind in Mrs. Troup, which terminated in complete alienation.

  40. None ever knew an aberration of virtue in a daughter of one.

  41. But this nervous condition would not involve the mental aberration of which mention had just been made.

  42. And, besides, who isn’t suffering from aberration nowadays?

  43. An aberration in which everything is pardonable.

  44. They found out about aberration as soon as the law courts were reformed.

  45. No State suffered more from the paper-money aberration than Rhode Island.

  46. Democracy seemed an aberration of the human mind, which was bound everywhere to produce the same results in society.

  47. A rare aberration in which the yellow border invades the wing nearly to the middle, obliterating the blue spots, is sometimes found.

  48. An aberration in which the mesial dark transverse band on the secondaries has disappeared was named pseudodorippus by Dr.

  49. A very remarkable aberration in which the yellow spots cover almost the entire outer half of the wings has been found on several occasions, and was named Papilio calverleyi by Grote.

  50. I possess a singular varietal form or aberration from Arizona, in which the black spot on the upper side of the primaries fills the outer half of the cell.

  51. This "aberration of light," as it is called, furnished additional proof that the earth revolves about the sun and was one more nail driven into the coffin of the old Ptolemaic theory that the earth was the center of the universe.

  52. It was thus when Bradley's discovery of the aberration of light enabled him to make the first step towards ascertaining the motions of the stars.

  53. It is characterized by symptoms of aberration of the nervous system and invariably terminates fatally.

  54. Spherical aberration may be located by using stops and zonal screens, and observing the effect on the image.

  55. If the disc appear blurred and coloured, however the focus be adjusted, incomplete correction for chromatic aberration is inferred.

  56. This is to be expected, seeing that spherical aberration is a phenomenon of a differential sort, i.

  57. The forms of lenses which are corrected for chromatic and spherical aberration will be seen in Fig.

  58. Spherical aberration is overcome to a great extent by the use (in connection with the double convex) of a meniscus lens.

  59. The eye piece adjustment was unusually successful, and the remarkable freedom of the objective from any traces of spherical or chromatic aberration gave us an image of surprising clearness.

  60. This is indeed the very summit of aberration and insincerity.

  61. For the merely and exclusively rational man is an aberration and nothing but an aberration.

  62. Atheism is an aberration which implies not only an intellectual blindness, but a moral insensibility.

  63. We have already remarked the same aberration of public taste in the far too materialistic imitations of the spectacle.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aberration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aberration; abnormality; alienation; anomaly; bend; bias; change; corner; crook; curve; declination; deflection; deformity; delusion; dementia; departure; deployment; derangement; detour; deviation; difference; digression; discursion; distortion; distraction; divergence; diversion; division; double; drift; eccentricity; errantry; excursion; fallacy; falseness; falsity; fault; flaw; folie; freak; furor; hairpin; hallucination; heresy; idiosyncrasy; illusion; indirection; inferiority; insanity; irrationality; irregularity; lunacy; madness; mania; misapplication; misconstruction; misinterpretation; misjudgment; monstrosity; nonconformity; oddity; peculiarity; perversion; possession; rambling; separation; sheer; shift; shifting; sickness; sin; singularity; skew; slant; spread; squint; strangeness; straying; superiority; sweep; swerve; swerving; swinging; tack; turn; turning; twist; unbalance; unorthodoxy; untruth; vagary; variation; veer; wandering; warp; whimsy; wrong; skew; slant; spread; squint; strangeness; straying; superiority; sweep; swerve; swerving; swinging; tack; turn; turning; twist; unbalance; unorthodoxy; untruth; vagary; variation; veer; wandering; warp; whimsy; wrong; zigzag