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Example sentences for "pile"

Lexicographically close words:
pilastered; pilasters; pilau; pilchard; pilchards; pileated; piled; piler; piles; pileser
  1. Together they walked toward the entrance and, with an order to wait, the emissary halted Flint close to a pile of crates and left him.

  2. She led him to a chaise-longue seductively, taking care, however, that he should see a pile of unpaid bills that lay upon a table near it.

  3. It was while he was sneaking from one pile of bales to another that an emissary hailed him.

  4. They came to a pile of cotton bales, found a convenient space between the bales, crawled in, and lay still.

  5. The way in which that pretty little nude infant disported herself on that pile was absolutely tremendous.

  6. Andrews, who was mounting the wood-pile in the tender to see what was happening behind them, was thrown flat.

  7. He climbed up on the wood pile in the tender where he could see Andrews and repeat a signal for help to the men.

  8. He pointed to a pile which lay near the track.

  9. Fuller sprang into the tender, climbed the wood pile and up on the box-car.

  10. In one corner of the room a dilapidated stove was glowing; in another corner there was a bed, made of rough boards, with a pile of dirty bedding on the straw.

  11. The General stopped at the wood pile and the men jumped out.

  12. The old pile plays a prominent part in Hardy's The Well-Beloved.

  13. He was singing a song to himself and staring at a pile of bundles of straw.

  14. Nothe, Weymouth Bay, is now a mere pile of corroded stone.

  15. The wise elephant turned the pile over and laid out the eleven cakes in a row, trumpeting loudly when the master came by; so that mahout was beaten with shoes.

  16. If it were desirable to pile up horrors, nothing is easier than to tell authentic stories of the cruelties formerly wrought for the pleasure of Indian Princes and their subjects in the arenas where beasts were made to fight.

  17. While his back was turned, a big monkey dropped from the boughs overhead, seized the pile of cakes, and was off in a flash.

  18. Happily the pile of rocks which formed the Chimneys was solid.

  19. Everything was in order--the pile on the box containing it, as well as all the apparatus.

  20. A few feet away, his father was carefully calculating, with the aid of a ready reckoner, the compound interest on a little pile of bills of exchange which lay before him.

  21. In the sitting room, which opened on one side, was a great bowl of freshly cut flowers, a pile of new books, and a photograph of herself.

  22. On a certain spot close by the side of the basin a pile of books was arranged in disorderly fashion enough, but with some little method.

  23. A little way in the room was an empty basin, and on the floor by the side was a pile of books.

  24. His daughter looked at the pile with a faint show of interest.

  25. The paymaster sat in a little booth, with a pile of envelopes before him, and two policemen standing by.

  26. The distance was in reality over two miles, but Jurgis made two trips that night, each time with a huge pile of mattresses and bedding on his head, with bundles of clothing and bags and things tied up inside.

  27. Then suddenly the big butcher president leaped upon a pile of stones and yelled: "It's off, boys.

  28. If he fled into a house his pursuer would smash in the flimsy door and follow him up the stairs, hitting every one who came within reach, and finally dragging his squealing quarry from under a bed or a pile of old clothes in a closet.

  29. It was as much as a man's very life was worth to anger them, here in their inmost lair; like as not a dozen would pile on to him at once, and pound his face into a pulp.

  30. He was a studious man, reserved, and nothing of an orator; but he always had a pile of books under his desk in the hotel, and articles from his pen were beginning to attract attention in the party press.

  31. As for Jurgis, he was expected to bring home every penny; he could not even go with the men at noontime--he was supposed to sit down and eat his dinner on a pile of fertilizer dust.

  32. The moment it becomes certain that an assault cannot succeed, suspend the offensive; but when one does succeed, push it vigorously and if necessary pile in troops at the successful point from wherever they can be taken.

  33. When a sufficient number of rails were placed upon a pile of ties it would be set on fire.

  34. The pile proved too "huge" for royal power and supplied the people with an abundance of light.

  35. Why, any back would double, An' any legs'll bend, If we pile on all the trouble Meant to last us till the end!

  36. They were buried deep under a pile of clothing in the farther corner of Dorothy's bottom bureau drawer.

  37. Soon there was a little pile of new work for M.

  38. She gave the top-heavy pile an impatient thrust and the mass fell, with a great crash, to the floor.

  39. A collection of incidents does not make a narrative any more than a pile of lumber makes a house.

  40. It is manifestly idle to pile up particulars, unless they are kept subordinate to some central thought.

  41. A little to our left was a grey pile of bricks and rubble, all that remained of the village of Festubert.

  42. In a room adjoining Captain Haywood, the medical officer of the battalion, lay on a pile of straw with symptoms of appendicitis.

  43. Noticing a pile of leaves where someone had evidently made a bed, Louise kicked them aside with her foot, and she saw an empty matchbox.

  44. Linda yawned, and fingered her mail--a great pile of letters beside her plate.

  45. Suddenly Linda spied a pile of articles near the spot where the autogiro had taken off.

  46. The blast of a trumpet, the smash of a pile of crockery, or a pistol-shot fired by her ear would not have dismayed the feline to such an extent.

  47. Nestling upon a pile of scores, she would listen most attentively and with every mark of satisfaction to the singers who came to perform at the critic’s piano.

  48. Even here, surrounded by the pile of worn grey stone buildings, which threw shadows everywhere, it had penetrated.

  49. Sir Leslie smiled reflectively, and glanced towards the pile of papers at his side.

  50. His attention was divided between a copy of the Figaro and a little pile of letters and telegrams on the other side of his plate.

  51. Astolpho gently now directs his speed To where the spacious pile enfolds the mead In circuit wide, and views with eager eyes Each nameless charm that happy soil supplies.

  52. In a sort of pew on the right of the commissioner sate the official assignee, with a pile of books and papers before him.

  53. On the writing-table an elegant French watch attached to a long gold chain, lay amidst a pile of letters, just as if it had been carelessly tossed there.

  54. This was precisely the place which suited the adventurous pot-boy; and he hastened to conceal himself amidst a pile of mattresses which formed a secure, warm, and comfortable berth.

  55. His pile of gold was gone: the Croupier who kept the bank changed one of his remaining notes.

  56. Take that pile of correspondence, if you please," said the Minister, "and run your eye over each letter.

  57. A huge pile of notes and gold lay before him; but at rapid intervals one of the Croupiers raked away the stakes which he deposited; and thus his heap of money was gradually growing smaller.

  58. Not that any one of these millions of men marching to slaughter has the slightest claim to this pile of dirt; the only question is whether it shall belong to a certain man known as Sultan or to another having the title of Czar.

  59. It is all about a pile of dirt no bigger than your heel," is the reply.

  60. After twisting through the pines we pulled off the road at a scenic turn off and roosted atop a pile of boulders for the rest of the afternoon.

  61. I carried a note pad and pen to the wood pile behind my house, and taking a seat, allowed my pen to drift along with my mood.

  62. The dead tree had fallen and was just a glowing pile of coals, fast being quenched by the gently falling rain.

  63. They would begin to pile up in a heap in a minute.

  64. His bed in the attic was only a pile of old rags.

  65. Full of sorrow, he lay stretched on a pile of straw in the poor woodchopper's hut.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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