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Example sentences for "fund"

Lexicographically close words:
functioned; functioning; functionings; functionless; functions; fundacion; fundament; fundamenta; fundamental; fundamentalist
  1. It is interesting to note that there are several branches of the Canadian Patriotic Fund in the United States, which looked after the families and dependents of Americans who enlisted in the Canadian ranks.

  2. No atom of true dignity will be lost, and a priceless fund of good humor will be gained for yourself, and a mutual good feeling will be established forever between you and your scholars.

  3. Assure yourself, my friend, there is an immense fund of truth somewhere or other stowed in that Seventy-four.

  4. It is an experiment, because as yet the Hirsch Fund millions back the colonies up, and there is no passing of reasonable judgment upon them till they have stood alone awhile.

  5. The colonies were in a state of collapse when the New York managers of the Baron de Hirsch Fund took them under the arms and gave them a start on a new plan.

  6. The income is "funded" because it corresponds to an abiding fund of wealth.

  7. The "wage-fund theory" was an imperfect perception of this truth that wages are influenced by the efficiency of the industrial equipment.

  8. The capital making up the fund out of which wages were supposed to be paid, was only a very small part of all capital, even in the narrow sense in which that term was then used.

  9. The income arising from current labor is unfunded, because there is no permanent fund of accumulated wealth corresponding to it.

  10. Bills have been repeatedly before Congress authorizing the maintenance of a general guarantee fund with which the notes of failed banks could be redeemed, and at the same time authorizing branch banks such as those in Canada.

  11. When the theory is thus baldly expressed, it appears to begin and end on the surface of the facts; and the wage fund appears to be rather the arithmetic sum of variously determined payments than, in any sense, the cause of wages.

  12. The recent English statute goes to the length of putting the liability on the employer or on an employment fund in all cases.

  13. The German law[1] is much the most intelligent and the least communistic in that it provides that half the fund is raised by deductions made from the wages of the workmen themselves.

  14. It is told of him that he added to his fund of jokes and stories humorous imitations of the sermons of eccentric preachers.

  15. In April six months' salary was advanced out of the Kansas fund to Forbes, who was employed at a hundred dollars a month to aid in the execution of their plans.

  16. Another significant expenditure of the Kansas fund was in pursuance of a contract with a Mr. Blair, a Connecticut manufacturer, to furnish at a dollar each one thousand pikes.

  17. Resolved, That with the consent of the legal authorities, all the liquor for sale in Cedarville be destroyed, provided the owners thereof be paid its full value out of a fund specially raised for that purpose.

  18. Their fund is not contributed in great bulk, and the little they own must be expended in hospitality and in maintaining themselves.

  19. Essenes never make offering at the Temple; that treasure goes into the common fund of the order.

  20. Mr William O'Brien thus describes the unspeakable depths to which the Party had fallen in those days: "The invariable last word to all our consultations was the pathetic one, 'Give me a fund and I see my way to doing anything.

  21. The United Irish League replied by starting a Defence Fund and arranging that Messrs Redmond, Davitt and Dillon should go to the United States to make an appeal in its support.

  22. As the Party was for the greater part made up of poor men or men of moderate means, members received an indemnity from a special fund called "The Parliamentary Fund," which was administered by three trustees.

  23. As we advance, we exhaust our fund of enjoyment and of hope.

  24. From this fund the funeral expenses are paid, and the surplus is handed over to the widow and children of the dead man.

  25. We have loaned from this fund during the year $155.

  26. The object of this fund is to aid poor and needy boys, and supply them with the means to start in business.

  27. To give the reader a taste of her quality, it is only necessary to describe a dress she wore at the Dramatic Fund Ball, not many years ago.

  28. At the date of our last report there was due and outstanding of this fund $11.

  29. And I'd rather fund the cash as a nest-egg for Jenny.

  30. The sinking-fund for repairs and rebuilding the house that he and his mother had been accumulating ever since he had made his own way, he found to be in a healthy condition.

  31. The interest and the sinking fund for redemption have to be found by taxation, and so the borrowing process merely postpones taxation from the war period to the peace period.

  32. In this case the capitalisation of the reserve fund puts this temptation out of their reach since, when once the reserve fund has been capitalised, it can only be got at by greedy shareholders through the process of liquidation.

  33. A Sinking Fund to be established to redeem the loan at maturity.

  34. That portion of the tax that is required for Sinking Fund might be made payable, at the option of the taxpayer, in Government securities at prices giving some advantage to the holder.

  35. The national headquarters of the Fund for Animals is a suite of rooms in an apartment building near Carnegie Hall.

  36. Among the more dramatic moments is a tape of the Seventh Annual Wall Street Charity Fund Boxing Match, which raised thousands of dollars for One to One.

  37. The family fund for this purpose had been used in turn by two of my older brothers, who, as soon as they gained an independent foothold in life, appropriated each his first earnings to replacing this sum for the use of the next.

  38. It was not, however, a fund large enough to dispense with the need of a strict economy, and a supplemental self-helpfulness on our part.

  39. It means that The Mentor has become to some readers at least a fund of important information--a fund that they can literally absorb and make their own.

  40. However true or false the impression it created, the qualities which rendered it popular a generation ago remain, in a shrewdness of observation, a fund of anecdote and racy adventure, a quaintness of expression, and keen mother wit.

  41. Later, by the will of Sir William Macdonald, it was left an endowment fund which placed it on an independent basis and enabled it to be expanded into a Faculty of the University.

  42. With that accomplished, and the endowment fund paid, all difficulties, it was thought, would vanish, and the College would go forward to its intended place.

  43. They expressed their desire, if the building fund was granted, to rent Burnside House and with the proceeds therefrom to pay for a building in town for the Medical School.

  44. The fees were reduced a few months later to £3, of which the House Fund received £2 13s.

  45. He increased his endowment fund for the erection and equipment of a building such as the Principal had in view, and the building of the Royal Victoria College was begun in 1895.

  46. The suit in connection with the endowment fund was still pending.

  47. Meanwhile, the ultimate possession of the endowment fund was causing anxiety.

  48. With this laudable end in view, the house was packed, and the women present had drawn heavily upon their reserve fund of brand-new gowns which they had been hoarding for the final gayeties of the season.

  49. On the night of the Fresh Air Fund concert, for the first time in her experience, these two personalities had become inextricably intermingled.

  50. He and Bobby had an apparently limitless fund of talk, and their conversation wandered at will over the events of the past two months.

  51. The committee of the Fresh Air Fund concert showed themselves a potent trio, and their concert became recognized as the official finale of the musical season.

  52. In 1884 he lost his savings by the failure of a building society, and a fund was raised for his support.

  53. The creation of an expense fund in the nationals has sometimes been the source of disaster.

  54. He was fond of a glass of good claret, and had a great fund of good Scotch humour.

  55. Lady Dalhousie was eminently distinguished for a fund of the most varied knowledge, for a clear and powerful judgment, for acute observation, a kind heart, a brilliant wit.

  56. The return to the fund of the actual cost of each project by the sale of water rights, payments to be made in a series of instalments running over a period of twenty years without interest.

  57. A reclamation fund in the Treasury consisting of the proceeds from the sales of public lands in the sixteen arid and semi-arid states.

  58. All the revenue from the sale of public lands (less five per cent, which goes to the States) goes into a fund for the building of irrigation works to reclaim the desert.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fund" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accommodate; accumulate; acknowledge; afford; aid; anthology; aquarium; assets; assist; back; balance; bear; body; bolster; budget; buttress; capital; capitalization; capitalize; clothe; collection; compilation; contribute; data; defray; donate; endow; exchequer; fill; finance; finances; find; fund; funds; furnish; get; give; grubstake; help; hoard; holdings; inventory; invest; keep; library; maintain; means; menagerie; mine; money; patronize; pay; pocket; pool; prepare; present; principal; prop; property; provide; purse; recruit; redeem; reinforce; replenish; reserve; reserves; resource; resources; savings; shore; sponsor; stake; stock; store; subsidize; substance; supply; support; sustain; treasure; uphold; wherewithal; yield; zoo

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fundamental change; fundamental importance; fundamental laws; fundamental principle; fundamental principles