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Example sentences for "purse"

Lexicographically close words:
purr; purred; purring; purrs; purs; pursed; purser; pursers; purses; pursing
  1. His father gave him such a large purse full!

  2. There was a man who had a little boy, And when the boy grew big, he went and asked His father to give him a purse of money.

  3. Vague and unsubstantial as they were, the generous Walter was soon reconciled to his friend, put his purse into his hand, and insisted upon being immediately introduced to his lovely bride.

  4. Dick opened it with great trepidation; this was surely a bad moment to come down upon his poor purse with a demand for income tax.

  5. Putting money in his purse besides, he goes down, pretty confidently.

  6. But there's your purse, Lord Grimsby; your purse and your seal and your rings that I took last night!

  7. Then, crossing over to the dressing table, she picked up her purse and carefully counted the money.

  8. With a longing that almost amounted to a passion, she craved jewels, good gowns, laces and all the other dear, delightful pomps and vanities of this world, which only a plethoric purse can procure.

  9. And then he took my purse and my seal and my rings.

  10. I was fortunate: the whole of my moveables again made their appearance; and it gave me great pleasure, because I had trusted my purse and watch to a poor fellow.

  11. My hat and coat I had committed to one person, and my watch and purse to another; taking it for granted the latter would have been stolen from me if I had not, as was actually the fact, for my breeches pockets were turned inside out.

  12. And ast for law, why he that has a got the longest head will have a most on't for money: and he that has a got the longest purse will behappen not to be the first to cry peccavi.

  13. The Signora is so inventive in her faculties, there are so many trinkets which she dies to possess, and her wants, real and artificial, are so numerous, that the purse is never quiet in the pocket.

  14. And every Englishman is supposed to be furnished with the purse of Fortunatus.

  15. The Aldermen of Chicago subscribed among themselves a purse of $1000.

  16. An old lady, clothing undistinguishable, but containing a purse with twenty-seven dollars and a small key.

  17. Treherne settled that question, and one or two more; poor fellow, his purse is as open as his heart just now; but among his other luxuries he may as well taste the luxury of giving.

  18. Lord Godolphin doesn't go about the country with the Queen's purse slung at his waist, Sherry.

  19. Why, I'd say, hand over your purse to me.

  20. After to-morrow the purse will be all but dry, and then I shall have to earn my bread.

  21. Well, now, if I didn't think it'd be folly to carry the Queen's purse loose about the country!

  22. You might as well empty your purse in his pocket right off.

  23. It seems he had a Poetical Purse as well as a Poetical Brain, being much straightned in the Gifts of Fortune; as he exclaims in his Pierce Penniless.

  24. It often happens," she said once, "that when the purse is empty, immediately comes a new instalment.

  25. And He said unto them, When I sent you without purse and scrip and shoes lacked you anything?

  26. And at the railway station she confidingly handed her purse to the porter, asking him to take it and buy the tickets, Mrs. M'Crindle met her at the Waverley Station, Edinburgh.

  27. We saw his sword and purse in Sir Walter's house at Abbotsford.

  28. They boldly entered the Imperial presence, with the fatal purse hanging down from the neck of Orestes; who interrogated the eunuch Chrysaphius, as he stood beside the throne, whether he recognized the evidence of his guilt.

  29. The watch was there; the purse was safe in the pocket, though it contained a good deal of money.

  30. The strange girl, after paying her fare, started to thrust her purse into the shabby handbag she carried.

  31. Helen's ready purse drew the colored population of that boat as a honey-pot does bees.

  32. I need to have my purse replenished already.

  33. The girl opened her purse quickly, selected a five dollar bill, and thrust it into his hand.

  34. The bill overstepped her purse by six pence, but she promised that sum on delivery, and paid the rest.

  35. He did it very patiently, and even took out his purse and laid a sovereign on the top of the letter.

  36. Thanks to the greed of the company, there was nothing in the purse but some small change.

  37. He rushes to their arms and is found embracing his mother most tenderly by Susanna, who comes with a purse to repay the loan.

  38. Rocco is summoned, and Pizarro, praising his courage and fidelity to duty, gives him a purse as earnest of riches which are to follow obedience.

  39. The emotion of familiarity was so instantaneous that absent-mindedly she found herself seeking in her purse for a departed latch-key.

  40. In a week, it was rare that a Salamander was forced to a recourse on her purse for more than one luncheon--dinner never.

  41. Dodo rose and taking from her purse a pendant, a diamond cross with a pearl in the center, held it out.

  42. Dore stopped his exclamations with an abrupt gesture, and picking from her purse a fifty-dollar bill, held it to him between two fingers.

  43. Dore in a caressing voice, as she went to her purse before the landlady could make the demand direct.

  44. Oh, yes," I answered, laughing, and pulling out the purse in which I kept it.

  45. Jarvis came back, tickets in hand, and gave them to Sally with the little purse she had handed him.

  46. The purse with a label "£1000," which the satyr holds immediately before him, gives some probability to the supposition.

  47. The purse with the label £1000, which the satyr holds immediately before him, gives some probability to the supposition.

  48. He was surprised, and put his hand in his pocket and brought out the purse containing the five hundred francs, which he had forgotten in his agitation.

  49. The priest attempted to speak, offered his purse and his aid, but the old man kept on abusing him, making gestures with his hands as if throwing; stones at him.

  50. In the peasant's mind every effort of religion consisted in loosening the purse strings, in emptying the pockets of men in order to fill the heavenly coffer.

  51. Pere Varajou, formerly a horticulturist at Angers, but now retired from business, had closed his purse strings to his scapegrace son and had hardly seen him for two years.

  52. Then the mayor placed in one hand a silk purse in which gold tingled --five hundred francs in gold!

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "purse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abbreviate; assets; bag; balance; budget; circumscribe; cockle; compact; compress; concentrate; condense; consolidate; constrict; contract; cramp; crease; crimp; crinkle; crumple; curtail; decrease; draw; exchequer; finances; fund; funds; furrow; gather; knit; knot; mean; means; money; narrow; pocket; pocketbook; poke; pool; pouch; prize; pucker; purse; reduce; reserves; resources; ridge; ripple; ruck; rumple; savings; shorten; solidify; strangle; substance; treasure; wherewithal; wrinkle