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Example sentences for "variation"

Lexicographically close words:
variance; variances; variant; variants; varias; variational; variations; variaunce; varices; varicocele
  1. By the variation of the relations of the beings which compose the corporeal universe, the sensible might become insensible; and, on the other hand, there are many insensible beings which by a different arrangement might be made sensible.

  2. Such a supposition is no more than the application of the foregoing theory; for, if the relations are variable, this variation may affect distance, which is only a relation.

  3. The eye of God which sees everything, in the popular faith, is a variation of Argos Panoptes, the Vedic Vicvavedas, and the Slavonic Vsievedas, the eye of the goat which sees what is being done in heaven.

  4. The change of wives also occurs in a graceful form (with a variation of the episode of the beauty thrown into the fountain) in the twelfth of the Contes Merveilleux of Porchat, Paris, 1863.

  5. In another variation of the same story,[757] the cat is confederate with the lamb against the wolf; the lamb butts hard at the wolf, while the cat scratches it till blood flows.

  6. A variation of this soldier is the third son of the peasant,[362] who is so strong that with a snap of his fingers he makes the bull and the bear fall dead, and then by a single pinch strips off their skins.

  7. This is a variation of the legend of the young hero, persecuted by his step-mother, who is thrown into the sea, with the novel and remarkable accompaniment that it is his horses themselves which are the cause of his death.

  8. The winds, therefore, seemed to carry to us the sub-Polar inequality of atmospheric variation in temperature and pressure.

  9. A study of Peary's deception on compass variation will prove that.

  10. The necessary conditions for hail are, therefore, a powerful, hot, ascending current of air and great variation in the strata of the atmosphere as regards moisture and temperature.

  11. The story of his preservation in infancy is a variation of the myth common to so many nations, of an infant hero or god, whose life is sought by a wicked king, and who is miraculously saved.

  12. A peculiar variation in this rule has been made by some States, in the so-called turn-tables cases.

  13. The variety of noises furnished by the different characters is a pleasing repetition with variation that is a special element of humor; and the grand chorus of music leaves no doubt as to the climax.

  14. However, there was a variation of opinions among soldiers about tanks drawn from personal experience, when life and death form opinions, of the way it had acted as an auxiliary to their part of the line.

  15. There is no prejudice against the "chocolates," as they are called, who provide variation and amusement, not to mention color.

  16. The variation on shore, on the west side of the bay, may therefore be taken at 9° 24' east.

  17. On board the ship, when coasting along the east side of Vanderlin's Island, and the whole group lay to the west, the variation appeared from the bearings to be as much as 4° east.

  18. In bearings taken on the east side of Bentinck's Island, the variation appeared to be a full degree greater than on the west side of Sweers' Island.

  19. An amplitude at sunset gave the variation 1° 9', with the ship's head S.

  20. The variation from amplitude at sunset, was 2° 33', with the ship's head S.

  21. These being reduced to the meridian, will give the true variation to be 8° 40' east.

  22. Whatever be its cause, however, the co-existence of this tendency to minor variation with the tendency to general similarity, is of vast importance in its bearing on the question of the origin of species.

  23. Our ignorance of the laws of variation is profound.

  24. A race is a propagated variety; and as, by the laws of reproduction, offspring tend to assume the parental form, they will be more likely to propagate a variation exhibited by both parents than that possessed by only one.

  25. In that case it is either better fitted (when the variation may be called useful), or worse fitted, to cope with them.

  26. We greatly suspect that she does make considerable jumps in the way of variation now and then, and that these saltations give rise to some of the gaps which appear to exist in the series of known forms.

  27. An inventor, being the first to produce a given organization, and desiring to patent it, may see at once a patentable variation on the device.

  28. In support of this a factory superintendent testified that varied stocks required skill and judgment in their treatment and more or less variation as to the strength of acid, temperature, etc.

  29. The variation of the angle w'1 by the second system is deduced from the equation to the convergence, viz.

  30. Towards the head and on the limbs the spots tend to become solid, but there is great local variation in regard to their form and arrangement.

  31. The first ground for this variation was its being a separate conquest made before the treaty had actually taken place.

  32. Six of these administrative counties coincide geographically with ancient counties, while most of the remaining ones represent no wide variation from the historic areas upon which they are based.

  33. Variation among them, in both structure and procedure, is at least as common and as wide as among the governments of the American commonwealths.

  34. A variation of the township was the burgh, or borough, whose population was apt to be larger and whose political independence was greater; but its arrangements for government approximated closely those of the ordinary township.

  35. Only one pair in four hundred will therefore transmit the variation to five per cent.

  36. The arguments we commonly hear appear to imply that one parent is sufficient to secure the transmission of a beneficial variation to the next generation.

  37. And as their offspring, or some of them, will carry the profitable variation somewhat further, the stream of life will thus be set in such a direction as will ultimately bring about what might at first appear impossible metamorphoses.

  38. The facts seem to admit of no other interpretation than that variation is not [as Darwin supposed] indeterminate, but that there is in living matter an inherent determination in favour of variation in the higher direction.

  39. Variation supplies the raw material upon which Natural Selection is supposed to work.

  40. The question is discussed in "Variation under Domestication," Edition II.

  41. According to Darwin ("Variation of Animals and Plants," 2nd edition, II.

  42. Hooker made the same remark that it ought to have been "Variation and Natural Selection.

  43. Not but what I believe what we must call perhaps a dozen distinct laws are all struggling against each other in every variation which ever arises.

  44. I have been reworking my pigeons and other domestic animals, and I am sure that any one is right in saying that selection is the efficient cause, though, as you truly say, variation is the base of all.

  45. The analogous variation of distinct species in the same regions strikes me as particularly curious.

  46. Natural Selection, owing to the fewness of individuals which can inhabit small areas; and where there are few individuals variation at most must be slower.

  47. Variation is effected by graduated changes; and the tendency of varieties, both in nature and under cultivation, when further varying, is rather to depart more and more widely from the original type than to revert to it.

  48. The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication," 1868.

  49. Variation of Animals and Plants," Edition I.

  50. It will, then, appear that the type of insomnia is liable to variation with the course of each individual malady; and its treatment must vary accordingly.

  51. The variation of intellectual function which appears in sleep serves to measure its profundity and to indicate the extent of its invasion.

  52. Like normal sleep, the comatose condition admits considerable variation of intensity.

  53. Not a surprising variation when one considers how oral tradition, unchecked by written annals, distorts facts.

  54. Such a study would also furnish valuable data for determining precisely the variation of form which alteration of conditions causes in the development of such a struggle.

  55. The change in the character of the Evidences with the growth of time, according to the alteration of attack described above, is apparent, but not the variation at the same date in different parts of the world.

  56. This story of the cocoa-nut stone was so constantly told me, and in every case without any variation in its details, that I made every effort before leaving to obtain some specimens, and eventually succeeded in obtaining two.

  57. The continents, the variation in the direction of the coast line, the different depths of the ocean, the narrowness of channels, all interfere to modify it.

  58. Any variation in temperature brings a point on the thermometer arm in contact with one of these points, and thus gives the initial start to the series of operations without opposing any friction to the free motion of the instrument.

  59. These are the functions and capacities of living organisms in general, and in particular those of variation and inheritance, of development and self-differentiation.

  60. Here De Vries utilises the recent statistical investigations into the phenomena of individual variation and their laws, as formulated chiefly by Quetelet and Bateson, which were unknown to Darwin and the earlier Darwinians.

  61. To the others variation seems to have taken place by leaps and bounds, with relatively sudden transformations of the functional and structural equilibrium on a large scale.

  62. Further, by those of the one side variation is regarded as occurring by the smallest steps that could have selective value in the struggle for existence.

  63. Every part, every function of an organism may be subject individually to variation and selection.

  64. It is certainly not the sorry explanation in terms of "Variation and Selection," but that of a spontaneous imitation of the surroundings, that forces itself irresistibly upon us in this connection.

  65. The supply of food, whether abundant or scanty, is one of the most efficient causes of variation known to be within the control of man.

  66. Among what are usually reckoned the more active causes of variation may be named climate, food, and habit.

  67. In 1892 it had drawn attention to the great variation among unions in the amount of alcoholic drink consumed.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "variation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.