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Example sentences for "tribesman"

Lexicographically close words:
tribally; tribasic; tribble; tribe; tribes; tribesmen; trible; tribu; tribuit; tribulation
  1. McLean got his eye to the sight in time to see a tribesman spin crazily within fifty feet of them.

  2. Do you think the tribesman who did that was after my fingers?

  3. A Tribesman will patronize a fellow Tribesman's restaurant, or give him a manufacturing contract, or hire his taxi.

  4. I was doing Tribal work in London, serving the Eastern Standard Agenda, working with a couple of Tribesmen, well, one Tribesman and my girlfriend, who I thought was unaffiliated.

  5. As the riders joined the war party, the Minneconjoux crowded eagerly about their young tribesman to learn the story of his adventures.

  6. The warning of his tribesman aroused him to his responsibility.

  7. The tribesman was not liable to eviction.

  8. The characteristic garb of the tribesman was a loose saffron mantle, which served as his dress by day, his coverlet by night.

  9. Nor has the general character of the tribesman long been, if it yet is, extinct.

  10. Fosterage consisted in putting out the child to be reared by a tribesman who became its foster-father.

  11. The conjecture will be confirmed if we can show that savages have actually imposed certain restrictions on the murderer of a fellow-tribesman from a definite fear that he is haunted by the ghost of his victim.

  12. Among some primitive peoples, when the blood of a tribesman has to be spilt it is not suffered to fall upon the ground, but is received upon the bodies of his fellow-tribesmen.

  13. Every tribesman without exception owed ceilsinne to the rig, or chief, that is, he was bound to become his ceile, or vassal.

  14. A tribesman might, however, if he pleased, pay a higher rent on receiving more stock together with certain other chattels for which no rent was chargeable.

  15. Tribal Arabia has the only true form of democratic government, and the Arab tribesman goes armed to make sure that it continues democratic--as many a would-be despot knows to his cost.

  16. Suddenly, with a grunt of warning, the tall tribesman stopped.

  17. With no waste of words or motion Yuara coolly attached himself and his fellow-tribesman to McKay.

  18. M80) Under the ancient Laws of Wales no stranger’s family could acquire the full privileges of a Welsh tribesman or Cymro, as regards location on land, until after many generations.

  19. M82) From a passage in Deuteronomy it would appear that the qualifications for admission as a full tribesman amongst the Israelites were identical with those just mentioned.

  20. M122) The possession of large estates and of multitudinous flocks and herds was one of the privileges of the chieftain or tribesman of princely rank.

  21. The issue of a stranger obtains the privilege of a tribesman in the fourth person by legitimate marriages.

  22. Those devoted to handicraft or merchandise were often despised by the regular tribesman or citizen, and sometimes therefore formed separate clans by themselves, like the smiths in Arabia.

  23. The Savage Islanders consider theft from a tribesman a vice, but theft from a member of another tribe a virtue.

  24. Varies according as the victim is a tribesman or fellow-countryman or a stranger, pp.

  25. But the commonest and most important personal distinction influencing the moral valuation of theft and robbery is that between a tribesman or fellow-countryman and a stranger.

  26. The distinction between a tribesman or fellow countryman and a stranger also applies to the dead.

  27. McLeod had a vision of a British Crown Officer trying to explain to a New Guinea tribesman what he meant when he said that taxes go to the Crown.

  28. The tribesman would probably wonder why the Chief of the English Tribe kept cowrie shells under his hat.

  29. As soon as he had recovered from his astonishment, therefore, White Otter called out to warn his tribesman against attempting something which he felt sure would end in certain death.

  30. It was apparent that the Minneconjoux fighting men had determined to maintain a proud reserve before their famous young tribesman from the Ogalala village.

  31. Even the vanquished Uncapapas crowded eagerly forward to praise the young tribesman who had defeated them.

  32. He, too, was a man in his prime, and his splendid physique and bold flashing eyes filled his young tribesman with admiration.

  33. He was neither a shaggy tribesman nor a trader.

  34. Any wandering stranger or enemy tribesman taken in a raid before that day would meet such a fate.

  35. The tribesman fastened the mounts and then walked around to inspect the animal Ross had ridden.

  36. He watched the tribesman carefully as he finished dressing.

  37. Ashe would want to question the tribesman about this second order from Lurgha.

  38. The tribesman did not try to struggle against Ross's hold, and Ross, gripping him by the nape of the neck, moved through a screen of brush to a hollow.

  39. Having made his capture, the tribesman seemed indifferent to Ross, looking back instead at the wide curtain of grass smoke, frowning as he studied the swift spread of the fire.

  40. The conception of a raft voyage apparently got across, for the tribesman was nodding.

  41. The young tribesman grinned as he knelt down beside the helpless prisoner.

  42. Now as the tribesman examined him for a burn, he could not see even the faintest discoloration of the strange fabric.

  43. The stallion went quietly, until a tall tribesman struck true with an ax, and the animal fell.

  44. Ashe stood apart while the tribesman ducked his head in a shy, awkward farewell to the others, pattering out into the valley.

  45. When the tribesman spoke, all his former authority and bluster had gone.

  46. It is played during all dancing and at other times when a tribesman feels inclined.

  47. On a few occasions I have seen a tribesman rise, quietly empty the stomach, and calmly return to the feast to finish his appointed portion and wash his hands and his plate as an evidence of that fact.

  48. It is thus that the Veddah of nature serves the cultural Veddah, or the Singhalese who has deceived him in secret barter, or even the fellow-tribesman who steals his wife.

  49. The merest flicker could be one too many, and certainly a Druse tribesman with even a baggage camel could run down a man who hadn't any.

  50. As a rule, as may be imagined, the savage tribesman will on no account EAT his tribal totem-animal.

  51. A tribesman had slain a bear--and, be it said, had slain it not in a public hunt with all due ceremonies observed, but privately for his own satisfaction.

  52. The individual tribesman similarly steeped in the age-long human life of his fellows has never thought of the Tribe as an ordaining being or Spirit, separate from himself--TILL that day when he is exiled and outcast from it.

  53. Amongst some primitive peoples, when the blood of a tribesman has to be shed it is not suffered to fall upon the ground, but is received upon the bodies of his fellow tribesmen.

  54. The fierce horsemen of the Azjar and the Beni-Mzab are scarcely chivalrous where women are concerned, but ere we had been on the march three days there was not a single tribesman who would not execute her slightest wish.

  55. True, each tribesman brought some provisions, but that supply would be inadequate to the demands of such an occasion.

  56. Truly, he was an imposing spectacle to the simple minded tribesman and they looked upon him with a species of awe.

  57. The tribesman comes and lays himself at the feet of the missionary, and says at once, "I do not know.

  58. But a Shan, owing to the similarity of his language in all parts of Asia, differs from the Chinese or the Yün-nan tribesman in that he can get on anywhere.

  59. No quarter was asked or given, and every tribesman caught, was speared or cut down at once.

  60. Every tribesman has a blood feud with his neighbor.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tribesman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ancestry; blood; clansman; cognate; collateral; connections; family; flesh; folks; kin; kindred; kinfolk; kinsmen; people; posterity; relations; relative; tribesman