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Example sentences for "sputter"

Lexicographically close words:
spurted; spurting; spurts; sputa; spute; sputtered; sputtering; sputum; spy; spyces
  1. I heard the sputter of the red embers and smelled the wood smoke; I peered into the dark shadows watching and listening for I knew not what.

  2. There was a sputter and a cloud of steam, Greaser lazily swore in Mexican; he got up to move the stew-pot and dropped the lasso.

  3. There arose a sputter of musketry, then a sound of voices and of running feet, heavy on the sodden earth.

  4. Firing ahead, sir, and those negroes are getting ready to stampede—” There broke and increased a wild night-time sputter of minies.

  5. They were awakened after eleven o'clock by a sputter of rifle shots.

  6. The six generals rose, leaving the little fire to sputter out.

  7. While I was hunting for a few crumbs of hard-tack in my lean haversack, there came a sudden sputter of pistol shots on the banks of the stream, and I saw scores of men running, revolver in hand, to the scene.

  8. Horses in rear struggle to rush to the front, and as we sputter out of the sand and strike the grassy slopes beyond the timber belt all break into a lope.

  9. The others thereupon took to flight, with such a deal of sputter and noise as made it quite apparent that their astonishment was unfeigned.

  10. But the gruel did not hiss and sputter as angrily, nor did the erst glowing cinders look so black, as did Mr William Jarker when he found "the missus still abed," and Mrs Sims in possession.

  11. The next sputter might stall a filthy motor to a "conk" in mid-air, might back-fire flame into the carburetor.

  12. Hal zoomed high, then circled low again, sending his engine into such a sputter that it began to miss and he had to shoot the juice to it and fly straight for a stretch.

  13. Nor out of negligence and inadvertency should we sputter out reproachful speech; shooting ill words at rovers, or not regarding who stands in our way.

  14. A bleak vista of volcanic ash dotted with sputter cones opened before them.

  15. He dropped to a lower altitude, barely a hundred feet above the sputter cones.

  16. Sea anemones and rock oysters sputter and choke, and there is a fine fury of readjustment.

  17. There was a sputter and scurry in the alley behind.

  18. And when the sputter and crackle of musketry began far out at the picket-posts in the dead hours of the night, men in camp would roll over and grunt something to the effect that those fellows were making dashed fools of themselves again.

  19. The air is ringing with the blare of battery bugles and the sputter of file-firing.

  20. There was a click and sputter of blue flame from forward and a scimitar of brilliant light slashed the curtain of gloom within.

  21. Then came a sputter of flame as a match was struck, and then the steady glow of a lamp or lantern.

  22. Pity overcame rage, and the Doctor could not even sputter at his son-in-law.

  23. He lifted his pen to sign off the aspirations of a young lifetime when the sounder began to snap and sputter his call.

  24. Then, coughing as the acrid fumes arose from the sputter of blue flame, he applied the alcohol-soaked torch.

  25. Now intense silence reigned, broken only by the sputter of the smoking torches.

  26. The sputter of the craft alongside was now punctuated by such a volley of curses that he raised his voice again: "Belay that chatter, will you?

  27. They were still in eager, almost breathless chat when the crack of whip and sputter of hoofs and wheels through gravelly sands told that the inspector's ambulance had come.

  28. In the dead silence that ensued within the room the sputter of hoofs without broke harshly on the ear.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sputter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.