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Example sentences for "studying"

Lexicographically close words:
studs; study; studye; studyed; studyin; stuf; stuff; stuffe; stuffed; stuffes
  1. Black," said Kabilovitsch, studying the other's face with suspicion and surprise.

  2. At one time he sprang through the opening at which Michael, studying the tricks of the quick-witted brute, had stationed himself.

  3. To study humanity in the present is like studying a mountain with a magnifying glass; to study it in the past is like studying it through a telescope.

  4. The fact that it is an animal necessity only comes to the naturalistic philosopher after looking abroad, studying its origins and results, constructing an explanation of its existence, more or less natural and conclusive.

  5. Sometimes one of the boys at school comes home when we’re studying for a science test.

  6. I laugh, too, but what I’m thinking of is how Pop would look if I brought a girl home and said we were studying for a test!

  7. They’re about—I mean, we were studying metaphors and similes.

  8. It will be remembered that when we were studying the dynamo we produced an electric current by moving a magnet.

  9. I could see no good reason why he should not pursue the same method in studying electricity.

  10. Seven years were spent in studying the problem, and again in 1865 the Great Eastern, a mammoth ship, started to lay the cable.

  11. Pressed in a corner, I presume both would claim that their only desire is to compel the courts promptly to observe popular sentiment instead of studying legal principles and, to that end, propose to subject judges to some kind of recall.

  12. He urged them to treat him respectfully for he said he was studying for the ministry.

  13. Monsieur the Count d'Artois was learning to dance on the tight-rope; and Monsieur de Provence was cultivating l'eloquence du billet and studying his favorite Horace.

  14. The new religion gaining very quickly a footing in France, the youth became influenced by it when studying in Paris at the College de la Marche.

  15. I would be found studying this, that I may be able to say to God, "Have I transgressed Thy commands?

  16. They lived together in peace and prosperity, worshipping the gods, studying the Vedas, and spending much time in meditation about higher things.

  17. It certainly had its value in emphasizing the importance of studying the influence of environment in the formation of the Christian Scriptures.

  18. After studying theology at the Protestant academy of Saumur, he was ordained at the age of twenty-two, becoming pastor at Chatillon-sur-Indre.

  19. After studying the movement for two years, he resolved to inaugurate a similar movement in France.

  20. After studying natural science in various universities, he engaged in private tuition, both independently and in families, in the Austrian towns of Graz, Brunn, Gorz and Triest respectively.

  21. In 1879 he came to London and entered the Lambeth School of Art, studying under Jules Dalou and Rodin, and winning a silver medal in the national competition at South Kensington.

  22. With the same patience that he employed in solving his industrial problems, he had been studying her day by day, without her ever suspecting the watchfulness behind that impassive countenance.

  23. He was then a lieutenant and studying for admission to the General Staff.

  24. Desnoyers instantly felt the most overmastering desire to see his boy, since, for so many months, he had had to content himself with reading his letters and studying the snap shot which one of his comrades had made of his soldier son.

  25. Injudicious friends had encouraged her in this fatuous belief, and she had worked so hard and spent so much time and money studying with expensive teachers, with the idea of going on the stage, that at last her health gave way.

  26. I have always taken keen interest in studying man in his relations to his fellow man, particularly in his relations with women.

  27. You remember, Mirza, we set out together studying Hebrew.

  28. Mahommed gave over studying the tower and deep-sunken gate, and presently beckoned to his suite.

  29. He was studying some big books, but quit them, and picked me up, and asked me who I was?

  30. All this time Corti was studying the fisherman.

  31. What time he was not mourning the loss of his royal father, he was studying designs for a palace, probably the Watch Tower of the World (Jehan Numa), which he subsequently built in Adrianople.

  32. And see also how necessary it is to be often preaching on this subject, and to be often thinking upon and studying this fundamental truth.

  33. In reading and studying of the word there should be much single dependence on the Spirit for light; waiting for clearness from him whom Christ hath promised to lead us into all truth.

  34. Everyone was studying some subject, acquiring some new skill.

  35. I've been studying up on biology and genetics; talking to Chang got me interested.

  36. By studying them you will learn that the whole secret of artistic success lies in the selection of titles that appeal to and direct the imagination of the critic, the spectator, or the would-be purchaser.

  37. I have been studying it ever since I woke.

  38. He was educated at St Paul's school, which he left in 1891 with the idea of studying art.

  39. And how you will enjoy studying at Florence!

  40. After studying under Abelard Hilarius had taken up his abode at Angers, near the place where Eva dwelt, and was much impressed by her piety and devotions[581].

  41. He passed his whole life studying and writing in the monasteries of SS.

  42. In studying the art industry of the convent, we needs must treat of work produced with the brush and the pen side by side with work produced with the needle.

  43. I think you belong right here, in that darling little house, studying butterflies and mounting them so beautifully they look alive.

  44. She would wait and brood, studying the details and adding to them until her power might be commensurate with her desire for revenge.

  45. He said, studying the situation abstractedly.

  46. He was looking directly at her now, studying her face.

  47. It doesn't do any harm," said Vance, who was still studying the bill of fare, though he had ordered.

  48. Her first move was to buy a shirt waist, and in studying these she found how little her money would buy--how much, if she could only use all.

  49. Though educated apart from the male students while studying the theory of midwifery, they attend the accouchement-ward together, and receive clinical or practical instruction in the same class, from the same professor.

  50. Emily Blackwell, who was at that time studying in England, requesting her to make collections among their friends in that country; which she did with success.

  51. Some of our cleverest fiction is largely devoted to studying the character of our countrymen abroad; that is, either denationalized Americans or Americans with a foreign background.

  52. It was worth while, however, to ascend our opposite hill for the sake of gaining a general idea of the advance of spring, which I had hitherto been studying in its minute developments.

  53. It is too late to be studying Hebrew; it is more important to understand even the slang of to-day.

  54. Then he branched off into what was, from a practical standpoint, the vastly more important work of studying the winds and currents of the ocean.

  55. The brilliancy of the offer was dimmed by only a single consideration; I had never felt the slightest taste for studying medicine or caring for the sick.

  56. We've been studying the code," said Joe thoughtfully.

  57. There is undoubtedly a great deal of truth in his claim, because the experiments that led to his success were made while he was a youth studying at the Bologna University in Italy.

  58. I see two youthful students studying one page.

  59. He was walking to and fro rapidly, studying a slip of manuscript with an air of serious ecstasy.

  60. Day by day this youth was studying with indefatigable zeal the truths and doctrines adopted by his teacher.

  61. He had left college, and was studying the profession which gentlemen of leisure most affect, when he fell in love with a young girl left in the world almost alone, as he was.

  62. Sarka had the feeling, and he knew Jaska shared it with him, that innumerable eyes were studying them, innumerable intellects were cataloguing them.

  63. For some months now they had been hovering over various portions of the earth, studying its geography and its peoples, with the result that they had concluded the United States offered the most logical point for launching the attack.

  64. Sarka knew, studying this phenomenon, that he possessed at least a hint of the secret of Luar's omnipotence.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "studying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absorbed; application; contemplation; devoted; drill; engaged; engrossed; exercise; grind; grinding; immersed; inspection; intent; involved; meditative; obsessed; occupied; perusal; practice; preoccupied; preparation; reading; review; speculation; studious; study; subject