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Example sentences for "holdings"

Lexicographically close words:
holdest; holdeth; holdfasts; holdin; holding; holds; holdst; holdup; holdups; holdyng
  1. I was helped in Japan not only by my close acquaintance with the rural civilisation of two pre-eminently small-holdings countries, Holland and Denmark, but by what I knew to be precious in the rural life of my own land.

  2. On many holdings there is not even a clump left to shelter the farmhouse and buildings.

  3. In looking at a map of the village to which some of these oaza belonged I noticed many holdings tinted a special colour.

  4. I wonder how much money has been sunk--most of it lost--during the past quarter of a century in attempts to increase small holdings in England.

  5. Just before the War the thoughts of forward-looking students of our home affairs ran strongly on the relation of intelligently managed small holdings to skilled capitalist farming.

  6. They forget above all that we are of necessity a small-holdings country.

  7. Is it such a bad thing to be a small-holdings country?

  8. The only bright spot for tenants was that, as compared with peasant proprietors, they were free to change their holdings and even their business.

  9. As on small holdings all over the world, it is found that profits are difficult to make when help has to be paid for.

  10. Few of the largest holdings are worked as single farms.

  11. These large holdings are used for cattle breeding alone.

  12. In 1870, the pope's holdings were further circumscribed when Rome itself was annexed.

  13. In the Champagne the wild boar is almost invariably pursued on foot, the minute subdivision of the land into different holdings and consequent limitation of the right of sport rendering it very difficult to follow the animal on horseback.

  14. In one short war you would double your land holdings and triple your wealth.

  15. He quickly realized that all of these men were adventurers with little or no holdings of their own, in this enterprise with Charles for whatever they could gain.

  16. More subdivided land holdings in the country made holdings of cottagers minuscule.

  17. To pay for this system, citizens paid according to the amount of rent their holdings were worth.

  18. But some found new methods of using land that were more profitable than the customary services of villeins who had holdings of land or the paid labor of practically free men who paid a money rent for land holdings.

  19. That country also had very important colonial holdings in the West Indies, and on the adjacent mainland; being, indeed, an American power second only to the United States itself.

  20. This involved deplorable destruction of property, valuable holdings of both loyalists and patriots were rendered valueless, and naturally the morale of both armies suffered from a spirit of lawlessness.

  21. Thus, with Canada gone, and Cuba in the hands of the United States, the remainder of the British holdings in the western hemisphere would be in deadly jeopardy.

  22. In the Hill lease the price which the Steel Corporation was to pay on the ore taken out of the Great Northern holdings in the Mesaba region was based on an iron content of 59 per cent.

  23. It had some ore holdings in the Mesaba Range as well as a twenty-year contract for a one-sixth interest in the ore production of the Oliver Iron Mining Co.

  24. By its absorption the new corporation secured possession of the greatest steel organization of its time, as well as of the important coke holdings of the H.

  25. I don't know that Daddy has holdings large enough to deserve the word," said Leslie.

  26. They come to the two holdings farthest down; easy to see they are nearing the village now; both the houses have white curtains in the little window facing toward the road, and a flag-pole stuck up on top of the hayloft for Constitution Day.

  27. But the Almenning was there still, and ten new holdings on that land, beckoning a hundred more.

  28. The settlers from the holdings farther down began to come up, all anxious to see the marvel for themselves.

  29. New men came now every year or so, to take up land; there were five new holdings now below Breidablik.

  30. The holdings might rise in value--who could say?

  31. If the prices continue to go down, I'll have the bulk of my holdings tied up in the spaceship.

  32. Within one hour, however, the entire Wrail holdings in both stocks were dumped on the market.

  33. Better let go of your holdings of Ranthoor Dome," suggested Greg.

  34. Great Britain possessed large holdings of this land before Germany came into possession, but abandoned them under the belief that the region was comparatively worthless.

  35. The German holdings at Tsing-Tau and in the Marshall Islands were seized by Japan.

  36. I told them they could not have it there, as there were settlers, and the Government wished them to join one of the other bands, and explained to them that their holdings would be respected, except where inadvertently sold.

  37. I requested Mr. Reid to visit the White Mud region and ascertain what persons are entitled to holdings under the terms of your instructions, and also to survey Short Bear's reserve.

  38. This, in my opinion, is the strongest reason for the encouragement of small holdings in every country.

  39. And again: 'As far as your experience goes, do they invariably value the holdings on the principle of giving an occupation interest to the sitting tenant?

  40. These two holdings came at the same time before the Sub-Commissioners, and the rents were cut down in each case.

  41. Feudal holdings were, therefore, but exceptions out of the Saxon laws of possession, under which all lands were held in absolute right.

  42. In the earlier ages of the Saxon settlement, feudal holdings were certainly altogether unknown, and very few, if any, had been introduced at the time of the Norman conquest.

  43. Of the total holdings under 30 acres considerably more than one-third are in Ulster, and of the holdings over 30 acres more than one-third are in Munster.

  44. Before 1846 the number of small holdings was inordinately large.

  45. In Ireland the poor-rate used to be divided between landlord and tenant, except on holdings valued at L4 and under, in which the landlord paid the whole.

  46. Many of the estates were divided into an incredible number of small holdings with boundaries of the utmost irregularity.

  47. It was believed to be in the public interest to encourage the several tenants to buy their individual holdings so that they might become responsible landowners rather than remain discontented and ready at any time to become ladrones.

  48. It was believed that without great difficulty they could be persuaded to attorn to the government, and that if the estates could be purchased at a reasonable price individual holdings could eventually be sold to their occupants.

  49. An effort was made to get the consent of the tenants to a readjustment of boundaries on a rectangular system, leaving the size of their holdings unchanged but straightening them out.

  50. The Cossacks paid a tribute to the Revolution and to the State, referred to their own needs (after all, the question of their holdings was the most vital one), and .

  51. Hedges, making boundary lines, wagon roads and footpaths between the broken-up holdings are removed, and yield some more available soil.

  52. The absorption by the large landlords of the small holdings in land frequently proceeds in "alarming manner.

  53. In the United States the presence of young men ambitious to become owners of herds very often serves to deplete the holdings of those who are capitalists," said I.

  54. Their holdings are also larger, their capital needs greater, and their business instincts more highly developed.

  55. And here the government was on the horns of a dilemma, for if the middlemen were restrained from undue exactions often large areas remained untilled, and if the coloni were oppressed they absconded and left their holdings without tenants.

  56. This proposal aroused widespread consternation among the Senators, who saw their holdings threatened.

  57. The eighteen municipalities previously selected for this purpose proved insufficient, and a general confiscation of small holdings took place, whereby many persons were rendered homeless and destitute.

  58. In the course of two generations the "farmers" who paid rent for these holdings became more and more numerous, and demesne land tilled by villein-service grew more and more rare.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holdings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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