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Example sentences for "source"

Lexicographically close words:
soupirs; souple; soups; soupy; sour; sources; sourd; sourde; sourdough; sourds
  1. Gather ye together, and for the sake of God resolve to root out whatever is the source of contention amongst you.

  2. Take heed lest pride deter you from recognizing the Source of Revelation; lest the things of this world shut you out as by a veil from Him Who is the Creator of heaven.

  3. Could ye but discover the source whence the splendour of this utterance is diffused, ye would cast away the peoples of the world and all that they possess, and would draw nigh unto this most blessed Seat of glory.

  4. Whoso hath inhaled the sweet fragrance of the All-Merciful, and recognized the Source of this utterance, will welcome with his own eyes the shafts of the enemy, that he may establish the truth of the laws of God amongst men.

  5. Suffer it not to become a source of dissension and discord, of hate and enmity.

  6. All this has been the source of much comment along the officers' quarters and in the barracks across the parade ground, and has caused several skirmishes between Faye and the band.

  7. Under Traditional Management there is no particular time in which this teaching goes on, no particular time allowed for the worker to ask for the instruction, nor is there any particular source from which he obtains the instructions.

  8. The two sets of meanings are a source of endless confusion, unwarranted prejudice, and worse.

  9. Measurement in psychology is of importance to measurement in management not only as a source of information and instruction, but also as a justification and support.

  10. According to the Iliad, its source was two springs, one a cold and one a hot spring.

  11. From a great fountain in the mist world there sprang twelve rivers, which after flowing far from their source tumbled their waters into the Ginungagap.

  12. Then, too, he had several intimate friends whose affection was always a source of great joy to him.

  13. One source of difficulty in judging of the state of Jamaica was the fact that false reports of the land were circulated by disappointed planters, by bigots, by clever writers, and by disheartened missionaries.

  14. By the Indians, a pigeon roost, or breeding place, is considered an important source of national profit and dependence for the season; and all their active ingenuity is exercised on the occasion.

  15. A pigeon nesting was always a great source of revenue to our people.

  16. It is a source of profit to the poor, or pleasure to the rich.

  17. Another great source of enjoyment and instruction is the well-known Buddhist stories, told over and over again, often miraculous, always with a moral.

  18. Present in all things, he is most present where men worship him, and so by mystic rite and incantation the worshipper is identified with this source of his being, and lays hold of certain secrets of bodily and spiritual health.

  19. Under this grant Brigham exacts from those getting wood in the canyon, every third load; and as this is the only wood within fifteen miles of the city, this alone is the source of an immense revenue.

  20. About this time a new source of difficulty arose in the settlement of the public lands.

  21. The organization of the church is such, that no project of importance is ever undertaken without the express or implied consent of Young, who is in temporal, as well as spiritual matters, the head and source of all authority.

  22. The divorces of such can only come from him; and from this source alone he derives a handsome revenue.

  23. Attention from any source was sweet and from those of prominence it was nectar.

  24. The aisle was cluttered with valises and suitcases; the porter was feverishly making down a berth; while bolstered on a pile of pillows, surrounded by a number of anxious faces, lay the sick woman, the source of the commotion and the anxiety.

  25. For years his fear of making mistakes had been a chronic source of energy leakage-now it was a nightmare.

  26. Also, 'fifty sovereigns for the best account of the geographical distribution of guano, with suggestions for the discovery of any new source of supply, accompanied by specimens.

  27. The stream is called Loa, and has its source in the snows of the mountain-tops.

  28. A fruitful source of speculation was Champney Googe's long absence from home, already six years, and his prospects when he should have returned.

  29. The cross current of influence, which had its source in Flamsted, was proving, against his will and judgment, too strong for him.

  30. One of these documents must, therefore, have been the source of the other.

  31. Charlevoix, with a proper discrimination, refers directly to Ramusio as the sole source from whence the account of the discovery is derived, as do the French writers who have mentioned it since his time, except M.

  32. That such, indeed, was the source from which the Verrazzano letter was derived is susceptible of demonstration; and for that purpose some account of the voyage and discoveries of Gomez and their publication becomes necessary.

  33. The Lake of the Snows is the source of the western branch of the Rivière du Saut.

  34. His rights as pontiff depend on the express appointment of God; his rights as temporal prince are derived from the same source from which other princes derive their rights, and are held by the same tenure.

  35. It is the source of the vitality of the state, that which controls or governs its action, and determines its destiny.

  36. Man is born in society and remains there, and it may be regarded as the source of ancient Greek and Roman patriotism, which still commands the admiration of the civilized world.

  37. Society has certain rights over individuals, for she is a medium of their communion with God, or through which they derive life from God, the primal source of all life; but she is not the only medium of man's life.

  38. That is the source of the wealth in which revel those of our number whose duty it is to mix with the mighty ones of the day, sharing in their dalliances and dissipations--foxes to deceive, wolves to devour our enemies.

  39. The source of the evil is at Versailles--let us go after the King and fetch him to Paris.

  40. Renounce your life in politics, the incessant source of your anguish and your alarms, because of your lack of steadfastness.

  41. And one source of the confusion is, I think, pretty plain.

  42. We are only prevented from holding that, if they do, those which have the same source all exist in the same place as their source.

  43. In holding this I think he is mistaken; and what I want to do is to explain, as clearly as I can, what sort of a mistake I take him to be making, and what seems to me to be the source of this mistake.

  44. I believe myself that this is a very frequent source of error: but it is at least a possible one.

  45. It would seem that, if I do know these things at all, I must know immediately, in the case of some sensibles, both that they have a source and what the shape of this source is.

  46. It began to be recognized, in spite of the preaching of the mendicant orders, that poverty is the source of crime, the obstruction to knowledge; that the pursuit of riches by commerce is far better than the acquisition of power by war.

  47. Do they in like manner return, each to the source from which it has come?

  48. The trade of Eastern Asia has always been a source of immense wealth to the Western nations who in succession have obtained it.

  49. If ever there were a withdrawal of the maintaining power, all things must return to the source from which they issued--that is, they must return to God, and be absorbed in him.

  50. As time advanced, this peculiar mode of existence became an increasing source of inconvenience and mental distress, often leading the superficial observer to suppose that she was insane.

  51. Every muscle is relaxed; the brain, which has officiated as the supreme source of energy, experiences exhaustion, and sleep frequently terminates the voluptuous paroxysm.

  52. In this example each individual detail could have been easily traced to its source in memory.

  53. But a brief retrospection enabled me to trace each individual item to its source in memory, and I was able to construct the following key to the vision: During the previous evening I had been examining a number of East Indian photographs.

  54. As a source of information about the stage, it is virtually without value.

  55. His chancellor, Mansel, held seven hundred benefices at once, and so corrupted the laws, that one of the judges pronounced the source poisoned from the fountain.

  56. On the one hand, to realize that Alice was so near and yet so inaccessible was a constant source of misery; yet, on the other, he could not but admit that he was having the very dickens of a time, loafing round the country like this.

  57. She said that these meetings were only a source of pain to both of them.

  58. Emotion had to go very deep with her ere it touched the source of tears.

  59. The wedding was a perennial source of conversation among us in those days; but presently its interest palled for a time in the light of another quite tremendous happening.

  60. Let us all work together in harmony, and strive to make Our Magazine an influence for good and a source of innocent pleasure, and let us always remember the words of the poet.

  61. The great Company he had heretofore re- garded merely as a source of income and a means of advancing his ambitions, he now loved as his child.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "source" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    adviser; ambition; ancestry; announcer; aspiration; author; authority; basis; beginning; bonanza; bottom; calling; cause; channel; commencement; communicant; conception; consideration; cornucopia; derivation; enlightener; font; fountain; fountainhead; germ; goal; grapevine; ground; head; headwater; ideal; inception; informant; informer; inspiration; intention; lode; lodestar; mainspring; matter; mine; monitor; mother; mouthpiece; origin; original; origination; parent; pipeline; press; principle; progenitor; provenance; provenience; publisher; quarry; radical; radio; radix; reason; reporter; resource; rise; root; sake; score; seed; source; spokesman; spring; staple; stem; stock; subject; taproot; television; teller; tipster; tout; vein; vocation; well; wellspring; witness