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Example sentences for "sputtering"

Lexicographically close words:
spurts; sputa; spute; sputter; sputtered; sputum; spy; spyces; spye; spyed
  1. The Indian warning had come, and the sputtering told him that the fire was almost at the powder horn.

  2. The sputtering of the fire increased, and he knew that it was rapidly approaching the horn of powder.

  3. The sputtering was not yet loud enough for the warriors on the bank to hear it, and he ventured to rise high enough for another look over the edge of the canoe.

  4. Well, I'll be double horn-swoggled," shouted the same bluff voice that had framed the question and the next minute there was a splash and loud sputtering sounds of indignation.

  5. By this time the boys and the others were on deck and as they heard and amazedly recognized the sputtering voice there came from them a delighted hail of: "Ben Stubbs!

  6. With a gasp of astonishment the young man struck a sputtering match and bent down waving it before him.

  7. Even his figure remained shadowy in the sputtering gleam.

  8. Ferguson shielded the sputtering blue flame with his hands, but even while he shielded it, the match was struck from his fingers, and he was locked in a pair of powerful arms.

  9. As the icy bath submerged the freshmen, Dan Jordan, sputtering and gasping, bounded to his feet.

  10. After leaving Tessibel he walked up the long lane leaning on the arm of his son, sputtering against his enemies.

  11. Bill had his way in paying for the order and turned to lounge against the bar when his eye caught sight of that which drew from him a torrent of sputtering oaths and a harsh command.

  12. Sputtering and swearing Cock went through to the end; it was useless, as he knew, to try to climb out over those smooth abrupt walls, and he was too obstinate to leave his saddle.

  13. Burning brands, carried along by the wind, were dropping in the creek now, hissing and sputtering as they struck the water where they soon became blackened embers.

  14. She scored a perfect hit and Helen, sputtering and wondering what it was all about, popped up in bed.

  15. Billy Fenstow, digging sand out of his ears and sputtering heartily, was the first to speak.

  16. He stood reflectively, the sputtering light of the match illuminating his thoughtful face.

  17. Their volubility is proof against the hush laid upon the forest by the westering sun, and you can hear them sputtering their way through the underbrush from afar.

  18. You hear a handful of the time-and-weatherworn shingles jump and go sputtering down the roof.

  19. The odor from the sputtering bacon whetted their appetites, and all but Bill devoted their energies to hurrying the coffee and to such good purpose that they disproved the old saying, "A watched pot never boils.

  20. Ignorant of the height, caring little, eager only to gain the water, the boys felt their horses leap through the air and the next minute were sputtering and gasping as they sank below the surface of the river.

  21. Their gaze went to the sputtering candle.

  22. He had done some emphatic sputtering because he had neglected to take the one on Thursday.

  23. He had not seen me and I did not see him until the squirrel suddenly exploded with a sputtering rush of squirrel words.

  24. A squirrel went down to investigate but quickly climbed a pine sputtering and threatening.

  25. On the bank the cubs hesitated for a moment before passing a sputtering squirrel who was denouncing them for youthful pranks.

  26. There was silence, broken only by the crackling of the burning wood and the sputtering of the sap from the logs.

  27. When at last my head broke through into the air, I hung to the rock, sputtering and gasping.

  28. The sputtering sword cannot make him blink, and his thoughts are wet and rippling.

  29. The gas-lamp in front of the house flared up, And the keyhole was as big as a barn door; The gas-lamp flickered away to a sputtering blue star, And the keyhole went out with it.

  30. Carroll was sputtering and almost frothing at the mouth with rage which he made no effort to suppress.

  31. The only thing of life was the still sputtering arc light.

  32. The queer log, or cylinder, lay there with a red coal sputtering at one end, a burning fuse.

  33. Conches brayed somewhere, followed by an unaccountable, sputtering fusillade as of tiny muskets, and then by a formidable silence.

  34. Sputtering and gasping, Aldrich rose out of the water, and, while we balanced the boat, climbed over the side.

  35. It falls short some twenty yards and lies smoking and sputtering in the sand.

  36. When the heat of the oven is just right, the meat will keep up a continuous gentle sputtering in the pan.

  37. If no sputtering can be heard, the heat is insufficient.

  38. Now the niggerheads start with a pounding and sputtering that make the bridge quiver.

  39. A flickering, sputtering candle, lights up the interior of a large canvas-covered wagon.

  40. By the time Mamma returns, a feeble light is sputtering upon the table, and Franz is awkwardly trying to force upon Leslie some refreshments from the choice supply left from their late repast.

  41. The light in the room is increased by a sputtering additional candle, and Papa Francoise, sitting by the deal table, is gazing toward the door, an eager expectant look upon his face.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sputtering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    beating; dancing; desultory; drumming; flickering; fluttering; fluttery; palpitant; pounding; spattering; sputtering; staccato; throbbing; thrumming; thumping; unsteady; wavering