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Example sentences for "ancestry"

Lexicographically close words:
ancestors; ancestours; ancestral; ancestress; ancestresses; ancha; anche; ancho; anchor; anchora
  1. He inherited from a very illustrious and distinguished ancestry a prestige rarely enjoyed in this country, and yet he was as unpretending, unaffected, and modest as the humblest man.

  2. To a certain extent the pride of ancestry is an ennobling sentiment, and Virginians must be pardoned when tempted to refer to the illustrious names which their State in the past has furnished to the nation.

  3. It was from such an ancestry our late colleague was descended, and it was from such teachings and such examples he imbibed his zealous convictions of right and his sturdy regard for the exalted prerogatives of a free people.

  4. It is probable that his ancestry had even other domesticated animals.

  5. It may perhaps be safer to look upon the ancestry of birds as one of those problems on which the oracle of science cannot at present declare itself.

  6. In conclusion, a few words may be said about the ancestry and life-history of these ancient monsters.

  7. But it will be very long before its ancestry can be made known.

  8. You can't afford to take any stock in the ancestry of these old Virginians.

  9. Even if the girl were worthy, Percy could never hope to win one of her class, whose pride of ancestry is their bread of life.

  10. Not even German archaeology supplies a historical ancestry for this sofa cult.

  11. Renan writes that he owes his pleasure in intellectual things to a long ancestry of non-thinkers, and he claims to have inherited their stored-up mental forces.

  12. When we trace an ancestry so far, therefore, we must know something of the multitude from which the individual is descended, if we are to gather anything of value concerning his racial characteristics.

  13. Much of this time he had spent in Clarendon, where his father's wealth and influence gave him entrance to good society, in spite of an ancestry which mere character would not have offset.

  14. The consciousness of honourable ancestry might make one clean of life, gentle of manner, and just in one's dealings.

  15. Nor do we, as Americans, affect to have suddenly succeeded to a better state of feelings respecting the natives than our English ancestry possessed.

  16. Stone as to the immediate ancestry of Brant, and much importance is attached to the inquiry, whether he was descended from a line of hereditary chiefs.

  17. There are still Egyptians of unmixed ancestry to be found in the land.

  18. It is a well-marked branch, showing plainly the mixed ancestry of the people.

  19. You, the good and the brave, the wise in council, and the strong in battle, have you not to support the reputation your own deeds have won, a reputation more honourable than mere ancestry can supply?

  20. One of these traced their ancestry to the islands of Lake Titicaca.

  21. None of those whose European costume proclaimed a white or mixed ancestry stopped to pray or make obeisance.

  22. The poet's ancestry cannot be defined with absolute certainty.

  23. His wealth and other attributes have placed him in a good social position; but he has no arms, and, as far as the world is aware, no ancestry whatever.

  24. Indeed it may well be believed that the negrito element is derived from an original ancestry who were probably the earlier inhabitants of New Guinea.

  25. In any attempt to understand Byron, his ancestry must be much considered.

  26. The last inquiry that morning, respecting my interesting patient, came from the Bishop of Damascus, a benevolent old gentleman whose ancestry was not wholly innocent of Oriental strains, and who sat at a table immediately behind me.

  27. Nay, nay; I will go if your whole ancestry were ranked at the foot.

  28. My kinsman has ten generations of ancestry of the best blood of Scotland and the Isles underground.

  29. Very well; the Count de Montaiglon, guilty of many outrages against his ancestry to-day, must swim too if that were called for.

  30. This order, which includes lemurs, monkeys, apes, and man, seems to have sprung from a creodont or insectivorous ancestry in the lower Eocene.

  31. Whales evolved from some land ancestry at a very early date in the Tertiary; in the marine deposits of the Eocene are found the bones of the Zeuglodon, a whalelike creature seventy feet in length.

  32. On the line of the ancestry of most modern fishes its duct was closed and it became the swim bladder used in flotation and balancing.

  33. It was perhaps born of the solitude in which his childhood passed away; perhaps cherished by the seeds of madness that were in him, that were in his sister, that were in the ancestry from which he sprung.

  34. He did not attempt to trace his ancestry (of which he wisely made no secret) beyond two or three generations.

  35. Now you know all about your ancestry on both sides, I think; your grandfather and grandmother Mackenzie were born in Scotland; they died before you were born.

  36. Scores of such still stand throughout the shires of the marches, and in perfect repair, to commemorate the architectural skill, or rather the absence of it, which distinguished our ancestry in the Tudor times.

  37. If he had, there was little danger of his doing it; the creature whose ancestry came from Mesopotamia being able to take care of itself.

  38. Son of a Welsh knight, he could boast of ancestry old as Caractacus, some of his forbears having served under Harry of Monmouth, and borne victorious banners at Agincourt.

  39. Thus the farther course of the line of descent disappears in the darkness of the ancestry of the mammals.

  40. In that way they differ from many Gentlemen who, having nothing but their Ancestry to boast of, are very like a Turnip--the best of them is under the ground.

  41. But you must remember that but few of His Majesty's Servants have a line of glorious Ancestry behind them.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ancestry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affiliation; alliance; ancestry; aristocracy; birth; blood; brotherhood; clansman; cognate; collateral; connection; connections; consanguinity; derivation; distinction; extraction; family; filiation; flesh; folks; fraternity; gentility; house; kin; kindred; kinfolk; kinship; kinsmen; line; lineage; maternity; motherhood; origin; parentage; paternity; pedigree; people; posterity; propinquity; quality; rank; relation; relations; relationship; relative; royalty; sisterhood; stock; strain; succession; tribesman