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Example sentences for "uplifted"

Lexicographically close words:
upkeep; upland; uplandish; uplands; uplift; uplifter; uplifting; uplifts; upmost; upon
  1. Higher and higher than ever rose the tower of Belus, uplifted by ecstasy, soars the LARK, the lyrical poet of the sky.

  2. Not a word was spoken--she hushed her friends with her hands--and with uplifted eyes pointed to the guides sent to her by Heaven.

  3. And as I entered, her uplifted face significantly bespeaking my protection, as I thought.

  4. His equine body is rearing against the Lapith, who vainly endeavours to defend himself with his uplifted buckler, while the Centaur strikes at him with his fore feet.

  5. And suddenly, there in the star-lit court, she saw Berkley leaning against one of the horses, and Letty Lynden standing beside him, her pretty face uplifted to his.

  6. The preacher's sincerity had lent him dignity, and his simple use of a simple tinker's words had suddenly uplifted him to a higher plane.

  7. The old gentleman stiffened, put his hand behind his back, and with uplifted head looked him full in the eyes for a second, and then turned his back on him.

  8. Sublimi feriam sidera vertice=--I shall strike the 20 stars with my uplifted head.

  9. Her young soul has uplifted itself, and is soaring gaily amongst the stars.

  10. She stands so for a moment, laughing at him through the gracefully uplifted arms.

  11. How sweet she is, standing there with her loose gown in her pretty uplifted hands, and the lace flounces of her petticoat showing in front!

  12. His sharp muzzle, showing its teeth, is uplifted to the tormenting moon.

  13. She stands, her pale face uplifted toward the moon.

  14. Yaho Hadjo's uplifted weapon fell forward with a sudden impetus which forced him headlong down the lofty pinnacle, among the sharp, rugged bowlders, where his body was afterwards found a mangled, lifeless corpse.

  15. They gave a startled glance around and beheld Yaho Hadjo and his followers with uplifted tomahawks rushing madly upon them.

  16. Thus I; while raging he repeats his cries, With hands uplifted to the starry skies?

  17. The matron with uplifted eyes Attests the all-seeing sovereign of the skies.

  18. The doctor drops partly down, and catches with his right hand, and with the other uplifted towards his assassin, begs him to shoot no more, as he has already received a death-wound.

  19. The mother and wife, with bloodless face, is on bended knees, and, with uplifted hands clasped, is whispering a prayer.

  20. Tapping one forefinger on the uplifted point of the other, he observed that to sing abroad in the night air of an English Spring month was conclusive of imbecility; and that no imbecile sang at all.

  21. She put out her hand, facing us with uplifted eyes.

  22. Then, as Merriwell used all his strength to hold back that uplifted hand, he began to realize that, athlete though he was, he was no match for the person he had tackled.

  23. A fear of all fears," said the third, "for the sword is uplifted on men.

  24. There was one hope; he might yet ward off the danger, for the uplifted arm of the god had not fallen.

  25. Again he paused, looking upward, while the people waited with uplifted white faces.

  26. She stood in the doorway with hands uplifted and with tears streaming down her face.

  27. The affair might have terminated tragically had not the uplifted hand been caught by Henry Chester.

  28. Waldron cried with hand uplifted in a gesture of impatience.

  29. The uplifted glass came down with a crash and his iron fist closed on her right hand.

  30. He lifted high the flag and every Scout and grown up and every child saluted it with uplifted hands and cheered.

  31. Proclaim the coming of the Lord--the Prince of Peace--” Vassar glanced quickly over the sea of uplifted faces and wondered why they did not applaud.

  32. The next day he returned to camp just in time to run in and save the Beehive, the pride of the Park, from the uplifted axe of a woman!

  33. There was a shadow on the curtain; a bare, uplifted arm was silhouetted against it.

  34. Here was a countryside whose every outline was familiar; and yet it was pervaded by a general quality of the uplifted and the strange.

  35. But in those days following the publication of the first edition of the Life, people were going about with uplifted hands, wondering if any man since the world began had ever been so befooled as Boswell.

  36. The members of Parliament in England and the Westminster Assembly of Divines stood with uplifted hands, and, as article after article was read, they took this Oath to God.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uplifted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aerial; airy; ascending; aspiring; colossal; elated; elevated; eminent; erect; ethereal; exalted; haughty; high; lofty; monumental; mounting; prominent; raised; rampant; retrousse; soaring; steep; stilted; sublime; superlative; supernal; topless; topping; towering; upcast; uplifted; upraised; upright