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Example sentences for "mouth"

Lexicographically close words:
moustached; moustaches; moustachioed; moustachios; mout; mouthe; mouthed; mouthes; mouthful; mouthfuls
  1. I tell thee, Roister, it hath store Of Beef, and Bacon fat; With sheafs of Barly-bread to make Thy Mouth to water at.

  2. She drank little, rinsed her mouth and face and dried her lips on her sleeve.

  3. And he had constructed a sponge of clean, velvety moss, and with this he washed her swollen mouth and bruised cheek, and her eyes and throat and hands and feet.

  4. At the same time Evelyn Erith drew her little length noiselessly along his, and he felt her mouth warm against his ear: "Gray?

  5. Her parted lips were blackened, her mouth and tongue swollen.

  6. Her face and lips were dripping under the sopping, icy sponge of green moss with which he was bathing her and washing out her mouth and tongue.

  7. Evelyn's mouth still rested against his ear and her light breath fell warmly on him.

  8. But her thirst raged, and she knelt at a little pool within the cavern walls and bent her bleeding mouth to the icy fillet of water.

  9. It was hardly a mile away, and yet it stood at the mouth of a mighty gorge, out of which the water sprang white with speed.

  10. Their ranch lies just above Sulphur, at the mouth of the Canon.

  11. The plain truth is my companions for over twenty years were lawless ruffians, and the cattle business as we practiced it in those days was founded on selfishness and defended at the mouth of the pistol.

  12. Stuff a sod of grass in his mouth to keep him quiet," ordered Charles, panting, "and tie him hand and foot.

  13. As Philemon opened his mouth to make reply, he was cut short by the entrance of the commissary, who halted and frowned as he took in the hand-clasp of the two.

  14. He shut his mouth with a snap and set his jaws rigidly.

  15. He declares he was out fishing; but he had no tackle, and the bowsman swears that as we approached he saw him put something into his mouth and swallow it.

  16. Joe, and as his mouth flew open, the officer inserted the barrel of his pistol, so that when he tried to close his jaws again they only bit on steel.

  17. Then he put the wine to his lips, and holding the swallow in his mouth to prolong the enjoyment, a look of extreme contentment came over his visage.

  18. The three stood silent as the two ships towering pyramids of sails, making them marvels of beauty, swept onward with slow dignity across the mouth of the York River, at this point nearly three miles wide, toward the Gloucester shore.

  19. Keep your mouth shut, or I'll have to choke you," said Bagby to Janice, as she opened her mouth to scream.

  20. Between thirty and forty sail stretch from Lynnhaven Bay to the mouth of the James, and though 't was difficult to exactly estimate their force, they are mostly men of war, and some even three-deckers.

  21. They are very palatable in fevers, as they serve to cleanse the mouth and keep it cool.

  22. Her conjecture had been correct: the slender slip of a woman met her at the side porch a little diffidently, with a modest smile; then kissed her on the mouth and invited her in.

  23. There was a look of religious gratitude in the eyes, but about her mouth new happiness.

  24. Give me the water, please, my mouth is parched and I can hardly speak for thirst.

  25. Groping along the opposite shore through the fog, we made our way finally into the mouth of Fox River and immediately heard a great splashing and sloshing just ahead.

  26. While Kid Feltman frothed at the mouth with impotent fury, Honest Roy Constantin thereupon awarded the fight to Rorke--on a flagrant foul.

  27. Still keeping his numb grasp on the tree-branch, the boy balanced himself as best he could, and thrust two fingers of his free hand into his mouth to warm them into sensation again.

  28. At the report of Trask's gun, the huge mongrel had whirled about, snarling and foaming at the mouth and had snapped savagely at his own shoulder; where a single buckshot had just seared a jagged groove.

  29. But he showed himself a dog of great natural gifts by mastering, at the third attempt, the art of catching in his mouth a piece of cracker placed on the tip of his nose.

  30. But if the vessels winter at Yakutsk, I shall be free during winter, and only during next year's voyage, if so required, accompany them to the mouth of the Lena.

  31. Footnote 24: Walruses are still captured yearly on the ice at the mouth of the White Sea, not very far from the shore (cf.

  32. From the sea off the mouth of the Kolyma.

  33. All showed that we had now come into the current of the Kolyma, which from causes which have been already stated, runs from the mouth of the river along the land in an easterly direction.

  34. When Nay and Tetgales sailed on, they came to an extensive open sea, and on the 20/10th August they believed that they were off the mouth of the Obi.

  35. Greenwich), almost right off the mouth of the Kara river.

  36. What sort of winter is there at the mouth of the Yenisej?

  37. During his outward passage he met, in the mouth of the Yenisej, Sibiriakoff's steamer the Fraser, Captain Dallmann, who in vain endeavoured to dissuade him from prosecuting the adventurous voyage.

  38. I found a large number of dead rotges on the ice at the mouth of Hinloopen Strait.

  39. Next come the river arm Bjelkoj, then Tumat, at whose mouth a landmark erected by Laptev in 1739 is still in existence.

  40. When we get the railroad," added Mathews, with a mouth full of tobacco, spitting profusely on the deck.

  41. Mr. Darrell, drawing down the corners of his mouth and elevating his shoulders deprecatingly, as if he thought Clarence was a voracious land-grabber, who wanted to appropriate to himself all the vacant land in the United States.

  42. His mouth watered in anticipation of the sweets of ill-gotten gain as he listened attentively to all that Roper had to say.

  43. Now, however, without a railroad, San Diego is at the bottom of a bag, the mouth of which Mr. Huntington has closed and drawn the strings tight.

  44. She was wonderfully fair, with a little pointed chin, and a wide firm mouth curiously at variance with it, as were the big, broad, black eyebrows with the liquid softness of her eyes.

  45. She did not continue her assurances for Alrek's mouth had curved into amiable derision.

  46. Perhaps with mouth firm-set and troubled eyes he looked more than ever like his father.

  47. It did not appear that Thorhall heard them; as a hawk might watch a coop for the appearance of the chickens, he was watching Alrek's mouth for the first word of doubt.

  48. I intended only to creep up and look, without--" He broke off and stood with his mouth open, staring at the other.

  49. Picking out the cord-ends from between the chill palms, he undid the knot that fastened the mouth of the bag and inserted a thumb and forefinger.

  50. But he granted no more; and his closed mouth was like a line graven on stone.

  51. Above the beard of iron gray his mouth showed firm-lipped as a mouth of stone, and the gaze of the steel-bright eyes under the bushy brows was such as none with guilt in their hearts might sustain.

  52. If the shoulder had been Grimkel's, the mouth belonging to it would have advised differently.

  53. Gazing wonderingly, he saw a huge milk-white bull with mouth afoam and eyes like red flame come snorting out of the thicket, pausing now to paw up the earth before him, now to throw back his horned head with a terrific bellow.

  54. I believe a troll hides in him and uses his mouth to speak with.

  55. After a moment's silence, he spoke slowly; "I think it best to hear first from your own mouth about this happening.

  56. It would not be long before they would be lost to one another's sight, and the swarms would close in around them--He opened his mouth to send forth a frantic recall.

  57. When she had disappeared from his ken, he swung his pack to his broad and powerful back and strode resolutely into the timber at the mouth of a little river.

  58. May of the following year Cardigan's woods-crew had succeeded in driving slightly less than half of the cut of the preceding year to the boom on tidewater at the mouth of the river.

  59. And it was this knowledge that had thrilled him into song and which when his song was done had brought to his firm mouth a mobility that presaged his old whimsical smile--to his brown eyes a beaming light of confidence and pride.

  60. The man mouthed his quid, spat copiously, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and pointed.

  61. Dan Kenyon sat at the head of the table in the place of honour sacred to the head sawyer, and when his mouth would permit of some activity other than mastication, Zeb Curry caught his eye.

  62. He was fumbling in his card-case and did not look up until about to hand his card to Moira--when his mouth flew half open, the while he stared at her with consummate frankness.

  63. Never was a word fitter for a quack's mouth than "humanity.

  64. Madame d'Auffray heard some of their dialogue, and hurried with a mouth full of comedy to Renee, who did not reproach them for silly beings, as would be done elsewhere.

  65. He was oblivious that his eyebrows talked, that his head was bent low, that his mouth was shut, and that where a doubt had been sown, silence and such signs are like revelations in black night to the spirit of a woman who loves.

  66. To stop the mouth of a scandal-monger, he drove full speed to Cecil's Club, where he heard that the captain had breakfasted and had just departed for Romfrey Castle.

  67. It flattered her to imagine that she had been resisting them in their present burning might ever since her lover stepped on the Esperanza's deck at the mouth of Otley River.

  68. Tuckham brushed his hand over his mouth and ahemed.

  69. He was acute enough to see that he had established the happy commencement of fretfulness in the victim, which is equivalent to a hook well struck in the mouth of your fish, and with an angler's joy he prepared to play his man.

  70. Her smile upon a parted mouth struck him as two-edged in replying: 'I have good news to give you of them all: Roland is in garrison at Rouen, and will come when I telegraph.

  71. The effort to recover the younger face gave him a dead creature, with the eyelashes of Renee, the cast of her mouth and throat, misty as a shape in a dream.

  72. Then we should hear wisdom coming out of the mouth of the wild beast.

  73. Loud laughter was echoed from boat to boat, as they glided by each other; and rude jests, interlarded with quaint humors and strange oaths, were freely bandied from mouth to mouth.

  74. Hour after hour was consumed in the tedious navigation, against an adverse tide, and the short day was drawing to a close, before they approached the mouth of their destined haven.

  75. As Barnstable gave the last order, he fell back on his seat, and, drawing back his boat-cloak around him maintained a profound silence, until they had passed the two small headlands that fanned the mouth of the harbor.

  76. I have it in black and white, to run the Ariel into this feather-bed sort of a place, and I must at least have it by signal or word of mouth from my betters, before my cutwater curls another wave.

  77. Nay, nay: he said nothing more; my kinsman Kit keeps a close mouth whenever Dame Justice is about to balance her scales.

  78. Take him from before the mouth of the vault, boys, and spread yourselves to your duty.

  79. After dropping their hooks for a few moments among the perch, at the mouth of the brook, they unjointed their poles, and started toward home, well satisfied with their day's work.

  80. I should think," said the captain of the division "that you ought to have us anchor directly in the mouth of the creek.

  81. The point of which Frank had spoken was a long, low neck of land, covered with trees, which completely concealed the mouth of Glen's Creek.

  82. Frank explained, in a few words, the position of the squadron at the mouth of Ducks' Creek, as well as the conversation they had overheard, and also inquired of George the result of his observations.

  83. The vessels of the squadron, with the exception of the division stationed at the foot of Reynard's Island, were anchored in a semicircle directly before the mouth of Glen's Creek, from which it was expected that the Alert would start.

  84. The places assigned them were not directly opposite the mouth of the creek, but a little up the river, and about twenty feet from the shore; and this, afterward, proved to be a very favorable circumstance for the smugglers.

  85. About a quarter of a mile below the mouth of the creek was a place, covering half an acre, where the water was about four feet deep, and the bottom was covered with smooth, flat stones.

  86. It was too dark to see much," he answered; "but we could plainly hear them taking their positions opposite the mouth of the creek.

  87. I overheard some conversation among the coast-guards, this afternoon, and one of them said that Charley Sheldon would have the whole fleet anchored before the mouth of the creek at half-past two to-morrow morning.

  88. Made me shet my mouth when I was a blabbin' too much, jest before the fun began.

  89. There was a tightening of the firm mouth and an ominous contraction of the pupils of the eyes.

  90. There was something very sweet about his mouth when he smiled.

  91. When she relaxed, Len put a cigarette in his mouth and lighted it in only two tries.

  92. She set the glass down and stared at it with her mouth half open.

  93. The mouth was closed so tightly that the lips were invisible.

  94. The poor fellow was lying among the pillows; his mouth and one eye were painfully distorted.

  95. Coming from the mouth of a beautiful woman, it was frank and courageous as that of a great man.

  96. The soft languishing eyes, the straight nose, the exquisite mouth and the dimpled chin, with a certain eloquent air of love and gentleness, made up a most fascinating countenance.

  97. The “Restless” was, as Halstead had supposed, now running in at the mouth of Oyster Bay.

  98. In the same flashing instant he rammed the tiller stick far down into the mouth of the alligator.

  99. The grip about his throat was continued until his mouth had been forced open and filled with a big handful of the hanging moss that grows so picturesquely on Florida trees.

  100. Captain Halstead figured on reaching Oyster Bay by four o’clock the following morning, thence proceeding to the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River.

  101. Readers of the preceding volumes of this series are aware of how Tom Halstead and Joe Dawson, born near the mouth of the Kennebec River, in Maine, came to handle the motor cruiser of George Prescott, a broker of Boston.

  102. Why, since Mrs. Tremaine saw land from the port stateroom, I think we must at least be in the mouth of Oyster Bay, sir.

  103. The young man’s mouth was far from being weak looking; on the contrary it was framed by thin lips, and had, at times, a wholly cruel look.

  104. Captain Halstead, framing his mouth with his hands.

  105. The reptile’s broad mouth opened, then the teeth snapped together, viciously.

  106. Some one who had received peas as his portion would prefer dessert, and the proposition "Un dessert pour des pois" would pass from mouth to mouth till the bargain had been made.

  107. His face was more puffed than when I had seen him last, mottled here and there with dark scabs, his mouth and eyes open as one who is struck with some overpowering surprise.

  108. So we three settled it, and had already risen to break up the meeting, when our silent companion opened his mouth for the first time.

  109. The tone of some of the papers was so offensive in their comments upon the matter that the angry savant declared that he would never open his mouth again, or refer to the subject in any way--a promise which he has faithfully kept.

  110. My heart leapt into my mouth as I read it.

  111. His head, with the gold glasses still fixed on his nose, was lolling over upon one side, and his little mouth was open just like a dead fish.

  112. His mouth was thin and small and prim, hidden away under his long, masterful nose.

  113. Under these circumstances Sir Noel wisely decided to remain within easy distance of the mouth of the Thames.

  114. I shouldn't wonder if we're off the mouth of the Jade or the Weser.

  115. Close to the mouth was a little hut, the door of which was locked; but judging by the number of insulated wires running from it the Sub concluded it was the operating station for lighting the vast recess.

  116. Then, finding the British Fleet, as he thought, inactive, Von Walsdorf led his battleships and the remainder of his armoured cruisers towards the mouth of the Thames.

  117. The words were hardly out of his mouth when the sharp, rapid detonations of a pom-pom were heard.

  118. The sighting of the Norderney light, the error in the compass course, and the fact that the yacht had been steered in a north-westerly direction to claw off the sandbanks and the mouth of the Elbe were set down in the Sub's handwriting.

  119. Now, if we were anywhere in the neighbourhood of the sandbanks at the mouth of the Elbe, I might feel jumpy.

  120. Then the oars dipped into the water, and slowly the Bonito moved towards the mouth of the harbour.

  121. They were speedily got out, and the Bonito made her way out through the mouth of the harbour.

  122. He has erected two wooden towers at the mouth of the Lido, which the first stone from a Genoese ballista would knock to splinters; and has put up a fence to San Spirito, which a Genoese soldier in full armour could jump over.

  123. A few minutes later the captain ordered a boat to be lowered, and rowed out to the rocky islet at the mouth of the harbour, and landing, climbed up the rocks and looked out to sea.

  124. They found the mouth of the canal entirely unguarded, and then returned and rowed out to the mouth of the Brondolo passage.

  125. Those on shore shouted out the news, and it spread rapidly from mouth to mouth.

  126. I am sure, that since I have been here several vessels have brought up inside the mouth of the harbour.

  127. Then he put his mouth to the orifice and asked: "Are you all asleep there?

  128. Fortunately the Bonito was stronger built than her assailants, and their bows crumpled in before her side gave; but my heart was in my mouth for a time, I can tell you.

  129. Upon one of these occasions he found that the person leaning next to him against the bulwark, and gazing towards the mouth of the harbour, was Giuseppi.

  130. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mouth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    mouth disease; mouthed bottle; mouthed bottles