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Example sentences for "until about"

  • These and other studies in pure chemistry mainly occupied his attention until about 1838, but the last thirty-five years of his life were devoted more particularly to the chemistry of the processes of life, both animal and vegetable.

  • It was not, however, until about 930 that the title bishop of Tongres was abandoned for that of bishop of Liege.

  • He said O'Sullivan was not at home and they went off to a ball game and did not return until about 7:30 in the evening.

  • The two policemen patrolled their beats until about 3.

  • Knight says that the two Hylands got there between 4 and 5 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, and were in the house and did not leave until about 10 o'clock.

  • I still, up until about 9 months ago kept in contact with him, and I still know of his whereabouts, and when he comes to the city I still see him.

  • I told Jim not to look for me until about dark, as I intended to climb the tall hills that we could see in the distance to look for Indian camp fires.

  • It led us in a southwestern direction, and we followed it until about twelve o'clock when all at once we came on the Indians laying around a camp fire sound asleep.

  • We pushed on until about eleven o'clock in the night when we rode up on a little ridge, and, on looking down in the valley beyond, we saw several camp fires, but they were burning very dimly.

  • Thus the day passed; the Sixth corps resting quietly, while the Third was skirmishing with the enemy in front, until about three o'clock, when the firing increased and there was evidently a severe engagement in front.

  • Again artillery did its work alone, until about four o'clock, when the last desperate charge was made, the grand effort which was to sweep the Union lines in confusion, or result in the total defeat of the rebel army.

  • Dove was there, and when I told him I had given her the medicine, he said she ought not to have it until about five.

  • In this manner was the distillation slowly conducted, until about an ounce of clear liquid had distilled over.

  • Until about half-past one the next morning Patterson heard nothing.

  • During the first thirty years of this period, that is until about 1280, the heaumes continued to be generally of the flat-topped variety not reaching to the shoulders, but having the addition of a movable visor.

  • During the earlier part of the Tabard Period, until about 1450, the helmet differed but slightly from those shown in the Surcoatless, the modifications being chiefly in the form of the apex and the addition of a close-fitting visor.

  • We fought on, I think, until about one or half past one.

  • The enemy hovered around us until about noon of the 14th, when they made a dash upon the town, sending in a flag of truce to Colonel Hicks, giving him one hour to remove the women and children from the town.

  • The fight continued, one almost unceasing fire all the time, until about three o'clock.

  • Still, such was the strength of their onset that all resistance seemed unavailing, until about 5 p.

  • The rain fell in torrents, obscuring the view; but it seems strange that the direction of the Prussian retreat was not surmised until about nightfall.

  • He breakfasted about 10 on meat and wine, and remained in his cabin reading, dictating, or learning English, until about 3 p.

  • The first onset was received and checked, and the battle commenced and lasted until about three o'clock in the evening.

  • After crossing the drift (which took some time, as there was water in it and we had to get over by the stepping stones), we continued on our way with the usual halts until about four o'clock or so in the morning.

  • Until about 1860, indeed, the dimly lit lanes were paved with rough stone blocks, imbedded in the clay soil, which often subsided, so as to leave the surface undulating like a sea.

  • The Sardinians fought like men, and the Zouaves, as usual, like so many tigers, and the battle raged from morning until about 5 p.

  • I then retired for a little rest, until about 5 a.

  • Away we then went at a steady pace, until about mid-day--the Light and Second Divisions leading, in columns of brigades.

  • A part of the regiment made fires, while the remainder kept their ground upon the main height, until about twelve o’clock.

  • We foiled them in every attempt to take the town, until about eleven o’clock, when we were overpowered and forced through the streets, contesting every inch.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "until about" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another country; better understanding; cannot take; fair hearing; hand books; hundred gold; inches wide; little short; mutual consent; national output; rigid vows; said grandpapa; save money; until about; until after; until death; until otherwise; until recent; until soft; until suddenly; until tender; until the; until then; until well; would require; would return