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Example sentences for "theatrical"

Lexicographically close words:
theaters; theatre; theatres; theatri; theatric; theatricalism; theatrically; theatricals; theayter; theca
  1. While she had been deeply annoyed at the artist's note, she grew angry at the temerity of the theatrical manager and promptly tore the letter into shreds.

  2. Worse still, she received later a letter from a New York theatrical manager offering her an engagement in a musical comedy he was about to launch.

  3. They delight in street pageantry, fancy costumes, theatrical performances, and similar spectacles.

  4. I wish you would insert that capital Paper on Dramatic and Theatrical from the Cornhill.

  5. And this in spite of the new Lord Chamberlain {48a} having ousted him from his Theatrical post, wanting a younger and more active man to go and see the Plays, as well as read them.

  6. And (to finish Theatrical or Dramatic Business) Quaritch has begun to print Agamemnon--so leisurely that I fancy he wishes to wait till the old Persian is exhausted, and so join the two.

  7. The theatrical novelty initiated by this unknown actress was far-reaching in its effects.

  8. This theatrical work was, however, only on the fringe of Mrs. Cooper's real interest.

  9. Her first theatrical season in London presents her in the rĂ´le of dramatic critic.

  10. Sternhold had the vaguest ideas of stage proprieties and theatrical morality.

  11. The object was to afford a concert-room for dramatic and theatrical performances, and also for balls.

  12. The Castle Rock, with Capri's refined sky-coloured outline relieving its hard profile on the horizon, is one of those exceedingly picturesque objects just too theatrical to be artistic.

  13. He cut loose from the conventional classic forms and gave the world dramatic music, melodies of extraordinary dramatic force, brilliant orchestration, stately pageants, and theatrical effects.

  14. Eutin, and may almost be said to have been born on the stage, as his father was at the head of a theatrical company, and the young Carl was carried in the train of the wandering troupe all over Germany.

  15. The rough and uncouth corn of others passed through the hoppers of Shakspere's brain and came out fine flour, ready for use by the theatrical bakers.

  16. Ned was a jolly rake, and had been in London sporting with theatrical companies, and, as a citizen of the world, was perfectly at home wherever night overtook him.

  17. We remained among relatives and friends in Warwickshire until the middle of September, when we heard that the London plague had abated and the theatrical profession were busy preparing for a winter campaign of dramatic glory.

  18. Standing on the pinnacle of the Pyramid William again struck one of his theatrical attitudes, and with outstretched hands exclaimed: Immortal Sol!

  19. Illustration] A dozen of the most appropriate plays of Shakspere were enacted before the nobility of the realm; and the diplomatic corps from foreign lands were greatly charmed by the magnificence of the theatrical displays.

  20. In a couple of days William was up to his head and ears in theatrical composition and stage structure.

  21. His working den at the Blackfriars was crowded with a mass of theatrical literary productions, ancient and modern, while our lodging rooms were piled up with Latin, Greek, Spanish and French translations.

  22. At the same time the resurgence of popular literature and the creation of popular theatrical types deserved to be particularly noticed.

  23. It caused theatrical enterprises to keep chiefly to pieces which could be performed in the open air or at any rate by daylight.

  24. In studying the development of a secular lyric drama, it is essential that we keep in mind the nature of the music employed in the dramatic ceremonials, and later in the frankly theatrical representations of the church.

  25. It was a theatrical ornament to a prince's festival.

  26. He also furnished a number of theatrical articles on the acting of Kean.

  27. It was the first which he printed; he might have composed it at an earlier period; perhaps, also, he did not include theatrical labours, as they then possessed but little literary dignity.

  28. Clairon with sneers and jests for the theatrical style which the actress could not outlive.

  29. He liked, so easily, to play oracle and wiseman; he liked the admiration called forth by a certain theatrical prowess with the reins and whip.

  30. His instinctively theatrical manner diminished not a jot the menace of the threat.

  31. His theatrical self-consciousness bowed him over the other hand, pressing upon it a half-calculated kiss.

  32. The uninitiated then reel off in a trance of hypnotic joy; the others do the same, in more theatrical fashion.

  33. The ninth and tenth sketches are from the second scene with the nurse, called in theatrical phrase "the Banishment Scene.

  34. She had a perception of some of the traditional absurdities of dress, and ridiculous technical anomalies of theatrical arrangements, which she had not power to alter, and which I have seen her endure with wondrous good temper.

  35. How a certain class of theatrical people dress and talk, what their work is, and what their outer ways are like, he has discovered with infinite painstaking; but the fact remains that it is the work of an outsider.

  36. The dramatic and musical entertainment which for many years was known in London by the title of "German Reed" was a form of theatrical enterprise deserving of commemoration in connexion with those who made it successful.

  37. A keen observer, a writer of brilliant and suggestive ideas, Sudermann is, above all, the practical playwright; but it is unfortunate that the theatrical element in his work too often overshadows its literary qualities.

  38. They have what is, to some persons at any rate, the theatrical quality, not the poetical or best-prosaic.

  39. The fact that it has been going the rounds of theatrical managers for ten years is no indication that it has ever been read.

  40. In the distance, on a small raised platform, stood a girl dressed in faded theatrical finery, making her obeisance to the crowd.

  41. He thought that in witnessing the applauses bestowed on actors, and sharing in the fascination in which theatrical illusion holds an audience, my old passion for the stage, and with it the longing for an artiste's fame, would revive.

  42. The attitude made one realize, however completely tenderer preoccupations held the foreground of one's consciousness, how often and successfully she must have sat to theatrical photographers.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "theatrical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    actor; actress; affected; antagonist; artificial; camp; character; dramatic; emotive; feeder; film; foil; ham; heavy; histrionic; hysterical; ingenue; insincere; juvenile; legitimate; mannered; melodramatic; mimic; movie; mummer; operatic; ostentatious; overdone; pantomime; player; pretentious; reciter; scenic; sensational; soubrette; spectacular; stagy; stellar; stroller; theatrical; unnatural; unreasoning; villain; vivid