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Example sentences for "nothingness"

Lexicographically close words:
nother; nothera; nothin; nothing; nothinge; nothings; nothink; nothyng; nothynge; notice
  1. The view of general Nothingness is thus altogether incapable of proof.

  2. The absolute Nothingness you have in mind cannot thus be established in any way.

  3. On none of these views the Nothingness maintained by you can be established.

  4. Vast Nothingness of Self, fair female Twin Of Fulness, sucking all God's glory in!

  5. This girl was waiting on me, I believe," she said, indicating Jessie with a wave of her aristocratic hand, and speaking in a pleasantly acid tone that was intended to consign Arethusa to nothingness forever.

  6. He who has recognized the nothingness of self ought to recognize this self as a reflection of the actual divine.

  7. It is true he teaches the nothingness of the external life, but he does not wish to see it annihilated.

  8. Yet self-consciousness for a while remained; he still had the power of perceiving his own personality, though this dwindled every moment down to that same gulf of nothingness through which he had found his way.

  9. It is as contrary to the nature of our reason and probably of all imaginable reason to conceive nothingness as to conceive limits to infinity.

  10. The higher human thought rises and the wider it expands, the less comprehensible do nothingness and death become.

  11. We use the word death to cover those fragments of nothingness which we believe that we understand; but, on closer examination, we are bound to recognize that our idea of death is much too puerile for it to contain the least truth.

  12. In any case—and this is what matters here—if nothingness were possible, since it could not be anything whatever, it could not be dreadful.

  13. He was in one of his moments of melancholy, when nothingness appeared to him to be the end of life.

  14. As for my past, if you knew what nothingness it was you would be glad.

  15. But never, never had the sudden cancelling, so to speak, of a human being brought with it this sense of chilling horror, of nothingness where so much had been.

  16. If only one could slip away into nothingness how much better it would be, Dick--wouldn't it?

  17. He had blown beautiful bubbles to divert us in those last hours of his visit, and bubbles bursting silently into nothingness were not more fragile than his promises.

  18. Out of the nothingness came an impulsive soft hand that closed over his.

  19. And gradually the helmet resting in the air dissolved into nothingness before their eyes.

  20. The touch of firm flesh came out of the nothingness of space about them, to poke and pry all over their bodies.

  21. She was very wretched, for her life seemed but a little point between disappointment on one side and the blackness of death and nothingness on the other.

  22. I believe that this does not signify our nothingness or our misfortune, but, on the contrary, our realisation and our deification, since everything is within us.

  23. I did not know, and I was overwhelmed by the nothingness of what I saw.

  24. But this had gradually become submerged in the positive nothingness of every day.

  25. There is an invincible nothingness in everything and everybody.

  26. And that means to live up to His Gospel of the nothingness of self, and of unreserved sacrifice to the Eternal All in All.

  27. Alas the nothingness Even of love--had it no life but this!

  28. Be the delay the pride of man demands 97 Vouchsafed, the nothingness of man to show!

  29. The woman stared threateningly at the picture on the wall, the picture of the skeleton which had come from nothingness to reveal nothingness to the living.

  30. The works of man have outlived their builders by centuries, and still remain a solemn testimony to the power and the nothingness which originated them.

  31. The Jesuit, after enlarging for a time, in broken Huron, on the brevity and nothingness of mortal weal or woe, passed next to the joys of Heaven and the pains of Hell, which he set forth with his best rhetoric.

  32. On the other hand, those who shaped the character, and in great measure the destiny, of New France had always on their lips the nothingness and the vanity of life.

  33. I--" Billy Byrne was bending low to catch his feeble words, and when the voice trailed out into nothingness he lowered the tousled red head to the hard earth and turned away.

  34. Even his impending fate faded into nothingness by comparison with the momentous question as to where he had heard the name Eddie Shorter before.

  35. The dew-bespangled blades scintillated beneath the gorgeous rays which would presently sweep them away again into the nothingness from which they had sprung.

  36. At any rate the necessary deduction must be that the life of man ends in that nothingness whence everything in existence has proceeded.

  37. The nothingness was alive with waves of force, traveling parallel and tangential to each other without seeming to interfere one with another.

  38. But how did I know nothingness was right?

  39. First it was perceiving and accepting my own existence; beyond that, it was recognizing the dark nothingness around me and the forces it contained.

  40. Then that first flash of perception in nothingness was not spontaneous.

  41. Out of unbounded space embodied nothingness had seemed to float across the world of living things, and into space the nothingness had disappeared--leaving behind a trinket and a rent scrap of purple gauze.

  42. There was a curious relief in realising, as the hours passed, that her old dislike and dread of him had melted into nothingness like a mist blown away in the night.

  43. He saw that he was passing into nothingness," he said of his brother, as though there could be no question as to the nothingness of the individual consciousness that he had known as Nicolai, his brother.

  44. A realization of the nothingness of caste and pomp and power.

  45. Neither is this discrimination easy of attainment to any but those who realize in their own hearts the very distinct difference between the nothingness of sin and the pretended acceptance of perversions as purity.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nothingness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.