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Example sentences for "superlative"

Lexicographically close words:
superiors; superiour; superis; superius; superjacent; superlatively; superlatives; superman; supermarket; supermen
  1. As an artist he must have known his own value; but he probably rested content in the sense of his superlative powers as an executant, and did not aspire to the rank of a great inventor or leader, for which, indeed, he had no vocation.

  2. It is partly in this sense and partly in that of one whose work serves as a model or type of superlative excellence that such terms as "old masters" are used.

  3. From the poverty of a language proceed repetitions of the same word, to express an idea with particular force, or in the superlative degree.

  4. Children, when, instead of a comparison, they would express the superlative by an emphasis, say leetle instead of little; which is a mere prolongation of i short.

  5. Just a superlative esteem for your splendid wife.

  6. In a moment of ill-judged enthusiasm, and fired by the thrill of a superlative brassie-shot, he went all out for his third.

  7. I am bound to confess that the Huron has a happy fortune, or a superlative instinct.

  8. This is because of its superlative medicinal worth, and its great popularity at table.

  9. A medicinal tincture of superlative worth is prepared by Homoeopathic practitioners from the sting of the Honey bee.

  10. Although this adjective, being superlative in signification, is not properly subject to comparison, the superlative form not unfrequently occurs, especially in the older writers.

  11. To this needy and important field Paul addressed himself with superlative devotion.

  12. On its top the western showers first deposit their waters, so that in the Old Testament Carmel is a synonym for superlative fertility.

  13. For, with the exception of the four burros, the three men who followed in their wake did, indeed, offer the rare spectacle of variety in this land of superlative monotony.

  14. After nine months at the Front--six and a half months as a despatch rider and two and a half months as a cyclist officer--I have decided that the English language has no superlative sufficient to describe our infantry.

  15. The Turks have ever been a proud people, possessing a sort of peacock pride, an extravagantly good opinion of themselves, and a superlative contempt for all the rest of the world.

  16. The universal debt we owe to God is love in the superlative degree, and the universal debt we owe one another is love in an inferior degree, yet of no lower kind than that of our selves.

  17. It is profit, pleasure, preferment in the superlative degree, and not scattered in so many various streams which divide and distract the heart, but all combined in one.

  18. So I say, let creatures compare with creatures; let them take superlative styles, in regard of others.

  19. Therefore he attains his end in the highest and most superlative degree of certainty and infallibility.

  20. The Irish Caruso-Garibaldi was in superlative form and his stentorian notes were heard to the greatest advantage in the timehonoured anthem sung as only our citizen can sing it.

  21. Handicapped as he was by lack of poundage, Dublin's pet lamb made up for it by superlative skill in ringcraft.

  22. The comparative degree is preferable when two things or sets of things are compared, the superlative when three or more are compared.

  23. Construct sentences comparing the following things, using first a comparative, then a superlative form:-- 1.

  24. It is always superlative and never means "nearly," which is the proper meaning of almost.

  25. Everything was of the superlative best, and superlative best prices were charged.

  26. Positive parade, comparative review, superlative battle, are the three degrees of comparison in war's activities.

  27. Positive subtle, comparative and superlative Sutler, was an acceptable etymologic formula in many varieties of North American broken English.

  28. Comparatives end in -e, mære 42, mare 8; the superlative has weak inflection in aldeste s.

  29. The haunting beauty of Mr. de la Mare's delicate art springs from an ear of superlative tenderness and sophistication.

  30. When they speak of the style, the eloquence, the enlightening power of Baha's writings, it is with similar superlative adjectives of high-flown Persian rhetoric.

  31. For the disciples, it is one of superlative excellence.

  32. That she possessed sex magnetism in a superlative degree in spite of her deliberate aloofness, Clavering had, of course, been conscious from the first.

  33. The soup was asparagus cream soup of superlative excellence, and then came a young guinea-fowl stuffed with mushrooms, which was perfection itself.

  34. All Quebec has rung with nothing else for a fortnight, and every milliner and modiste in the city has gone almost insane over the superlative costumes to be worn there.

  35. The stream of city talk from the lips of the two ladies had the merit of being perfect of its kind--softly insinuating and sweetly censorious, superlative in eulogy and infallible in opinion.

  36. In the fundamentals of Sun Yat-sen's ideology, the necessity for survival and prosperity is superlative and self-evident.

  37. Shryock, The Origin and Development of The State Cult of Confucius, New York, 1932, traces this growth with great clarity and superlative scholarship.

  38. He had told her that to ignore his plea would be the superlative form of scorn--and she had chosen it.

  39. She had even smiled and waved her riding crop, but she had done both with so superlative an indifference that it seemed she had not really seen him at all.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "superlative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; aerial; aggrandized; airy; amplification; amplified; arrant; ascending; aspiring; ballyhoo; best; burlesque; caricature; champion; choice; chosen; classical; colossal; complete; consummate; crass; cream; decided; definitive; dilation; disproportionate; divine; downright; egregious; elect; elevated; elite; eminent; enhancement; enlargement; ethereal; exaggerated; exalted; excellent; excess; excessive; exorbitance; exorbitant; expansion; exquisite; extravagance; extravagant; extreme; fat; fierce; flagrant; flower; glaring; grandiloquence; grandiloquent; great; greatest; gross; haughty; heightening; high; highest; huckstering; hyperbole; incomparable; inflated; inflation; inordinate; intolerable; lofty; magnification; magnificent; magnified; masterful; maximal; maximum; monumental; most; mounting; nonpareil; optimum; outright; outstanding; overdone; overdrawn; overemphasis; overestimated; overstated; overwrought; paragon; peerless; perfect; pick; polished; positive; precious; prime; prize; prodigal; prodigality; profound; profuse; prominent; pronounced; proper; quintessence; rank; rare; regular; select; sensationalism; shocking; soaring; splendid; stark; steep; sterling; stretched; stretching; sublime; superb; superior; superlative; supernal; supreme; surpassing; thorough; top; topless; topmost; topping; tops; total; touted; towering; travesty; unbearable; unbeatable; unconscionable; undeniable; unequivocal; unmitigated; unparalleled; unqualified; unrelieved; unspoiled; uplifted; uppermost; utmost; utter; virtuoso