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Example sentences for "relations"

Lexicographically close words:
relating; relatio; relation; relational; relatione; relationship; relationships; relative; relatively; relativement
  1. The Associated Press has treaty relations with the three great European news agencies, viz.

  2. But here wine could only be obtained from the assistant surgeon, and she was afraid of him, because he pursued her with his attentions, and all relations with men were disgusting to her.

  3. During his service in the Senate, his relations obtained for him the post of gentleman of the Emperor's bed-chamber, and he was obliged to drive around in gorgeous uniform to thank various people.

  4. The preceding week he had written to her a decisive letter, acknowledging his guilt, and expressing his readiness to redeem it in any manner she should suggest, but for her own good, considered their relations ended.

  5. Their relations toward the office were such that they have always been in absolute dependence upon it.

  6. She led him into relations with her which held him fast, and at the same time grew more and more repulsive to him.

  7. Well, then, knowing your relations toward Catherine Michaelovna, I consider it my duty to let you know my relations to her.

  8. True, those changes in his life changed his relations to her.

  9. Are not my relations toward Maria Vasilievna base and detestable?

  10. The conversation about financial affairs and the inheritance at once destroyed the tender relations they had resumed.

  11. From this day on the relations between Nekhludoff and Katiousha were changed, and there were established between them those peculiar relations which are customary between two innocent young people who are attached to each other.

  12. Nekhludoff recalled his relations with the wife of the district commander, and a flood of shameful recollections came upon him.

  13. But yet there are many fabulous relations of such things as have dropped thence.

  14. You have no relations here, but you have a grandfather, a rich gentleman, at Rājagaha; and there you have plenty of relations.

  15. And he comforted his relations with the words, “Don’t you be afraid!

  16. Of the truth of this, the facts stated by the banker were sufficient proof Monsieur Gardette was aware of my friendly relations with the family, and without reserve he communicated all he knew.

  17. It was said that she undertook this work because, being a German by birth, and having twice used her influence to place her German relations on the episcopal throne of Prague, she had incurred the hostility of the Bohemians.

  18. Relations between the archbishop and Hus became yet more embittered when the latter addressed to his ecclesiastical superior a letter of remonstrance which Dr.

  19. The relations of the deceased baron accused of the murder Sir William Bisat, a powerful nobleman, who appears to have been in such high favour with the young queen, that she offered her oath, as a compurgator, to prove his innocence.

  20. And he is humble, and venerates Holy Church and the sacraments, and he is temperate in meat and drink, in his words, and in all relations of life.

  21. Navarrete, who knew nothing of the letter above mentioned, tries hard to show that the relations between Cervantes and Lope were of a very friendly sort, as indeed they were until "Don Quixote" was written.

  22. Mrs. Holmes was bewildered as to the curious social relations of Australian people, but her mind was set at rest about Jane Melville.

  23. She thought there was some inconsistency in Mrs. Mahoney's fluent narratives, and something very peculiar in her relations with Mrs. Phillips, who appeared to be restless and uncomfortable whenever she was in the house.

  24. It described her life at Wiriwilta, the house, and the scenery, so far as she could do it justice; Miss Phillips's relations with Dr.

  25. Mrs. Peck signed her name rather reluctantly as Elizabeth Hogarth, known as Elizabeth Peck, and was proceeding to give some account of her relations with Peck, of rather a romantic character.

  26. I am quite sure that but for the singular relations in which I was placed I never could have known Jane, and could not have loved her.

  27. No one knows how she may be situated--her relations with my father must have been very miserable.

  28. He had no other near relations whom any one knew of, and had never been known to regret that the name of Hogarth, of Cross Hall, was likely to become extinct.

  29. His family of poor relations had disappeared at his death, and the island was now chiefly remarkable for a curious clay formation, which time had chiseled into cliffs so mimicking a folding screen that they were known by the name.

  30. The fishermen were very much at home in it, but to me the sensation was such as to cause strained relations between my will to stay and my wish to be gone.

  31. Their mutual relations were those of substance to shadow.

  32. Still, the suggestion that their relations had changed did not come from him, for he knew that pity or sympathy given by request lacks the potency of that which is spontaneously offered.

  33. He told them his relations with Blizzard since the beginning.

  34. And in realizing this, and in allowing their relations to continue, she knew that she was doing wrong.

  35. You will be glad," said Barbara, "to hear that I have severed friendly relations with Mr. Blizzard.

  36. Absolute existence is indeed reduced into relations, but into relations together constituting the truth, if contradictory in themselves; that is, a concrete, as distinguished from an abstract truth.

  37. Yet if Punch here and elsewhere spoke with more than one voice, his views on high policy, international relations and home affairs exhibit a certain general uniformity and continuity.

  38. Canada, relations with England and the U.

  39. The basis of Mr. Wyndham's Land Purchase Act is well shown in the cartoon illustrating the financial relations of the two countries.

  40. Our relations with the United States were bettered at the opening of 1897 by the signing of the Arbitration Treaty adjusting the Venezuelan question.

  41. England was then the most unpopular country in the world; and in allaying this general distrust and dislike, the personal relations of King Edward with foreign statesmen and rulers wrought powerfully for goodwill and a better understanding.

  42. For our strained relations with the United States over the Venezuelan arbitration had been brought to a critical stage by President Cleveland's message.

  43. To 1906 belongs one of the few cartoons in this period in which the relations of Church and State are directly referred to.

  44. But Punch had no misgivings at the moment and acclaimed him in a cartoon in which he enters the lists, "from spur to plume a star of tournament," with Harcourt as his squire, a reading of their relations hardly borne out by the sequel.

  45. A couple of months later our friendly relations with Italy inspired a cartoon in which Britannia congratulates Italy, but advises her to be less visionary and more practical.

  46. Austria, relations with Serbia up to 1914, iv.

  47. I’m a particular man myself, and I wish my relations to look smart and prosperous.

  48. Squire, ’I thought you had no relations but your mother?

  49. We belonged to the lower middle-class, and had made a good many friends since grandpapa’s reformation; but now our relations with our fellow-creatures promised to present some rather exceptional difficulties.

  50. The processes of science consist in finding out these meanings or reasons, and getting them into intelligible relations with each other.

  51. The relations of earth are resumed in the new scene.

  52. But in the hands of poets and philosophers, the really shaping powers of Hellenic culture, polytheism was left far behind, and on the third of the questions suggested above in considering the relations of morality and religion (p.

  53. The relations of these creative Powers to man are conceived very differently.

  54. It may be applied in the widest range of relations from the hair which is on the top of the head to the government which rules the people.

  55. There is, on the one hand, the effort to enter into helpful relations with the energies which pervade nature and operate on man.

  56. But religion suggests that there is some Power capable of satisfying these wants, and undertakes to provide the means for setting man in proper relations with it.

  57. They are sometimes associated with a peculiar form of social structure regulating inter-tribal relations known as totemism.

  58. On the other hand, the "High Gods of Low Races" often seem to fade away and become inactive, or at least are out of relations to man.

  59. Religious thought does not always move forwards with equal speed over all the relations and possibilities of life.

  60. Then after death, at an adult age, the relations or friends of the deceased had cut out further round portions of the skull as near as possible to the old wound, probably with a view to keeping these pieces as amulets.

  61. Were this fact completely established, still more, if it were corroborated by other analogous facts, we should in it have a very valuable indication of the relations of England with the most ancient known navigators.

  62. In California, the relations of the deceased covered their faces with a thick paste of a kind of loam mixed with the ashes of the dead, and were compelled to wear this sign of their grief until it fell off naturally.

  63. The copper saw is an example of the first efforts of the natives at metallurgy; the gold and obsidian which were foreign to the island bear witness to commercial relations with people at a distance.

  64. It is not only in Europe that we can trace the relations established between men separated by vast distances, by oceans, and by apparently impassable deserts.

  65. I wish you to give me a full account of your relations with Pattmore ever since your first acquaintance with him.

  66. He kept up friendly relations with them by taking both mother and daughter out riding occasionally in the summer evenings; and in various ways he ingratiated himself into the old lady's confidence.

  67. But what was more important than all was the fact that the way had at last been opened up for trade relations with Calabar.

  68. Occasionally the relations of the victims would be powerful enough to take exception to the summary procedure and seek redress by force of arms, and a vendetta would reign for years.

  69. There was a number of friends to whom she wrote regularly, and whose relations to her may be judged from the manner in which they began their letters.

  70. She, in turn, was often in his State room advising him regarding the private and complicated affairs of his little kingdom and his relations with the British Government.

  71. Her womanly sympathy and tenderness were never better exhibited than in her relations with her dark sisters about her.

  72. What is the use of relations if they can't help each other at a pinch?

  73. The nice thing about relations would be that one would not have to be on ceremony with them all the time.

  74. Charity begins at home, and I call it treachery to forsake your relations when they need your help.

  75. Faithful to the spirit of our alliances, we maintain good and friendly relations with all the powers.

  76. No sooner is there evidence of an improvement in our relations with Italy, than he invites King Humbert to be present at the German military manoeuvres, in order to create dissension between the two countries.

  77. But beyond these relations between God and the German Emperor, his utterances reveal nothing beyond commonplace self-conceit.

  78. If scandalous proceedings such as these make no difference in the relations of the Triple Alliance, why wonder at the audacity and pride of the Teutons?

  79. Special efforts were made to establish intimate relations with the other Asiatic peoples.

  80. She did not wish to enter into such intimate relations with us, for she privately regarded us as an upstart nation radically different from us in blood and religion.

  81. The strongest manifestations are in South Africa, where interracial relations are bad and becoming worse, but there is much diffused, half-articulate dislike of white men throughout central Africa as well.

  82. The expulsion of the Bourbons had given mortal offence to the Czar Nicholas, and neither Austria nor Prussia was likely to enter into close relations with a Government founded upon revolution.

  83. He now saw that time had come for establishing new relations between Great Britain and Russia, and for attempting that co-operation in the East which he had held to be impracticable during Alexander's reign.

  84. The family-relations of the two Emperors pointed to a close alliance, and the reward which Napoleon held out to Austria, the restoration of the Illyrian provinces, was one of the utmost value.

  85. A marriage with the daughter of Ferdinand of Sicily restored him to those relations with the reigning houses of Europe which had been forfeited by his father, and inspired him with the hope of gaining a crown.

  86. The change in the seat of government was in fact seen to be nothing less than a reversal of the old relations between the European country and its colony.

  87. In that case, and in that alone, the Czar desired to add, would the Powers maintain their relations of confidence and amity with Spain.

  88. Two more years of life, two more years of change in the relations of England to the Continent, would have given Castlereagh a different figure in the history both of Greece and of America.

  89. The general relations existing between the Great Powers were based, not on the ridiculous and obsolete treaty of Holy Alliance, but on the Acts which were signed at the Conference of Aix-la-Chapelle.

  90. But their conduct and relations will be more clearly seen, when I publish their letters and constitution.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "relations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accord; addition; adjunct; adultery; affairs; affiliation; affinity; alliance; ancestry; approximation; ass; association; blood; bond; circumstances; clansman; climax; closeness; cognate; cohabitation; coitus; collateral; combination; commerce; condition; connection; connections; contiguity; contrariety; dealings; deduction; disjunction; doings; family; filiation; flesh; folks; fornication; homology; intercourse; intimacy; junction; kin; kindred; kinfolk; kinsmen; liaison; life; link; linkage; lovemaking; mating; meat; nearness; orgasm; people; posterity; proceedings; procreation; propinquity; proximity; rapport; relation; relations; relationship; relative; sex; similarity; sperm; sympathy; term; tie; times; traffic; tribesman; union; venery

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    relations between; relations with