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Example sentences for "buttoning"

Lexicographically close words:
buttonhole; buttonholed; buttonholes; buttonholing; buttonhook; buttonless; buttons; buttonwood; buttress; buttressed
  1. Well, such a rolling about of that alderman-like figure, such a buttoning and unbuttoning!

  2. Lankester pushed back a very shabby pot-hat to a still more rakish angle, buttoning up an equally shabby coat the while against the east wind.

  3. Then he rose, buttoning his long coat down his long body deliberately, as though by the action he tried to restrain the surge within; but it overflowed all the same.

  4. He spoke with light venom, buttoning his coat as he spoke with the air of the busy public man who must not linger over an appointment.

  5. He tried not to look at her, and hurriedly began buttoning his coat before starting on his cold way home.

  6. Much or little, you always get all there is," he said, ostentatiously buttoning the flap over his empty pocket.

  7. In one bound she was at the door, buttoning her waist, and listening.

  8. The shock of the cannonade was terrific; the Special Messenger, buttoning her fresh linen, winced as window and door quivered under the pounding uproar.

  9. Mr. John Brown, buttoning his surtout over the snug rotundity of his person and drawing on his gloves.

  10. When eve has fairly set in, therefore, I sally forth, tightly buttoning my shaggy overcoat and hoisting my umbrella, the silken dome of which immediately resounds with the heavy drumming of the invisible raindrops.

  11. I now said to myself, buttoning up my coat to the last button.

  12. I verily believe that buttoning himself up in so downy and blanket-like a coat had a pernicious effect upon him; upon the same principle that too much oats are bad for horses.

  13. The middle figure is made by working a row of open buttonholing then running a drawing thread into the loops and buttoning this band with tiny stitches.

  14. The friction caused by buttoning and unbuttoning necessitates that the worked edges should be firmly and well sewed.

  15. Nice pickle," said the Captain, buttoning his collar around his throat.

  16. We certainly do," said Katherine emphatically, buttoning the last button of her bathing suit and departing to wake the others.

  17. Quite so," said Mr. Evans quietly, buttoning up his coat.

  18. Not one spark," said Charles, still buttoning and unbuttoning his coat.

  19. He had a coat buttoned over his great chest, and as he spoke he kept on buttoning and unbuttoning it with his great coarse hand.

  20. After tea, Missy hurried out, buttoning a sack on, and looking carefully around to see that she was not followed by neighborly notice.

  21. No; nobody was turning pages, or buttoning gloves, or thinking of spring bonnets.

  22. Geoffrey looked over his shoulder to see if Reynolds heard; but the old man was busy in buttoning up his coat, and did not look his way.

  23. Stay with me to-night," said Geoffrey, as his friend was buttoning his coat.

  24. He saw me leaning against a girder buttoning my shirt.

  25. Pete was coming out, buttoning the lower buttons of a blue shirt.

  26. There may be the call for a front-wall while you're buttoning your shirt.

  27. He kept on buttoning it and asked again: "Now do you see me?

  28. Poor Ermellina was persuaded, and descended the stairs; the tailoress took to flight while Ermellina was yet buttoning up the dress, and disappeared.

  29. She was standing on the eastern balcony, buttoning a dainty grey glove, while Manisty a few paces from her was lounging in a deck-chair, with the English newspapers.

  30. She was on her knees buttoning her mistress's shoes.

  31. Reimers stood for a moment before the front door, thoughtfully buttoning his gloves.

  32. He walked restlessly up and down the room, constantly buttoning and unbuttoning a button of his coat.

  33. He tucked his riding-crop under one arm and stood watching them, buttoning his tan gloves.

  34. But Melky rose and, shaking his head, buttoned up his overcoat as if he were buttoning in a multitude of profound secrets.

  35. He sipped a cup of coffee; he smoked several cigarettes; it was quite a long time before he emerged into Praed Street, buttoning his overcoat.

  36. He had business in the Ariadne; and a little later, Mrs. Burton, who was buttoning her shoe, looked up to find the calculating eyes of the President making a calm and leisurely valuation of her.

  37. As they were usually torn, he had a fashion of buttoning up his coat to the chin.

  38. He is probably no longer in the coach," he thought, while buttoning up his jacket.

  39. Doudney came to the door in his bare feet, buttoning his suspenders over a clean boiled shirt.

  40. Mrs. Ripley came to the window, buttoning her dress at the throat, a whisp of her hair sticking assertively from the little knob at the back of her head.

  41. Blount had got upon his feet and was buttoning his coat.

  42. And it was not until he was turning away that he found himself face to face with a very beautiful and very clear-eyed young woman who was buttoning an automobile dust-coat up under her chin.

  43. I shall go now," said Marmaduke, buttoning his overcoat, and turning away.

  44. When she looked again, he seemed unconscious of her presence, and was buttoning his overcoat.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buttoning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.