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Example sentences for "uppermost"

Lexicographically close words:
uppe; upped; upper; uppercase; uppercut; upperparts; uppers; uppish; uppity; uppon
  1. To set out upon a long journey, with a definite destination in view, is one thing, to remember that purpose and keep it uppermost in one's mind continually is quite another.

  2. Suddenly all power of resistance left me; with my eyes upon his face, the memory of all the wrongs which you had dealt me, and my hatred of you, swam uppermost in my mind.

  3. Even Prasad, who vows by all things sacred that my image beatifies his sleep, hath ever a favor uppermost in mind.

  4. In his mind the question uppermost was, to what height might his ascending star of fortune still further exalt the name of Bipin Dat.

  5. Slowly and sadly we all walk'd down From his room in the uppermost story; A rushlight was placed on the cold hearth-stone, And we left him alone in his glory!

  6. Which he was attempting, was not yet quite apparent; but that one or other was uppermost in his mind, Ben thought was beyond dispute.

  7. Of this young redskin he had never heard; and, while he managed to suppress all exhibition of the feeling, a lively curiosity to learn the Chippewa's business was uppermost in his mind.

  8. It was while ascending these easy channels, that conversation most occurred; each speaker yielding, as was natural, to the impulses of the thoughts uppermost in his mind.

  9. It was that which came uppermost in his memory, and it occurred to him that perhaps the less he knew about my enterprises the sounder he would sleep.

  10. Big Kennedy never forgot; and to the last of his power, the question uppermost in his mind, though never in his mouth, was whether or not that one who sought his favor had followed Old Mike to the grave.

  11. Though you have ever been uppermost in my thoughts, yet it has not been in my power to write since the few lines I sent from Margate.

  12. When he seems most earnest and laborious to defend himself, it appears as if he had but one idea uppermost in his mind--a determination not to care what he says, provided he keeps clear of fact.

  13. The power and terrors of God were uppermost in my thoughts; they fascinated though they astounded me.

  14. He had thrust family considerations on one side, thrust on one side all those good resolutions, or rather those revived instincts of the past, which had been uppermost in his mind when he first came home.

  15. He had been craving for the society of his own kind; yet now he had got it it did not seem such a very great thing after all; for Lalage Penrose had come into his life, and the thought of her was uppermost in his mind.

  16. If a square flag be uppermost it is an urgency signal; thus, N.

  17. Signals composed of four flags are divided into different sections again, according to the form of the uppermost flag employed.

  18. Peduncle, dark orange-brown, with the uppermost part under the capitulum bright orange all round; the chitine membrane itself being thus coloured.

  19. Valves smooth; scuta destitute of internal umbonal teeth; carina standing a little separate from the other valves, with the fork not close to the basal margin of the scuta; uppermost part of peduncle either pale or orange-coloured.

  20. I am not certain that the whole skin of the peduncle is thrown off in a single piece; though this almost certainly is the case with the uppermost and lowest portions.

  21. The umbo is seated at the uppermost point, and, therefore, the main growth is downwards.

  22. This formation of scales in the lower part of the peduncle, independently of the regular rows round the uppermost part, is perhaps a feeble representation of the calcareous cup at the bottom of the peduncle in the genus Lithotrya.

  23. The point uppermost in their minds was to find some one with whom they could trust their store and goods, and this young man from the country, with a letter from a minister, seemed a godsend.

  24. She was compelled to note, as she neared her native city, that of all the objects it contained Dennis Fleet was uppermost in her thoughts.

  25. Not of the abundance of their hearts, for abundance there is not, but of the uppermost thing in their hearts their mouths must speak, even though the subjects be of the delicate nature that would naturally be hidden.

  26. In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation.

  27. Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the LORD God of Israel.

  28. The three uppermost bear the arms of Despenser, Berkeley, and Beauchamp, and the large one the arms of Robert FitzHamon, the founder, impaled with the singular cross of the abbey.

  29. The right way up of a Union Jack is indicated by the Scottish, that is, the broader white, half of the diagonal members being always uppermost in the two pieces next the staff.

  30. I hear from Fritz Muller that there is a grass in Southern Brazil, in which the sheath of the uppermost leaf, half a metre in length, envelopes the whole panicle; and this sheath never opens until the self-fertilised seeds are ripe.

  31. I procured some specimens of Mollia lepidota and speciosa from Kew, but could not make out that their pistils differed in length in different plants; and in all those which I examined the stigma stood close beneath the uppermost anthers.

  32. In all the species the anthers are arranged one below the other, the uppermost just protruding from the throat of the corolla.

  33. If the fisher and the miner bring their products to the general markets, the impersonal part of the problem is uppermost and the wages are recognized to be the market value of the material products.

  34. Hence their interests are uppermost whenever the welfare of the public is not in harmony with the earning of liberal dividends.

  35. The Restoration only meant that the Episcopalian dog was uppermost and the Nonconformist under.

  36. Jack Kellett's father could scarcely be deficient in that quality," said Conway, whose flashing eyes showed that it was Jack's sister was uppermost in his mind as he spoke.

  37. Davis, too much occupied in listening to his daughter or watching the astonishment of Beecher, scarcely ever spoke; but the others chatted away about whatever' came uppermost in a light and careless tone that delighted him.

  38. A splintered door, wrenched from its hinges, lay face-uppermost crowning the heap.

  39. But uppermost in his mind was fear for his love, lest the hut should have given way before the tempest, and she be lying crushed beneath it.

  40. Lady Caroline turned the book back uppermost and spelled out the title through her eyeglass.

  41. They came to the uppermost fall a good hour before sunset, and after a little search Sir Oliver found the cave.

  42. To this portico a flight of sixteen steps conducts you from the uppermost terrace.

  43. The thought, in fact, uppermost in her mind was that he had not suggested her voyaging to England with him.

  44. I wanted to stand with a party on the summit of Mont Blanc, merely to be able to say I had done it, and I believed the telescope could set me within seven feet of the uppermost man.

  45. We told him to clear out, then, and leave the things at the uppermost hotel and say we should be along presently.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uppermost" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.