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Example sentences for "collectivism"

Lexicographically close words:
collection; collections; collective; collectively; collectives; collectivist; collectivistic; collectivists; collectivities; collectivity
  1. Collectivism might conceivably be put in practice, given a sufficiently high standard of social virtue, a quality which Socialists are not in the way to get.

  2. Collectivism is also a term now used by German and French writers to describe an organization of the industries of a country under a collective instead of an individual management.

  3. Collectivism is but the French expression for the system of state socialism.

  4. Continuing directly, Sun makes clear the nature of the empirical collectivism of his min sheng program, which he calls communism.

  5. Throughout the discussion of empirical collectivism the present author will cite, by and large, the categories given by Coker.

  6. From the outset, Sun Yat-sen's plan of empirical collectivism demanded a fairly broad range of state action.

  7. Then, if the people are not strong enough to carry all before them, they will be shot down, to give Collectivism a fair field for experiment.

  8. Moreover, Collectivism draws a very subtle but very far-reaching distinction between the work of the labourer and of the man who has learned a craft.

  9. Under Collectivism it is the representatives of the nation, or of the Commune, and their deputies and officials who are to have the control of industry.

  10. However, when a new revival began, about 1866, when Communism and Collectivism once more came forward, it appeared that the conception as to the means of their realization had undergone a deep change.

  11. Equality of possessions necessitates collectivism, and collectivism requires the abolition of nationalities.

  12. That collectivism is only impossible because it is only possible if established in every country at once.

  13. But surely collectivism is a chimæra, an utopia, a thing impossible.

  14. Collectivism is equality; and equality is collectivism, otherwise our equality will be nothing but a phantom and an hypocrisy.

  15. This is the state of things to which Collectivism puts an end.

  16. Collectivism cannot survive except upon the theory that all the members of the community furnish their quota of work.

  17. But all those who belong to Chairo's party and hate Collectivism because it doesn't furnish them the reward which they feel due to their ability, are using this issue in an attempt to break up the entire system.

  18. The money that formerly was paid to the state factory was now paid to them, and thus the accumulation of wealth became possible which it was the principal object of Collectivism to prevent.

  19. As a matter of fact, Collectivism is as much easier than your old plan as mowing with a reaper is easier than mowing with a scythe.

  20. Masters was a man whose career had greatly contributed to the particular phase of Collectivism which I found prevailing in the New England States.

  21. I was much interested to learn there the particular form of Collectivism which prevailed in the country districts of New England.

  22. At the Congress of Marseilles (1879) the triumph of collectivism was assured by elements which had the principles of collectivism in common, but which differed in other points.

  23. The idea of co-operation, the mutuellisme of Proudhon, and the collectivism of the "International" reappeared in the labor movement under the Third Republic.

  24. And I am not clear in my own mind, and I do not see how anyone can be clear, that collectivism gives as good a security as the present system for the realization of these higher goods.

  25. All political convictions vary between the two extremes which I will call Collectivism and Anarchy.

  26. The peril of Collectivism was to be averted.

  27. For sure enough we shan’t see the triumph of our ideas, and when Collectivism is established all over the world I shall have been carried feet foremost from my garret a long while before.

  28. One of the items of the programme is worded "collective property"; but whether it contemplates the universal State-property of collectivism or the corporate property of co-operation does not appear.

  29. The intolerable bureaucracy of collectivism is wholly an imaginary evil.

  30. There is only one way, according to Mr. Belloc's argument, in which Collectivism can be put into force, and that is by confiscation.

  31. Collectivism being to a certain extent a natural development of Capitalism and appealing both to capitalist and proletarian, is apparently the easier solution.

  32. The fact is that to make collectivism a reality it has been necessary to compel the soil to return four or five times more than it returned in the days of capitalistic anarchy.

  33. Collectivism altogether ignores all that appertains to sexual relations.

  34. Collectivism at the helm would be quite another thing than is imagined.

  35. Every man who gives in a month, in an hour, in a few minutes, the product of his whole life, is merely repaying in a lump sum what collectivism has given him day by day.

  36. You may well imagine, comrade,’ resumed Morin, ‘that collectivism did not make its appearance till the appointed hour.

  37. In an age which made an idol of individual action, and warred against all collectivism as tyranny, he looked for salvation to the State.

  38. Perhaps his ideal of a State can best be described as an Educated Democracy, working by Collectivism in Government, Religion, and Social order.

  39. Despite the supremacy of the Roman ideas there were many writings of a socialistic character citing the collectivism of the Peruvian Incas or other such states of society as desirable of adoption in Spain.

  40. Or, again, suppose a dispute so fundamental as that between Collectivism and the philosophy of private property.

  41. Collectivism is alien to the American temper and ideal, which looks rather to a community of free men controlling, through personal ownership, their own industry.

  42. Collectivism is the impractical invention of a man of genius, that may be compared to a mechanical invention that consists of so many screws, wheels, and springs that it never can be set going.

  43. Reclus has no special doctrine, but shares generally the views of his friend Kropotkin, although his greater scientific insight on many points leads him to incline rather to the Collectivism of Proudhon and Bakunin.

  44. This irreconcilable contradiction between Anarchism and Collectivism decided Kropotkin to give up the latter entirely, and to set up in its stead Anarchist Communism, thus attaching himself to the lines already indicated by Hess and Gruen.

  45. In a pamphlet called 'Collectivism and Revolution' M.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "collectivism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    collaboration; collectivism; collusion; communion; communism; community; complicity; concert; concord; concordance; concurrence; cooperation; democracy; duet; esprit; fascism; federalism; fellowship; feudalism; harmony; imperialism; monarchism; morale; mutuality; nationalization; octet; pluralism; pooling; quartet; quintet; reciprocity; royalism; septet; sextet; socialism; solidarity; symbiosis; teamwork; trio; troika