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Example sentences for "spurts"

Lexicographically close words:
spurring; spurs; spurt; spurted; spurting; sputa; spute; sputter; sputtered; sputtering
  1. I peered through and could see nothing at first, but our people fired again, and immediately I saw hundreds of little spurts of fire--a whole line of them.

  2. Comes a darkling to windward and the sea stirs uneasily; jets and spurts of broken water appear over the teeth and spit of rocky ledges.

  3. White steam spurts from the exhausts with every thrust of their power.

  4. Rifleman spurts ahead in a rush that sets the surrounding life-boats to eddy in her wash.

  5. From gaping wounds of the crippled vessels a full tide of seawater gushes and spurts to join the troubled wash below.

  6. Where blood comes in spurts from a cut, what does this mean?

  7. Its movements become irregular, it stops and throws itself about so that the water spurts up round it.

  8. He cannot reach them with his knife, so he sits up, and at the same moment the leader seizes him by the neck so that the blood spurts out over the white snow.

  9. It eats firewood, so that the fire spurts out of its mouth.

  10. Spurts of rifle fire ran round the scrub above Taylor's Hollow and on Walden's Point.

  11. Men pull themselves up over the parapet and, regaining their feet, rush for the opposing parapet with its angry spurts of flame.

  12. It was rather short; the spurts tuckered me quite a bit.

  13. And now Taylor took the initiative and increased his speed, for, as Trevor had expected, the short spurts had made him nervous.

  14. Spurts of sparks fly from their iron heels brightly in the twilight.

  15. Then, quite suddenly, the dull blue above the broadening band of colour began to twinkle and sparkle with little spurts and splashes of bright yellow flame.

  16. Spurts of hatred shot out of the speaker's dark eyes; eyes which in kindlier moods were lighted by intelligence.

  17. A dozen men, as it seemed to me, swarmed out from divers places to dispute our passing, and shots were being fired in the dark, their starting-point betrayed by vicious little spurts of flame.

  18. So, while Frosty fired at the spurts of red and cursed me for stopping there, I crouched behind my dead horse and fought back with evil in my heart and a mighty poor aim.

  19. The pals, on this occasion six in number, were compelled to curb their tendencies to fun and frolic; though there were some very tempting and well-nigh irresistible inducements to spurts as the game rose or scudded before them.

  20. Spurts of flame from the great shells rose out of the bowels of the earth, softening with their glow the sharp, concentrated, vicious snaps of light from shrapnel.

  21. Over the wavy line of chalk for the front of the attack broke the flashes of cracking shrapnel jackets, whose bullets were whipping up spurts of chalk like spurts of dust on a road from a hailstorm.

  22. The ground out in front belched quick spurts of flame and smoke, boiled up anew in another devil's cauldron of destruction.

  23. As they all followed his hand, outstretched towards some trees on a hill, on the other side of the harbour, overlooking the low ground near the outlet channel, they saw two little spurts of flame shoot out from beneath them.

  24. Little spurts of water were still jumping up close to us, but I was too utterly tired to worry about them.

  25. We could see the fierce little spurts of flames darting out, and thought she hit the pirate several times.

  26. She started like a watch-spring uncoilin', and as she spurts down the streets I leans clean over to her mane and looks back and there I seen Dan standin' in the door with his gun in his hand and the wind blowin' his hair.

  27. He made little spurts at full speed, leaped into the air, and came down stiff-legged at the end of the run, his head between his braced forefeet, and then he whirled as if on a peg and darted back the other way.

  28. Bullets reached for him, ripping through the tips of the sage above him, tossing up spurts of gravel on all sides and singing in ricochets from the rocks.

  29. Three spurts of flame jetted out from the cover that the ruffians had taken.

  30. Over these Sergeant Hal sped as if they did not exist, while little upward spurts of water helped out the illusion.

  31. The future might be anything, from silken dalliance behind green jalousies in some oriental villa with a fountain making soft music, which is the food of love, to a sudden detonation, red spurts of savage flame, and a grave in a cold sea.

  32. And to Evanthia, the victim of sudden little spurts of girlish posing, pathetic strivings after an imaginary western self, the invalid woman was a sympathetic angel.

  33. Up into the still, hot air jetted vicious spurts of flame.

  34. Another joined it, but no dust-spurts leaped from the dune, where now a continual play of fire was leaping out.

  35. As the Master looked back, he could see the little spurts of fire from that fusillade.

  36. Many glanced, spun ricochetting into the sea, and with a venomous buzzing like huge, angry hornets, lost themselves in quick, white spurts of foam.

  37. His frequent spurts to the flaming front with ammunition wagons is entirely ignored.

  38. Where the lines crossed the Hartmannsweilerkopf there were little spurts of brown smoke as shells burst in the trenches.

  39. There are spurts of smoke at nearly every foot of the brown areas and a thick pall of mist covers it all.

  40. However, none came, nor could I see any spurts of flame from among those boulders, although it was so gloomy there that I certainly should have seen them had those fellows been firing at us.

  41. Spurts of light, showing in the cloud of sand dust over their heads, told us that it was from them we had heard the first firing.

  42. Then I saw spurts of rifle flame spitting out into the gorge, in the very opposite direction from which they had been spluttering before, and knew that they came from our own people.

  43. Spurts of sand were flying up just in front of his men, although I could not see any flashes coming from out of those dark shadows.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spurts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.