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Example sentences for "buttress"

Lexicographically close words:
buttonhook; buttoning; buttonless; buttons; buttonwood; buttressed; buttresses; buttressing; butts; butty
  1. The window's arch and massive buttress glow With time's deep tints, whilst cypress shadows wave On high, and spread a melancholy gloom.

  2. For his hide is cunningly hidden in a slight depression with a hanging buttress on two sides.

  3. Within sight (though fifteen miles away) is another eyrie of this species--the alternative nests not ten feet apart, merely a projecting buttress of rock separating the two vertical fissures in which they rest.

  4. All round the basin the snow reared itself like a buttress against the precipitous cliffs, being streaked and fluted by the descent of blocks from the summits.

  5. When a river meets the buttress of a bridge, the water rises against it, and, on sweeping round it, forms an elevated ridge, between which and the pier a depression occurs which varies in depth with the force of the current.

  6. But the concrete-minded Egyptian demanded some physical evidence to buttress these intangible ideas of the wandering abroad of his vital essence.

  7. But once some definite state of feeling inclines a man to a certain conclusion, he will call up a host of other circumstances to buttress his decision, and weave them into a complex net of rationalization.

  8. Once this new conception of a sky-world was adumbrated a luxuriant crop of beliefs grew up to assimilate the new beliefs with the old, and to buttress the confused mixture of incompatible ideas with a complex scaffolding of rationalization.

  9. Robinson, Christian Theology, 107, would "defend miracles, but would not buttress up Christianity by them.

  10. This buttress supports a heavy girder, thus admitting of the use of two tiers of floor beams to span the whole length of the room.

  11. On continuing the line of this buttress through the governor’s house we find a projecting fragment of second story wall, the character and finish of which is clearly shown in Pl.

  12. This projecting buttress answers no purpose whatever in its present position.

  13. In constructing such a chimney a thin buttress is first built against the wall of sufficient width and height to support one side of the hood.

  14. A projecting buttress or pier in the middle of the east wall divides that end of the room into two portions.

  15. In larger open apartments undivided by buttress or pier, the metates are usually built in or near one corner.

  16. The front wall is strengthened at each end by a flat buttress resting on a stone wall.

  17. In the middle of the front, a flat buttress ends with a glacis at the base of the gable wall.

  18. The two small Romanesque bays on both sides of the buttress were reopened in 1973, during the restoration of the church choir.

  19. The western facade is supported by a buttress on the south, and a larger buttress on the north in the shape of a staircase turret, the upper portion of which is now lost.

  20. Sometimes, as in Central Africa, the slope to the west is very sudden, and another range of mountains forms the western buttress of the great central plateau.

  21. In order to create the maximum difficulties for our advance, the enemy chose as his line of retreat the great block of mountains which I have referred to as forming the eastern buttress of the great central plateau.

  22. Floating logs struck against it, and as they tore along under the bridge they struck against the buttress with terrific force.

  23. The whole formation of this kind of buttress resolves itself into mere expansion of the base of the wall, so as to make it stand steadier, as a man stands with his feet apart when he is likely to lose his balance.

  24. The fact is, that the whole northern buttress system is based on the grand requirement of tall windows and vast masses of light at the end of the apse.

  25. A buttress acting in this way must be of perfectly coherent materials, and so strong that though the weight to be borne could easily move it, it cannot break it: this kind of buttress may be called a conducting buttress.

  26. Clearly, dead weight can only be resisted by the buttress acting as a prop; for a buttress on the side of, or towards the weight, would only add to its effect.

  27. This is the group with which we have principally to do; and a buttress of this kind acts in two ways, partly by its weight and partly by its strength.

  28. The most familiar instance of this kind of buttress we have in the sharp piers of a bridge, in the centre of a powerful stream, which divide the current on their edges, and throw it to each side under the arches.

  29. The form of the common buttress must be familiar to the eye of every reader, sloping if low, and thrown into successive steps if they are to be carried to any considerable height.

  30. From the head of the pass we descend into the vale of the infant Syvynvy, rounding the broad green slopes of the Eagles' Hill, the westernmost buttress of the Precelly range.

  31. The immemorial home of Armenian inhabitants, the seat of Tartar immigrants and the happy hunting-ground of nomad Kurds, it constitutes a solid outer buttress to Armenia on the side of the Caspian.

  32. In the days when those cities flourished, the haughty Araxes was spanned by bridges of which, here and there, a pier or a buttress still survives.

  33. We must enquire into the nature of the highlands; are the mountains their prevailing feature, or are those mountains, as we see them from the floor of the lowlands, a mere buttress to a sequence of elevated plains?

  34. On our left hand rose a buttress of the Sevan mountains which had been a landmark from the slopes of Ararat.

  35. Probably the Kuenlun range carries over the inner series of western Asia, extending eastwards from the Pamirs and serving as a buttress to the immensely elevated plateau of Tibet.

  36. A tree eighty to ninety feet high, with buttress roots.

  37. From these figures it is easy to perceive how very different is the aspect of these buttress chains when seen from the plateau, and when looked at from the plain from which they rise.

  38. When the tide comes in and drowns the gold of the sands, the sea breaks against the buttress of rock and stone, and the hotel seems all surrounded with the wash and foam of waters, like a fortified castle of long-ago.

  39. Already a buttress had caught fire, and at the risk of their lives the two Carters, father and son, with the aid of several other men, hewed at it to separate it from the main building.

  40. You see the place where that buttress ends?

  41. Then the murmur of two voices struck on her ear, and she slipped behind a buttress where she could both see and hear.

  42. He concealed himself behind a buttress near the library window and heard our converse there.

  43. From a buttress which projects clear of the trees, that cover all the hill-side with a broad mass of foliage, you have a wide prospect.

  44. How varied are the views of tower and gable, of buttress unbroken or in partial ruin!

  45. This protected stocks from at least a quotable decline and left the banks free for several days (ten all told) in which to repair their disrupted finances and buttress themselves against the eventual facts.

  46. His unshaken and unconquerable defiance heartened his followers greatly, and the thought of thirty thousand dollars was as a buttress against many terrors.

  47. Sir, there is the broad buttress upon which the Democratic principle reposes, and will repose forever.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buttress" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.