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Example sentences for "attract"

Lexicographically close words:
attone; attonement; attorneys; attorneyship; attornies; attractable; attracted; attracting; attraction; attractions
  1. Owen dared not move for fear lest such action must attract the very attention he was seeking to avoid; so he stood there as though he might be a post, and awaited the outcome with mingled feelings of anxiety and delight.

  2. The science of chemistry began to attract much attention about the beginning of the sixteenth century; and the many powerful medical agents which it supplied, at length produced a great change in the theory and practice of medicine.

  3. But the publications on this subject, which attract the greatest attention, are the periodicals under the superintendence of the great horticultural societies.

  4. It is the fictitious history of a family told partly in dialogue, and so written as to attract the reader in spite of repetitions and of reflections as praiseworthy as they are commonplace.

  5. She made no attempt to attract to herself the attentions of Mirabel; and she showed no hostility to Emily, either by word, look, or manner.

  6. The diamonds might attract Mrs. Rook's notice; and in that case, she might ask to see the locket of her own accord.

  7. Netherwoods failed to attract persons of distinction in search of a country residence.

  8. Life and its changes, the depths of the soul, the fluctuations of passion and feeling--these are the subjects which attract my thoughts perpetually.

  9. Murray quoted from Katy in his sermon to-day, and then pausing long enough to attract everybody's attention, he said he wished each of them to procure and read it.

  10. I went, every day, to study these domestic groups; at first they did not attract the crowd; but later it was next to impossible to get at them.

  11. The "sceptered isle" is still in a sense their mother-country, and a thousand ancestral ties attract them to its shores.

  12. Punch and his bells would attract crowds, but my good pencils attracted nobody.

  13. First, attract the public by din and tinsel, by brilliant sky-rockets and Bengola lights, then give them as much as possible for their money.

  14. Mr. Adams, they are too rare and valuable a bird to be hawked about in that manner; besides, I expect they will attract considerable attention here.

  15. They endeavor to attract notice as mountebanks, and then foist upon the public worthless trash, and hope thus to succeed.

  16. They have exhibited throughout the Northern States and the Canadas; but never succeeded very well pecuniarily until about two years ago, when they employed an agent, who advertised them in such a way as to attract public attention.

  17. A bugle-player or a band of music always accompanied the great Gosling, and, of course, helped to attract the public attention to his establishment.

  18. Others are of a sort calculated to attract foolish rustic rascals who would like to gain an easy living by cheating, if they were only smart enough.

  19. The reasons for willing may present themselves to me with all their most lively and affecting attendants, and the Supreme Being may also attract me by His most persuasive inspirations.

  20. My secretary had stated that Carruthers had come out from the city that day, so my appearance at the depot, dressed in his own disguise, would probably attract no attention.

  21. My presence at the house on the present occasion might attract attention and arouse some suspicions as to your intentions.

  22. Other than the joint control of the patents, there was no pooling of interests, and each company competed to attract purchasers to buy its particular type of machine, as did the companies who were licensed by them.

  23. In the first place it will attract attention from its diminutive, fairy-like size, and with the same ease with which it can be carried, an important matter to a seamstress or dressmaker employed from house to house .

  24. It's in the interest of justice," he said, "and it will be sure to attract attention at the same time.

  25. He is sure to attract attention anywhere.

  26. He knew that their late entrance would attract marked notice to them, and now he felt a desire to avoid such attention; but she would make of it a special event, a function.

  27. The youth of General Wood and himself had been so different that he had never before recognized what there was in this illiterate man to attract a cultivated woman.

  28. Clerical studies do not now attract young men as formerly, either in America or France.

  29. The old Emperor William, too, has a loyal nation, and has led a life which does not attract censure.

  30. I stole very quietly down the stairs in order not to attract my landlady's attention (a few days had elapsed since my rent had fallen due, and I had no longer anything wherewith to raise it).

  31. I purposely thrust out my chest to attract her attention to the pin that held my coat together.

  32. I began to hum in order to attract his attention.

  33. By nature, genial and averse to pomp, ceremony, and formality, few public men of his early prime were better calculated to attract and fascinate young men of his own party, and holding views accordant on most points with his.

  34. Spencer, while the Bucktails thought Samuel Young, a decided friend of Clinton's canal policy, the most likely man to attract support.

  35. Such a man would attract the attention of any political manager, and although Clinton up to this time had had no particular relations with Burr, the latter's enthusiastic support of Yates accentuated his political value.

  36. It would never have been believed," says the contemporary chronicler Raoul Glaber, "that the Holy Sepulchre could attract so prodigious an influx.

  37. Thus, some flowers are best pollinated by the aid of certain nocturnal insects, which they attract at night by the expansion of their pale-coloured corollas and by the emission of fragrant perfumes.

  38. It produces no nectar, which forms the food of such a large number of insects, and has no gaudy perianth, nor does it emit any odour such as would be likely to attract these winged creatures.

  39. Various contrivances are also adopted by many flowers to attract the insects which are most useful to them, and to exclude those species which would deprive them of nectar and pollen without aiding in the work of pollination.

  40. The place was too modest to attract the attention of people of fashion, and so quiet as to have escaped the notice of those in search of pleasure and dissipation.

  41. There were one or two men whom she observed at the soiree musicale; but she would never have felt moved to any kittenish display to attract their notice--to any feline or feminine wiles to express herself toward them.

  42. But Nan was not only smiling at her brother, she was nodding at him and trying to attract his attention.

  43. But some one was passing close by and trying to attract her attention.

  44. At first Betty saw nothing to attract her attention in the street outside--not a single passer-by.

  45. But now things were growing too pressing for individual cases to attract much attention.

  46. The comet ceased to be seen in the sky, and even the mournful words of the fortune tellers did not attract the notice they had done at first.

  47. Far more agile on the snowshoes than Will, he thrust himself in front of the animal, waved his bow and shouted to attract his attention.

  48. All of them, when they gazed that way, could see the plain from which the force, intending to attract their attention by shouting and yelling, had retreated.

  49. He might have fired his rifle to attract the attention of his comrades, but he judged that they were at the camp and would not hear his shot.

  50. But I could not attract your attention without also attracting that of the jeweler.

  51. I tried to attract your attention at the store, because I saw that you were going to buy a diamond, and I didn't want you to.

  52. He wanted to have a talk with me," replied the lad, "and when he saw me in your store, he tried to attract my attention by knocking on the glass.

  53. Reflect how they incline and attract you to that person, and how you are propitiated afterward to all which that person says or does.

  54. The reminiscence, at the commencement of this movement, of the middle movement of the "Pathétique" cannot fail to attract attention.

  55. Indeed, of the two, Cleer seemed to attract the larger share of his attention.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "attract" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appeal; attach; attract; beckon; bewitch; bring; captivate; catch; charm; command; concern; court; decoy; delight; disarm; drag; draw; enchant; endear; engage; engross; enrapture; entice; entrance; excite; fascinate; fetch; incur; infatuate; interest; intrigue; invite; involve; lure; magnetize; pique; provoke; pull; reflect; rope; seduce; stimulate; summon; take; tantalize; tease; tempt; tickle; tug; vamp

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    attract attention; attract the