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Example sentences for "ancha"

Lexicographically close words:
ancestours; ancestral; ancestress; ancestresses; ancestry; anche; ancho; anchor; anchora; anchorage
  1. VIII-27] Sahagun gives two different accounts of this instrument: 'Una tabla tan larga como dos varas, y ancha como un palmo o poco mas.

  2. From north to far south-east ran the palisade-like crest of the Black Mesa, while the Sierra Ancha bound the basin firmly at the southward side.

  3. And, in the morning, Charles installed himself at the Hotel San Felipe, kept on Ancha del Norte Street, near the bay, by a German woman.

  4. Returning to Ancha del Norte Street, his face was grave, almost concerned, but he was made happy by finding Andres Escobar in his room.

  5. The position in which the Queres had taken refuge was tenable only for a short time, because the Cañada Ancha has no permanent water-supply.

  6. A number of Tehuas had passed without seeing him, in their eagerness to reach the slaughter-pen into which the timbered plateau above the Cañada Ancha was converted.

  7. Not one half of their number succeeded in reaching the bottom of the Cañada Ancha and taking shelter in the groves of tall pines that dot the vale.

  8. Afterwards, when the Indians exalted them with grand titles, they were called Ancha hatun apu intipchuri!

  9. He also assists in the ceremony of hanging the ancha [451] in the smelting-house; his principal associate in this is the Panglima Klian, who draws the ancha up to its proper position close under the attaps.

  10. What is there in the way of game in the Sierra Ancha Range?

  11. Salt River on the south, and between the Sierra Ancha on the east and the Mazatsal Mountains on the west.

  12. Inhabit the Tonto basin from the Mogollon Mountains on the north to Salt River on the south, and between the Sierra Ancha on the east to the Mazatsal Mountains.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ancha" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.