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Example sentences for "maintenance"

Lexicographically close words:
maintaining; maintains; mainte; mainteine; mainteined; maintenant; maintenir; maintes; maintien; maintop
  1. The greater part of these funds is expended for the maintenance of the military forces.

  2. It seeks more than the mere maintenance of the present status in Haiti; it is constantly working to bring about a condition more suitable and profitable to itself.

  3. The discipline of the Bar--the maintenance of correct standards of professional conduct--is everywhere a difficult problem.

  4. These words evidently at once define holiness and declare the supreme motive to the attainment and maintenance of a holy character.

  5. The whole of each offering is none the less wholly accepted and appropriated by God, that He designates a part of it to the maintenance of the priesthood.

  6. The maintenance of the family in its integrity and purity is nothing less than essential to the conservation of society and the stability of good government.

  7. To which it should also be added, finally, that the regulations for the release of the slave carefully provided for the maintenance of the family relation.

  8. But it is well known that what is unwholesome for food in one part of the world may be, and often is, necessary to the maintenance of health elsewhere.

  9. All the regulations are intended to provide for the uninterrupted maintenance of this sacrificial fire; first, by the regular removal of the ashes which would else cover and smother the fire; and, secondly, by the supply of fuel.

  10. And we know how in the ferns provision is made for the attainment and maintenance of the tree-like size and character.

  11. In fact the Erie has gone so far as to follow this practice for its track maintenance in certain instances.

  12. The futility of such moves needs no discussion; what is saved to-day on necessary maintenance of rolling-stock or other physical plant of the railroad must be expended to-morrow, and generally in larger measure.

  13. Wire-trains for immediate repairs as well as for maintenance must be in readiness day and night with a variety of expert, and expensive, workers.

  14. The following sentence should suffice to prove it: "Our confidence in the maintenance of peace has again been strengthened.

  15. May God grant that 'e may always be able to work for the maintenance of peace by the use of this good and sharp-edged weapon.

  16. In the end it seemed that the British, who of course led all naval activities, had reached the conclusion that only by the maintenance of an enormous fleet of patrol boats could the submarines be kept in check.

  17. A fair amount of speed both on and below the surface of the water is essential and the maintenance of the speed for a fairly long period of time must be assured.

  18. This maintenance of a level keel while submerged was provided for by the installation of four depth regulating vanes which I later termed "hydroplanes" to distinguish them from the forward and aft levelling vanes or horizontal rudders.

  19. For to other circumstances this also was added, that he had no nope of subsisting his army, except from the lands of Bruttium, which, though they were all cultivated, would be very insufficient for the maintenance of so large an army.

  20. For the maintenance of the horses of those who attend the ceremony, they have by custom, a portion of land assigned in the meadow, called, or distinguished, by the name of two Swaiths of grass in the common field of Ravenglass.

  21. Hutchinson thus describes it:--"There are singular circumstances and ceremonies attending the proclamation of this fair, as being anciently held under the maintenance and protection of the Castle of Egremont.

  22. Towards the head of these Dales was found a perfect Republic of shepherds and agriculturists, among whom the plough of each man was confined to the maintenance of his own family, or to the occasional accommodation of his neighbour.

  23. Our maintenance had by this time become so great a tax upon their resources, that it was found expedient to cause some of our number to be removed to a settlement about a mile distant.

  24. One is employed in time of peace under the Post Office in the construction and maintenance of postal lines; the other, stationed at Aldershot, is equipped with field telegraph material.

  25. His whole structure is acquired by means of selection with this one object in view, the maintenance of the series of reproductive cells.

  26. The maintenance of the right balance of the internal secretions of the various glands which re-act on sex activity is important to women at all times, and particularly during the time when a woman is becoming a mother.

  27. There is no cruelty in the maintenance of a righteous law, for the maintenance of law is essential to the happiness of a people.

  28. Whatever was done by any one of the parties concerned was done simply because the maintenance of law is essential to the preservation of life and order throughout the land.

  29. The maintenance of this Islamic union has been wrongly called—in the disparaging sense of the word—Pan-Islamism.

  30. Though they strongly advocated the maintenance of Article 16 of the San Stefano treaty, they only succeeded in getting Article 61 of the Berlin treaty.

  31. In animal physiology he set himself to trace out the operation of determinate chemical and physical laws in the maintenance of life and health.

  32. By his will he left considerable property to the university for the maintenance and increase of the library.

  33. The gift of your abilities while you live would be of priceless worth for the establishing and the maintenance of a fairer, a healthier, and a sweeter life in your community, your city, your country.

  34. Among the Valasu and Pendukkumekki sub-divisions, another odd form of maintenance subsists.

  35. Their daily maintenance is supplied to them by their masters themselves.

  36. Another sum is given for the maintenance of the bride, and, in the presence of the guardian, a suit of clothes is given to her by the bridegroom.

  37. The sons merely get maintenance until they are married.

  38. On the increase and maintenance of that real power, his chief thoughts were concentrated; new dispositions generated by kingship, which had never shown themselves in him before.

  39. The space below that top will give ample head room for maintenance work in the orchard and that clear length of trunk will produce a high quality log eight feet long.

  40. Shell Use During World War II The production and maintenance schedules set up during World War II resulted in the development and expansion of uses for ground shell materials.

  41. This is essential, not only because of influence of dust and dirt on the maintenance of motors and equipment, but because of the highly explosive nature of shell dusts.

  42. It was, in the beginning, that entire devotion to God and its continued maintenance which could, alone, account for the story told in these brief records.

  43. And the Spiritual Life of which we are speaking has powers or faculties necessary to the maintenance of its existence, and to the discharge of the duties appropriate to the sphere in which it moves.

  44. It is satisfactory to find, that amongst the orders given to Ovando, there are some for the restitution of the admiral's property, and the maintenance of his mercantile rights.

  45. He and other prophets probably interpreted the law in question as directed against the construction and maintenance of several chief sanctuaries, but not against sacrificing in different places on minor occasions.

  46. New Testament, "the demand for a mediating power between God and humanity is pushed to the farthest point which thought can occupy consistently with the maintenance of the absoluteness of the one Supreme Deity" (p.

  47. The Olympic victor, I said, is deemed happy in receiving a part only of the blessedness which is secured to our citizens, who have won a more glorious victory and have a more complete maintenance at the public cost.

  48. Compared with the citizens of other States, ours will be Olympic victors, and crowned with blessings greater still--they and their children having a better maintenance during life, and after death an honourable burial.

  49. The salvation of the state is held rather to depend on the inviolable maintenance of them.

  50. You will be pining at many insufferable troubles, and a thousand several cogitations will be vexing your spirits at the chargeable maintenance of your Family.

  51. A little later Walpole came into power, and his chief aim was the maintenance of peace, in order that the new dynasty might have time to take root.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maintenance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.