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Example sentences for "collection"

Lexicographically close words:
collected; collectedly; collectedness; collectible; collecting; collections; collective; collectively; collectives; collectivism
  1. To the vulture and condor the world is a picture; to the bat and the mole it is a sound and a tactile sensation; to the dog it is a collection of smells.

  2. We have already seen that Moréas names one of his collection of verses Les Syrtes.

  3. A bi-monthly publication, Annales des Sciences Psychiques, terms itself a ‘collection of observations and researches.

  4. Quite as striking is his later collection of poems, L’Abîme.

  5. The merit of this treasure belongs to Bleibtreu, who first presented her to the admiration and imitation of his little band in his collection of novels entitled Schlechte Gesellschaft.

  6. This pamphlet by a beginner, which contains a useful collection of clinical observations, is particularly amusing, in that all the observations cited by the author demonstrate exactly the reverse of what he proposes to prove.

  7. We have recognised it as a collection of crazy and inflated phrases, which it is really impossible seriously to seize, since they possess hardly the solidity of the smoke-rings from a cigar.

  8. Gervasius; and the life of Lanfranc, to be found in the collection of his Works, etc.

  9. This was not the time and place arranged for taking a collection but the enthusiasm was so great that Mr. Fels started the ball rolling and $2,000 were quickly subscribed.

  10. Anthony and the bound volumes of the Woman's Journal, there is a collection of books on interests allied to suffrage, which have been selected and approved by the board.

  11. Her beauty, her sweet voice and her rare eloquence made a deep impression on the audience, who responded with a generous collection for her Hope Halls.

  12. The excellent report of the new headquarters secretary, Professor Mary Gray Peck, filled ten pages of the printed Minutes and in addition to the large collection of statistics contained many useful suggestions.

  13. Later at the regular collection the amount was increased to $6,908.

  14. Mrs. Stewart relieved Mrs. Upton of her usual task of taking a collection and among her witty remarks was one on Bartholdi's statue of Liberty.

  15. In Montana the collection of books was thirty-five years old and had never been catalogued or classified.

  16. Shaw sustained firmly the position of Mrs. Catt, obtained a big collection and sent the people home in a peaceful frame of mind by her closing speech.

  17. A collection of all the State constitutions has been made with the sections bearing on amendments and the qualifications for voting marked and indexed.

  18. The petitioner prayed, therefore, that an injunction be granted against the collection of such portion of the school tax as was used for the maintenance of said high school.

  19. It would have been unwise for the court to enjoin the collection of such a tax but it could have on the constitutional points raised in this case declared invalid laws separating the races for purposes of education.

  20. The collection that was taken up at this meeting was forwarded to Mrs. Brown.

  21. The quest has been successful, for the collection gives us full measure of that which is among the best in English poetry.

  22. The True University of these days is a collection of books.

  23. A collection of many noted tales with which all of our children should be familiar.

  24. An exceptional collection of the ancient rhymes, songs, charms, and lullabies, accompanied by interesting pictures.

  25. It is said, in that earliest collection of English proverbs which was made by John Heywood, more than three hundred years ago, that "Children must learn to creep before they can go.

  26. While these selections are intended for memorization by children, and are arranged by months for the school year, the collection is so good as to fill a useful place in the home library.

  27. This collection of English rhymes contains The Mulberry Bush, King Arthur, Jack and Jill, and many others equally familiar, with the accompanying music for each.

  28. This admirable collection of poems, chosen from the standpoint of (p.

  29. Frederich Kraus's German collection of Tales and Legends of South Slavonia.

  30. Though issued in 1892, Miss Repplier's excellent collection still holds its own among the very best, because of the high quality and interest of the poems chosen.

  31. In the present collection there is, I think, no example either of condescension or showing-off--the two principal faults of books for children.

  32. There also falls into this group (5) the large and important collection in eleven volumes entitled by Pepys A Miscellany of Matters Historical, Political, and Naval.

  33. The collection includes Sir Walter Scott's Macduff's Cross, and Southey's The Cataract of Lodore.

  34. This and the preceding sonnet were first published in 1823 in A Collection of Poems, chiefly manuscript, and from living authors, edited for the benefit of a Friend, by Joanna Baillie.

  35. These included a large collection of Japanese post cards, which he was all for explaining to his employer at once, individually and at great length.

  36. I've made an exhaustive collection of good American stuff, old and new.

  37. Tent-poles in this way serve as landmarks, and a day's, journey is from one collection of frames to another.

  38. The settlement resembled as much as anything a collection of titanic wooden hour-glasses, which had been half shaken down and reduced to a state of rickety dilapidation by an earthquake.

  39. It is he who, lending or refusing public force to the collection of their rents, gives them or deprives them of the means of living.

  40. The collection of popular songs, Narodne srpske pjesme, from which most of those which occupy this volume are taken, was made by Vuk, and committed to paper either from early recollections, or from the repetition of Servian minstrels.

  41. It is famous for its collection of reliques.

  42. When Vuk printed his first collection of Servian songs, Goethe was greatly delighted at finding it among them.

  43. The expense of collection and the drawbacks, which together amount to nearly two millions, are paid out of the gross amount; and the above is the net sum paid into the exchequer).

  44. The latest French translation by Alexis Pierron in the collection of Charpentier is better than Dacier's, which has been honored with an Italian version (Udine, 1772).

  45. Angelo Poliziano met with two very inaccurate and incomplete manuscripts of Epictetus' Enchiridion, which he translated into Latin and dedicated to his great patron Lorenzo de' Medici, in whose collection he had found the book.

  46. It is not enough to possess a collection of valid and authoritative rules.

  47. To the collection of first editions or the heaping together of bric-a-brac a man may sacrifice his financial security and the welfare of his family.

  48. I think, however, that I ought to add here that I should regard an ethical collection incomplete that did not include at least one of the comprehensive works on morals lately offered us by certain sociologists.

  49. The dogmatic intuitionist has quite a collection of rules by which he must judge of his actions.

  50. This definition will apply, to be sure, to lesser groups within a tribe or state; and even to a collection of tribes or states in so far as such enter into alliances and cooperate to their mutual advantage.

  51. A very interesting collection of such Precepts is found in a papyrus preserved in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

  52. François Champollion; he rightly concluded that all of them were of a religious character, but he was wrong in calling the collection as a whole "Funerary Ritual.

  53. The most important collection of Egyptian Songs known to us is contained in the famous papyrus in the British Museum, No.

  54. However, the archaeological collection from Bahía de Los Angeles does indicate trade and some contact across the Gulf.

  55. The collection also included some potsherds and shells from a midden on the shores of the bay.

  56. Square knots are most common in the collection of miscellaneous cordage.

  57. Compared to similar artifacts from habitation caves, the specimens of the Palmer Collection are complete with the exception of the fragile garments and the netting.

  58. Heizer called this collection to the attention of the senior author in 1948.

  59. There is absolutely nothing in this collection and in the affiliation of its artifacts with cultural materials from central Baja California to support the contentions of Malcolm Rogers (1945, p.

  60. In this paper emphasis is placed on the evaluation of the Palmer Collection with respect to the known archaeology and ethnography of Baja California.

  61. In describing the collection from Bahía de Los Angeles, we have the benefit of ethnographic descriptions from three periods of the Spanish occupation of Baja California prior to 1769 and the expulsion of the Jesuit missionaries.

  62. Aside from the intrinsic value of presenting archaeological material from the little-known area of Baja California, the Palmer Collection has particular importance because of its immediate geographic source.

  63. I have never seen any collection of human habitations so free from any thing offensive to the senses.

  64. This is a very effectual plan of forming in time a various and valuable collection of the works of British artists.

  65. We passed through extensive forests of pine, which had been boxed, as it is called, for the collection of turpentine.

  66. In the collection of which I speak, are about four hundred drawings not before exhibited.

  67. I almost thought myself in the midst of a collection made for the Grand Seignior.

  68. What a collection of beautiful herbs and mosses!

  69. The industry still survives in full vigour, and I saw several specimens which came very near those in the carefully guarded collection of Nikko.

  70. I was told that the very rare collection of old manuscripts and official documents is now quietly reposing among the archives at St. Petersburg to be protected from destruction.

  71. It is a collection of his advertisements in prose and verse.

  72. A collection of them was printed in two volumes by Bentley, in 1840, under the title of 'Lyra Urbanica'.

  73. In his collection of snuff-boxes, one of the finest in England, he was supposed to have a box for every day in the year.

  74. These baskets have the air of a collection of curios behind the glass.

  75. Shortly before his death he brought out a collection of sermons.

  76. Shortly after Rogers' death a collection of his witty sayings was published under the title of "Table Talk.

  77. He wrote a series of short stories, treating of life in the Russian provinces, and among the middle class, which were subsequently published in the collection of four volumes, entitled "Mirgorod.

  78. Schlyter brought out a complete collection of the old Scandinavian laws, a work of equal importance to philology and jurisprudence.

  79. Another collection of his own poems was published in 1826, followed by the prose dialogues "Operette Morali.

  80. Four years later, after the completion of the Thorvaldsen Museum, his remains were laid in the vault that had been prepared for him there, amid the rich collection of his masterpieces.

  81. There he issued his great collection of German medieval romances, and of the works of the Minnesingers.

  82. About the same time Hans Christian Andersen, the Danish author, published his first collection of fairy tales.

  83. In France, Victor Hugo published his "Odes et Poésies Diverses," a collection of early poems which contained some of his most charming pieces.

  84. Being a Collection of Injunctions, Declarations, Orders, Articles of Inquiry, &c.

  85. Sotheby and Wilkinson, of Wellington Street, will sell, on Monday next and two following days, the valuable Collection of Ancient and Modern Engravings of the late James Brown, Esq.

  86. It was doubtless from this collection that Mr. Keon was supplied with those papers, which he published in Dolman's Magazine in 1846, concerning "The Preservation of the Society of Jesus in the Empire of Russia.

  87. The work is included in the collection of Voyages Imaginaires, tom.

  88. One point, the maid’s feint of death to escape from her father to her lover, is the subject of a ballad very popular in France; a version entitled Belle Isambourg is printed in a collection called Airs de Cour, 1607.

  89. Next, Robert Chambers published a collection of eighty ballads, some being spurious.

  90. A Collection of Old Ballads, corrected from the best and most ancient copies extant.

  91. In 1769, David Herd published his collection of Ancient and Modern Scots Songs, Heroic Ballads, etc.

  92. The English ballads were printed or written down at a period which is early compared with the date of collection of the Scottish ballads.

  93. Next came Allan Ramsay, with ‘the Evergreen, a collection of Scots poems wrote by the ingenious before 1600.

  94. Patty emerged from the orchid house at four o'clock, her arms filled with an unprecedented collection for Conny's book.

  95. He had beautiful conservatories full of tropical plants, a sunken Italian garden, an art collection and picture gallery.

  96. And I have a sweet collection of neighbors!

  97. The original sketch of this is now deposited in the Forster Collection at South Kensington.

  98. Each captain directs his whole attention to the collection of his own cargo, without minding the concerns of his neighbour.

  99. Other pleasant records of the intercourse between them exist in the shape of sundry graceful copies of verses addressed by Goethe to Mrs. Carlyle, which will be found in the collection of his poems.

  100. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "collection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.