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Example sentences for "support"

Lexicographically close words:
supplieth; suppling; supply; supplyed; supplying; supportable; supporte; supported; supporter; supporters
  1. In support of this assertion the proof may be advanced that a magnet can raise a heavier load after lying in the sunlight; for the close affinity, between magnetism and sunlight are, in this way incontestably demonstrated.

  2. This gives them the strength and solidity which enables them to act as support to all the other organs.

  3. Let the people realize the danger of their risk; let them rally to the call and loyally support those who thus offer them the safeguard of knowledge as a refuge from the impending storm.

  4. There was no doubt that, if the Sagamore persisted in his purpose, and Biencourt continued to support him, some offense and disturbance would arise therefrom; but Divine providence prevented this evil.

  5. Why, then,” asked the Deacon, “is the land so poor that it will scarcely support a sheep to the acre?

  6. In support of this view, I may mention that we have clear evidence in some of our experiments of the wheat crop taking up both phosphates and potash that were applied to the land thirty years ago.

  7. If a farmer has a meadow that will produce two or three tons of hay, or support a cow, to the acre, it would be folly to break it up.

  8. It is astonishing to note what a vast machinery it requires in the rear to support and keep supplied a large army.

  9. As soon as our brigade was collected, Colonel Veatch moved us over to the right to support General McClernand's division, which was being very hard pressed by the enemy, said to be commanded by Beauregard.

  10. He is now keeping a store in town for the support of his family, reaping the reward of the rebellion of himself and relatives.

  11. To support these enormous burdens the nations of Europe have imposed upon their inhabitants the most oppressive taxation, and, besides, have multiplied their public debts to the utmost extent of their national credit.

  12. Reporting these facts to General Boyle, I was authorized to levy on the secession sympathizers of the locality a fund for the support of the family of the murdered soldier.

  13. I accordingly made a money levy upon every prominent harborer or sympathizer of the guerrillas that I could reach, making the assessment against each individual in proportion to his property and support or countenance of the traitors.

  14. General Rosecrans had suffered a severe repulse at Chickamauga, and Burnside was ordered to give him what support he could.

  15. The Revenge took position on the Intrepid's lee quarter, to support her against the enemy's fire, concentrated on her when her mast was seen to fall.

  16. On July 5th, De Grasse sailed for Cap François in Hayti, there to organize a visit to the continent in support of Washington's operations.

  17. There is no repose for British colonists in South Africa," was the virtual assertion of Natal and the Cape Colony, "so long as the Boer political methods are maintained in the Transvaal with the pledged support of the Orange Free State.

  18. In this he was foiled by De Guichen, who by wearing brought what was previously his van into position to support the extreme threatened.

  19. The result was that the van as a body left the centre to itself, and thereby not only wrecked the concentration at which Rodney aimed, but was out of hand to support his flag and his division, when badly battered by the enemy's fire.

  20. But no support reached the British van at this important moment; on the contrary, the British rear was now two or three miles distant, astern and to windward.

  21. His desire is towards no light o' love, but for the support and fellowship of his sister.

  22. The attitude of beggary made the above statue pass for that of Belisarius: and until the criticism of Winckelmann[665] had rectified the mistake, one fiction was called in to support another.

  23. How are sensitiveness of feeling, the sense of sin, the desire for pardon, the thirst for holiness, to be preserved among us, when the errors which have served them so long for support and food have been eliminated?

  24. Geneva is not a favorable starting-point for a French book, and it may well have seemed that not even the support of M.

  25. Faith in the justice and love of the Father is the best and indeed the only support under the sufferings of this life.

  26. It is as though the humanity of our day had, like the migratory birds, an immense voyage to make across space; she can no longer support the weak or help on the laggards.

  27. There are, therefore, two versions of how Yakoob Beg met his death, and in support of each view there is a certain amount of evidence.

  28. The Russians felt assured of his hearty support in advocating their plan, which was as follows.

  29. On the death of the Chinese Emperor Wan-leh, dissensions broke out in China as to his successor, and in the struggle that ensued the Mantchoos were invited in to support the cause of one of the claimants.

  30. This Khan had, as has been already mentioned, been betrayed by Yakoob Beg, who had followed the example of the ambitious Vizier Alim Kuli, and was now mainly dependent on the Russians for support against his rebellious subjects.

  31. He was welcomed both by Kanaat Shah and Yakoob Beg; and in return for their support he consented to forget the past.

  32. We, however, know of one tax which was devoted to the support of the urban police, but of the funds from which the suburban were remunerated, we have no authority for any assertion.

  33. The Chinese authorities very naturally took umbrage at this tacit support of a rebellious vassal, and all our subsequent efforts have been unable to remove the suspicions produced by our vacillating attitude on that occasion.

  34. It is very doubtful whether they would succeed, for Chinese opinion runs high upon the topic, and the Mantchoo caste is united in its support of its member Tso Tsung Tang.

  35. The administration of justice required a certain sum of money, and the Church for its support came in for a fair share of the good things that were going.

  36. This was discovered at the back of the tent, and with it we fed the fire that burned between us and the valley; but the other we suffered to die out, for the reeds were not sufficient to support even the one until the dawn.

  37. I had made up my mind to break away from this life and try to begin over again; you had shown me the way, and I saw the means by which I could support myself and Allie, and not be beholden to him.

  38. The mystery of her support since last April I alone can clear up with checks and other evidence so convincing in character as to leave no doubt.

  39. Leonora Kimball had been taught to believe that the chief badges of an aristocracy were complete idleness of the women, and the possession of enough wealth to support such idleness.

  40. No one questions the great importance of evidence of this latter class as touching the problem of the causes of variation, but it is not obvious why it is introduced in support of the thesis that acquired characters are inherited.

  41. So far indeed is the evidence from favouring the belief that such forms are in any way transitional or indeterminate, that, as is well known, Jordan used it with every plausibility to support the doctrine of the fixity of species.

  42. There is so much resemblance however as readily to support the surmise that the two were mere varieties of one species.

  43. In support of this view may be mentioned the observation of Boisduval,[24] respecting a gynandromorphous individual, which was aurita male on one side, and ramosa female on the other.

  44. In support of this view it may be pointed out that it is in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire and Yorkshire, and again in the London area that the melanics have attained their greatest development.

  45. Rest assured that the Emperor Alexander will always support the right.

  46. Hortense had assured her mother's future; she had given birth to a son, and had thus given a first support to the new imperial dynasty.

  47. Now there remained the question whether she should attain her other aim through that son, and whether she should find in him a support against the intrigues of the other brothers of the first consul.

  48. Everywhere in France as well as in England, the people were of the opinion that the new throne of Louis Philippe had no vitality, because it had no support in the heart of the people.

  49. The young brother of her husband, now scarcely twenty-four, was the one who seemed destined in Josephine's eyes to afford her a point of support in the Bonaparte family.

  50. Ney, the king's hope, the last support of his tottering throne, Ney had not had the heart to maintain a hostile position toward his old companion in arms.

  51. Nor was he ever at a loss for reasons in support of the new opinion implanted by his patrons.

  52. He triumphed in Italy through the support of the legists, and extended his claims to the rest of Europe.

  53. Her uncommon talent enabled her to support her mother and young sister in a comfortable manner.

  54. In another place he compares woman to a bridge, the support and link of many souls, and makes the bold simile very plausible by his well-chosen remarks on the united flexibility and strength required in woman’s character.

  55. Guizot, he applauded the ruin of the Sonderbund, and refused Prince von Metternich the support of France in protecting the interests of the smaller cantons, our friends and ancient allies.

  56. After that, his success was rapid, and literature proved a sufficient support for her gifted votary.

  57. In support of this view, Mr. Mivart quotes from S.

  58. He gave him absolute control of the manufactory when he was absent, and never failed to come to his support whenever Louis found severe measures necessary.

  59. Rationalism has come to the support of Protestant criticism, and sometimes flatters itself it has, by its historical discoveries, blotted out the entire list of the holy books.

  60. I could not support the wickedness of the people.

  61. He thinks that she is his, and all her duty is to him, and so long as he knows himself faithful to her, and gives her all the pecuniary support he can command as a mechanic, it does not occur to him that he fails in any respect.

  62. They are very orderly, pay their taxes punctually, and support themselves by mending kettles, by grinding scissors, by making rat and mouse traps, and such means.

  63. The public, I think, will be certain to support me.

  64. Prochnow was in a deplorable state and needed all the support Little O'Grady could give him.

  65. He can't refuse support to our plan; he won't let this barbarous notion of Hill's make any headway.

  66. Buoyed up by such support as this, Prochnow forged ahead with quadrupled brio, and Preciosa felt the chariot rising heavenward cloud by cloud.

  67. Could he, as he asked Virgilia with a maddening, self-satisfied smile, withdraw his support from a talent that he had introduced into his own house and indorsed in the eyes of the commercial and professional public?

  68. The family tradition is, that before the sunset of Saturday everything necessary for the support of nature upon the Sabbath was cooked and in readiness.

  69. This is the blessed "surcease of sorrow" of which the crowded life of the modern city knows nothing: but, as the practical Roman indicates, it will not support life of its own mere motion.

  70. Hence we may conclude that there was a race of swift horses in Portugal in the earliest times, which Professor Ridgeway would doubtless like very much to prove, in support of his interesting thesis, were derived from Libya.

  71. Later on in the morning we blessed that cover, not only for its grateful protection from the sun, but for the support that its upright iron stanchions afforded us.

  72. And again, the walls which support these airy structures are a study in themselves, replete with carving and coloured with pale tints of cream or pink.

  73. Wandering among the manuka, clinging to rocks, to support us over the crumbling surface, we found it at last hidden away amongst the trees.

  74. Bamboo poles form the framework and support the projecting roof, which gives shade to the house.

  75. It is carried about the streets in calabashes, ready for sale, and is the great national dish, the chief support of the lower classes, who eat it with tiny raw fish, easily caught inside the reef.

  76. The pillars seem to support the upper mass, but they do not really do so, as in several instances, capitals like huge stalactites are left suspended, the pillar beneath having entirely disappeared.

  77. In talking of immigration they said that no member dares to support or advocate it on any platform.

  78. Over this there are two enormous blocks of marble laid pent-ways, to form an arch in the pyramid, and to support its weight on the roof of the passage.

  79. In its social aspect, caste divides the Hindus into guilds, each trade belonging to a different caste and forming a guild for the mutual support of its members.

  80. They support the whole weight on their heads, suspending it by a string passed round the forehead.

  81. There must be fine lords and fine ladies, There must be some little, some great; Their wealth the support of our trade is, Our trade the support of the State.

  82. I am alone in the world, have no family to support and, so far from damaging any one, should even benefit my heir by my accelerated death.

  83. Do you think you can support yourself by your Armenian or your other acquirements?

  84. It was an awful moment; I felt stupefied, but I still contrived to support my dying father.

  85. When I was so hard up, however, after the affair with that friend of yours, I took it up one day, and thought I might make something by it to support myself a day with.

  86. Anxious thoughts frequently disturbed me at this time with respect to what I was to do, and how support myself in the Great City.

  87. The giraffe, for instance, is a ruminant whose entire frame has been adapted to support an enormously long neck, which is of use to the animal in reaching the foliage of trees.

  88. Meanwhile I am engaged only in presenting the general arguments which support the theory, and therefore mention these objections to one of them merely en passant.

  89. For experiments showed that very young babies are able to support their own weight, by holding on to a horizontal bar, for a period varying from one half to more than two minutes[7].

  90. Of the three remaining toes, the middle or axial one was the longest, and retaining its supremacy as greater strength and speed were required, finally assumed the chief support of the foot [Fig.

  91. Again, what would have been the sense of creating useless foot-stalks for the imaginary support of absent eyes, not to mention all the other various grades of degeneration in other cases?

  92. For while all these large and general facts are very much what they ought to be according to this theory, they cannot be held to lend any support at all to the rival theory.

  93. The one to suffer will be Iki Dono, for now he has no other support but in his mistress.

  94. In this way with greatest difficulty he managed to support an old mother, a wife, a young child.

  95. The Ue-Sama (Sho[u]gun) spoke harshly of those retainers who made no provision for issue to support loyally the fortune of his House.

  96. On examination it proved to be one of those kongo canes, the support to feet and belly of the devout in their long pilgrimages, sign manual of the pious intent of the bearer.

  97. She was urgent to bring support to her views in the general opinion of all the neighbourhood, mainly of the Ko[u]jimachi village.

  98. Always in the ready courage and resource of Nishioka has support been found; many awkward corners turned.

  99. The support of one of them was at least unexpected.

  100. With such sturdy support it was thought well to make ample provision.

  101. The long continued official suspicion affected even these toward the "Honest Zeisuké," and their support grew cold.

  102. Not even the stones to support the furnace had been left.

  103. Besides, he recognized the place in his own experience of long past years, the favour and support of one to whom he was much indebted.

  104. However, it was necessary to carry off Gensuké limp and helpless; with the support of the arms on each side of him, Isuké made his way back to the yashiki on his own legs.

  105. But in spite of this, though it must have been evident to anyone that Trappist did not intend to try, and was thoroughly sulky, yet the bookmakers gave him all their support because "it was his day.

  106. He was opposed in this plan by Tododaho, then head chief of the Onondagas, but he went to the Mohawks and gained the support of their great chief, Dekanawidah.

  107. Then he made his precious bear meat secure against the prowling panther or others of his kind, tying it on hanging boughs too high for a jump and too slender to support the weight of a large animal.

  108. She was sorry at the prospect of leaving her father and Evelyn, but the idea of self-support and independence, and taking a little of the burden from her father, intoxicated her.

  109. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "support" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abet; abettor; abide; accept; acceptance; accession; accommodate; accredit; acquiescence; admirer; advocate; affirm; affirmation; afford; agreement; aid; alimentation; alimony; allotment; allowance; anchor; angel; annuity; answer; apologist; apology; approve; arm; assert; assist; assistance; assurance; assure; attest; attestation; auspices; authenticate; authorization; authorize; auxiliary; back; backbone; backer; backing; bandeau; base; bear; bearer; benefit; bide; bolster; boost; bounty; brace; bracer; bracket; brave; bread; brook; buff; buoy; buttress; cane; capitalization; capitalize; care; carriage; carrier; carry; carrying; certification; certify; cervix; champion; chaperon; cheer; cherish; clothe; comfort; commend; compliance; concurrence; condolence; confirm; confirmation; consent; conservation; conserve; consolation; contribute; cooperation; copyright; corroborate; corset; countenance; counter; countersign; cradle; crook; crutch; cushion; custom; defend; defender; dependence; depict; document; documentation; dole; donate; ease; easement; elect; embolden; enact; encourage; encouragement; endorse; endorsement; endorser; endow; endowment; endure; enforce; entertain; espousal; espouse; establish; evidence; exponent; extra; fall; fan; favor; fealty; feed; fellowship; fill; finance; financing; find; follow; fortification; fortify; forward; found; frame; fulcrum; fund; furnish; further; furtherance; get; gird; girdle; give; grant; grubstake; guard; guy; habituate; hand; harden; hearten; help; hold; impersonate; indorse; initial; inspire; inspirit; invest; invigorate; justify; keep; keeping; largesse; lift; livelihood; living; lover; lump; mainstay; maintain; maintenance; manna; mast; mean; meat; mind; minister; ministration; ministry; mother; mothering; mount; mute; neck; nerve; nominate; nourish; nourishment; nurse; nurture; nutriment; office; pap; partisan; pass; patent; patron; patronage; patronize; pay; pedestal; pension; permit; perpetuate; persevere; personate; pier; pillow; plug; plump; poise; portray; post; prepare; present; preserve; probate; promise; promote; promoter; promotion; proof; prop; protagonist; protect; protection; prove; provide; provision; puff; pull; purchase; rack; ratification; ratify; reassurance; reassure; rebut; recommend; recommendation; recruit; refection; refresh; refreshment; refute; register; reinforce; reinforcement; reliance; relief; relieve; remedy; replenish; reply; represent; rescue; reserves; respond; rest; rigging; riposte; root; safekeeping; salt; salvage; salvation; sanction; save; saving; scholarship; seal; second; seconder; sectary; service; shepherd; shore; shoulder; shroud; side; sign; sling; solace; spare; speak; spine; sponsor; sponsorship; stabilize; staff; stake; stalwart; stand; standard; standby; stave; stay; steady; steel; stick; stiffen; stipend; stock; store; strengthen; strengthener; strengthening; subscribe; subsidize; subsidy; subsistence; substantiate; substitute; subvention; succor; suffer; suggest; super; supply; support; supporter; sustain; sustainer; sustaining; sustenance; sympathizer; sympathy; take; talk; temper; tend; therapy; tolerate; toughen; tout; treat; undergo; underlie; understudy; underwrite; uphold; upholder; upkeep; validate; verification; verify; vindicate; votary; vote; vouch; warrant; watch; welcome; welfare; yield

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    support herself; support himself; support life; support myself; support the; support their; support them; support themselves; supporting surface