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Example sentences for "doctrines"

Lexicographically close words:
doctrinal; doctrinally; doctrinam; doctrinas; doctrine; doctryne; doctus; document; documentary; documentation
  1. In addition to the doctrines of eternal suffering, and the lost condition of the human race, the notion of a minute personal retribution must be regarded as profoundly original.

  2. Instances of this in transubstantiation and the Augustinian and Calvinistic doctrines of damnation, 96, 97.

  3. Its most illustrious teachers differed from the Catholic saints as much in the moral type they displayed as in the system of doctrines they held.

  4. On the other hand, the ecclesiastical aspects and the sacramental doctrines of the Church were the extreme opposites of Quakerism.

  5. He came forward, bible in hand, and, walking to the Inca’s litter, began to explain to him the doctrines of the Christian religion.

  6. I had been saying this for several weeks, when, out came the King's Speech and gave me and my doctrines the lie direct as to every point.

  7. It is not fair for them to enjoy the warmth without subscribing to the doctrines of the giver of the warmth.

  8. Bear witness to this, my Disciples, and justify the doctrines of him for whose sakes you have endured persecution.

  9. It is characteristic of British politics that they are never merely or fully logical, and that even when political doctrines seem to enjoy the most complete ascendancy, they are never put into effect without qualifications or exceptions.

  10. These were the doctrines and calculations of Realpolitik.

  11. The truth is, that, guided by the Bible, we cannot justify and hold fellowship with religious societies that teach doctrines contrary to the Bible, without sinning in a twofold way.

  12. Let us grasp that selfsame sword; let us teach the doctrines which he taught so effectively to its overthrow, and we, too, shall prevail.

  13. In the history and prophecies of the Old Testament we read of false prophets who were not sent, and yet they ran and taught the people perverse doctrines and led many away from the true service of the living God.

  14. A close study of the doctrines of the ancient Chinese sages might have exposed the illegitimacy of the Bakufu administration.

  15. The Hojo, by exalting bushido, followed the invaluable teaching of the Genji, and supplemented it with the doctrines of Shinto, Confucianism, and Buddhism.

  16. From one point of view, Michizane's overthrow by Fujiwara Tokihira may be regarded as a collision between the Confucian doctrines which informed the polity of the Daika epoch and the power of aristocratic heredity.

  17. The doctrines that the Shinto deities were incarnations of the Buddhas of Contemplation (Dhyani) had already been enunciated by Gyogi but its general acceptance dates from the days of Dengyo Daishi.

  18. Not to study is to be ignorant of the doctrines of the ancient sages, and an ignorant ruler has never governed a nation peacefully.

  19. For this distress neither the Tendai doctrines nor the Shingon conceptions were sufficiently simple to supply a remedy.

  20. Still Fernandez with his broken Japanese was the only medium for communicating the profound doctrines of Christianity.

  21. Its churches still echo the old strains of music and the old dogmatic tones from the pulpit, but the worshippers themselves feel the anomaly of its doctrines and rites when they return to their secular avocations.

  22. Geology and Biology, in especial, were getting themselves ready to overthrow the fables of Genesis and destroy its doctrines of special creation.

  23. The unbelief of the people of Noah's day did not stay the flood; the unbelief of the Jews did not prove Jesus an impostor; and the killing of the apostles did not prove their doctrines false.

  24. The assassination of Joseph Smith was no proof one way or another as to the divine nature of his authority; neither will the rejection of the doctrines he taught prove them wrong.

  25. Good and evil are names that signify our appetites and aversions, which in different tempers, customs, and doctrines of men are different .

  26. The first part was simply borrowed from the Stoics, whose doctrines and method thus passed from the narrow circle of a philosophical academy and became the avowed moral beacons of the civilised globe.

  27. The Gnostics and the Alexandrian fathers united, though in very different proportions, Christian doctrines with the same elements; while Neoplatonism, at least in its later forms, represented a fusion of the Greek and Egyptian mind.

  28. Selfish considerations may have directed persecution against heresy rather than against vice, but the Catholic doctrines of the guilt of error, and of the infallibility of the Church, were amply sufficient to justify it.

  29. These calumnies were greatly encouraged by the ecclesiastical rule, which withheld from the unbaptised all knowledge of some of the more mysterious doctrines of the Church, and veiled, at least, one of its ceremonies in great obscurity.

  30. These two doctrines formed part of the very first teaching of the Stoics, but it was the special glory of the Roman teachers, and an obvious result of the condition of affairs I have described, to have brought them into full relief.

  31. Each of the cantons contained hundreds of Hurons, all instructed in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, and not a few openly professing it; while in the Seneca country was a town made up of the Scanonaenrat Hurons, Petuns, and Neuters.

  32. Singular and fallacious as are the pseudo-scientific doctrines just mentioned, they are exceeded by the extraordinary speculations of other writers, who also appear to hold in utter contempt the ordinary laws of action of the senses.

  33. Ideas of mysterious and supernatural powers, vague, undefined, and frightful, are thus instilled into the child, and influence it unchecked and uncontrolled by the Scriptural doctrines of the invisible which are taught to it.

  34. Examples of the influence of these doctrines in the Roman and other churches may be multiplied.

  35. But my chief reliance in solving the obscurities of Humboldt's presentation of his doctrines has been a close comparison of allied passages in his various essays, memoirs and letters.

  36. Her religious character was marked by a strict conformity to the doctrines of the Church, of which she was a consistent, faithful, zealous member.

  37. Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things, not answering again, not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrines of God our Saviour in all things.

  38. My brethren," he said, "we are here assembled to worship God according to our own consciences, and to the rules and doctrines of the reformed church.

  39. Into the little town of Morseiul had been early introduced the doctrines of Calvin, and the inhabitants clung to those doctrines with peculiar pertinacity.

  40. Such were the doctrines, Albert, that were taught in my youth, such were the doctrines under which I myself became a humble soldier of the cross.

  41. Nor indeed would they admit the contrary, till the full approbation of the head of our church stamped the work as containing the true doctrines of our holy faith.

  42. Measures of a strong, a harassing, and of an unjust nature, are taking place against us, because we will not say we believe that which we are sure is false, and follow doctrines which our soul repudiates.

  43. Come and preach your Saint-Simonian doctrines to-morrow to Kirby's hands.

  44. But the vidame had an influence on Monsieur de Maulincour's destiny which obliges us to preserve his portrait; he lectured the young man after his fashion, and did his best to convert him to the doctrines of the great age of gallantry.

  45. Mr. Kusel is defending God Almighty nobly in his "Humanitarian Philosophy" and has given the church doctrines a slap no man can gainsay.

  46. Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

  47. Anthropology has not thus been evolved from a priori speculation, but presents its systematic doctrines as generalizations of the facts and experiments which have been carefully acquired and studied through the last half-century.

  48. These facts, interesting to the philosophic physiologist, are of great moment in reference to the doctrines advocated in this chapter.

  49. Still, it was a great matter to have those doctrines recognized by the constituted authorities of the state.

  50. Indeed, in every page of history, we meet with fresh evidence of the little effect religious doctrines can produce upon a people, unless preceded by intellectual culture.

  51. As a natural consequence, he was hated by the clergy; his doctrines were declared to be highly pernicious; and he was accused of wishing to subvert the national religion, and corrupt the national morals.

  52. Among the more advanced European thinkers there is, however, a growing opinion that both doctrines are wrong or, at all events, that we have no sufficient evidence of their truth.

  53. The doctrines of Mohammed spread quickly; and the Malay pilgrims enjoy the reputation, in modern times, of being among the most scrupulously religious of those who go to the Hadj.

  54. All those monstrous doctrines respecting the rights of kings, which the Revolution was supposed to have destroyed, were suddenly revived.

  55. New measures of persecution were devised, and fresh laws were passed against those Protestants who did not conform to the doctrines and discipline of the English church.

  56. It appears that God only sent his Son upon earth that his marvellous doctrines might prove an apple of discord both for his priests and his adorers.

  57. According to them, the unassisted reason of the human mind could never have conceived sounder doctrines of morality, more heroical virtues, or precepts more beneficial to society.

  58. Should nations feel any extraordinary obligations to teachers who concoct doctrines that must always remain impenetrable for the whole human race?

  59. By this chicanery they contrive to subject or retain under their yoke all those who are weak enough to be led by the contradictory doctrines of these blind guides.

  60. This fixed intelligence consists of the classic spirit, which applied to the scientific acquisitions of the period, produces the philosophy of the century and the doctrines of the Revolution.

  61. It is not surprising that they should accept him as a guide and welcome his doctrines with that fervor of faith called enthusiasm, and which invariably accompanies the newborn idea as well as the first love.

  62. In conformity with the doctrines of Rousseau the registers of the Third-Estate unanimously insist on a constitution for France; none exists, or at least the one she possesses is of no value.

  63. That makes no difference; the pretty woman, ably led on, begins to philosophize without knowing it, arriving without effort at the distinction between good and evil, comprehending and deciding on the highest doctrines of morality and religion.

  64. Just set to work and talk new doctrines to people you fancy are fools enough to believe such lies,--why, they think you want to burn their houses down!

  65. Consequently the doctrines of Saint-Simon were especially hated and villified among them.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doctrines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.