This is a dream which is obviously a counterpoise to the exaggerated feeling of royal power.
The predisposition of the patient to react in such an exaggerated fashion to a not very remarkable incident, might result from the fact that horses had some special significance for her.
The fact that they are exaggerated and put into the foreground in neurosis is a consequence of the stored-up energy or libido.
This apparently heightened shock-effect was clearly based upon the exaggerated and morbid phantasy of the patient.
On the other hand, a child evincing neurotic talent exaggerated by neurosis may be urged on by solicitous parents.
The picture presented by these contrasted illnesses is one of exaggerated emotivity in the one, and extreme apathy in the other, with regard to the environment.
But it would be wrong if an exaggerated sense of the value of this achievement led us to ascribe to the philosopher the merit of having made or conceived the original image itself.
But it does not offer any explanation for such an exaggerated reaction to an inadequate stimulus.
In most cases the canalisation of the libido for the fulfilment of life's simple duties, suffices to reduce these exaggerated desires to zero.
As a rule it is rather a matter of unmeasured and exaggerated demands, arising out of the patient's stored-up libido, which have usurped a prominent position, usually quite against his own wish.
There are neurotics who have shown their increased sensitiveness and their resistance against adaptation in the very first weeks of life, in their difficulty in taking the mother's breast, and in their exaggerated nervous reactions, &c.
So once more we must return to our original question, whence comes the pathological, the peculiar and exaggerated reaction to the trauma?
The whole moral of the Sermon on the Mount belongs here; man takes a genuine delight in doing violence to himself by these exaggerated claims, and afterwards idolising these tyrannical demands of his soul.
He did not know himself; he himself interpreted the writing of his moods, inclinations, and actions according to an art of interpretation which was as exaggerated and artificial as the spiritual interpretation of the Bible.
But by being accustomed for centuries to this exaggeratedappreciation of love, it has come to pass that they have been caught in their own net and have forgotten the origin of the device.
Sable, but he may have somewhat exaggerated her influence in this respect.
It is a musicianly little work, but in form follows the traditions of the older school of opéra comique with almost exaggerated fidelity.
It was like coming home after summer holidays by the blue sparkling sea, coming home to dolls and toys and the long, thin garden at the back which from absence had acquired an exaggerated reputation for entertainment.
He annoyed Jenny by his exaggerated congratulations, embracing as they did himself as much as Zachary and her.
Percy Fridenberg has shown the exaggerated shock reactions felt by the organism after the eye suffers an injury or is operated on, and recalls Crile's saying that our activation patterns come from sight.
Abnormal states always throw a flood of light on normal states of which they are only an exaggerated variety.
Mr. Davis, by reason of his exaggerated West Point spirit, was not nearly so well qualified as Mr. Lincoln for finding the few real generals in the south.
But Mrs. Stowe was confident that she had not exaggerated or overdrawn him, and further that such were common among the southern slaves.
In spite of his exaggerated stoop, and the emaciation that was so striking from his height, his movements were as rapid and abrupt as ever.
When at last Volgarinov had received him with exaggerated politeness and unmistakable triumph at his humiliation, and had all but refused the favor asked of him, Stepan Arkadyevitch had made haste to forget it all as soon as possible.
Anna had never met this new star of fashion, and was struck by her beauty, the exaggerated extreme to which her dress was carried, and the boldness of her manners.
These measures, still further exaggerated in opposition to what was Alexey Alexandrovitch's fundamental idea, were passed by the commission, and then the aim of Stremov's tactics became apparent.
She at once began talking to him with French exaggerated politeness, applauding him for having such a delightful daughter, extolling Kitty to the skies before her face, and calling her a treasure, a pearl, and a consoling angel.
Pindar and the Greek tragedians followed, and exaggerated such traditions.
But some epics of these poets display a grudge against the Over Lord and his House, which is un-Homeric, and is exaggerated by the Athenian tragedians.
It has to be admitted that Cicero always exaggerated his own powers.
That which was thus prepared he exaggerated as the case might seem to require.
The conduct of Rochester is so primevally and superhumanly caddish that Bret Harte in his admirable travesty scarcely exaggerated it.
Upon the whole, therefore, I think it may justifiably be said that the dark wild youth of the Brontës in their dark wild Yorkshire home has been somewhat exaggerated as a necessary factor in their work and their conception.
Accused of exaggerated vanity, they replied by proudly unfurling the program of their ambition, and, conscious of their worth, held no false estimate of themselves.
Only there was a great difference between the heroes of the latter circle and the Water Drinkers who, like all imitators, had exaggerated the system they sought to put into practice.
Her glow of pleasure was so warm that she suddenly distrusted her own judgment, she looked up at him quickly to see if she had not mistaken his meaning, had not absurdly exaggerated the degree to which he .
Mrs. Draper made a humorously exaggerated gesture of despair and turned to Sylvia.
He tiptoed to the fireplace with exaggerated caution, looking theatrically over his shoulder for a pursuer.
Now the interesting thing about this feeling of inferiority is the exaggerated notion of the superiority of the college-trained, which is entertained chiefly by the uneducated themselves.
What is it all but a slightly exaggerated account of the egoism of all organized crowds?
They have an exaggerated sense of their own importance which is sustained by a wholly unreal but deadly logical system of a priori ideas, which constitute the "obsessions" common to this type of mentality.
Such delusions are known to be defenses, or compensation mechanisms, growing out of the patient's exaggerated feeling of self-importance.
This was a dream which is obviously a counterpoise to the exaggerated feeling of royal power.
Nor is it for me to dilate upon the exaggerated expressions of gratitude, in which the affectionate heart of Glanville found vent for my fortunate exertions on his behalf.
One would certainly commit the gravest error if he saw only this one aspect of religion, or if he even exaggeratedits importance.
It is represented as capable of moving itself, to a certain degree: this is what Leibniz expressed in an exaggerated way when he said that the monad was completely closed to the outside.
In the Vedas, scholars had a written text, whose antiquity was undoubtedly exaggerated at the moment of its discovery, but which is surely one of the most ancient which we have at our disposition in an Indo-European language.
It is true that their physical function may have beenexaggerated by Spencer and Gillen, even in the cases where it is the most incontestable.
It rather resembles a group of exaggerated sandhills, rising at one point into a blunt pyramid, the "Ziggurat.
Further, all the Turkish and Kurdish forces had a very lively respect for the prowess of the Tashnakists, and an exaggerated idea of their numbers.
Besides this, the punishment of my mate was exaggerated by the recreant Frenchman into a most unjustifiable as well as cruel act.
My object in writing this palliative description is not to exculpate the slavers or their commerce, but to correct those exaggerated stories which have so long been current in regard to the usual voyage of a trader.
To make its refusal acceptable to a public which sympathized with France, the Cabinet of General Washington exaggerated the principle into a theory tending to national isolation.
His eyes must be clear, not hallucinated; his arms his own, not swung with the exaggerated gestures of the preacher moved beyond himself by his own words.
He so exaggerated his merits and natural graces to himself that he believed no woman was able to resist him; the list of his conquests of every kind had been interminable.
The Gascon, by his exaggerated tales of what he had seen, will give more credence still to the stories which have been circulated during the past three years on the island, absurd stories but useful, and which until now alas!
Put aside these probabilities, do not admit into our future this exaggerated fear.
This picture, exaggerated as it will appear to those who have not seen it, brings home to us the essential character of free competition for low-skilled labour where the normal supply is in excess of the demand.
Even applied to a higher grade of labour, a close investigation of facts discloses a grossly exaggerated notion of the sums spent in drink by city workers in receipt of good wages.
Respecting the rate of the decline of agricultural population exaggerated statements are often made.