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Example sentences for "pelt"

Lexicographically close words:
pellucida; pelo; peloric; pelota; peloton; peltasts; peltate; pelted; pelting; peltries
  1. But when you say you mean to try your hand, you're only joking, because I wager you took off many a pelt when out with Old Sol Ten Eyck.

  2. It was such an admixture of peril and humor, that whenever either of the chums happened to glance up at the wall of the cabin, where the wretched looking pelt of a black bear was stretched, almost invariably a grin would have to follow.

  3. Mount for a rug the pelt of some fur animal.

  4. The pelt of this animal is a valuable fur.

  5. Mike tink dis snow make a big pelt time--make much money," explained the trapper.

  6. It would be exactly like her to lose her temper and start off, hard pelt on that hundred-mile ride with no preparations at all.

  7. I'd have paid you for the pelt and you know it.

  8. If the pelt is torn or injured it is rejected; so the trapper must take his captive clean and scarless.

  9. In coldest winter its fur turns snow white and its pelt is very valuable.

  10. Another piece of pelt was immersed in a solution of 400 c.

  11. Solutions of the free acids and acidified solutions of the salts convert pelt into firm and white leathers possessing great softness and pliability.

  12. Such a substance does not deposit the black particles, even when filtered through kaolin, and hence convert pelt into leather possessing black colour on the surface.

  13. After eighteen hours the pelt was nearly tanned through, and a further twenty-four hours completed the tanning process, after which a light fat-liquor was given.

  14. The tannage may also be effected by exposing pelt saturated with hydroquinone to oxidation by the air.

  15. A piece of pelt introduced into the alcoholic solution was surface tanned only after forty-eight hours, leaving the remainder of the pelt pickled; extending the experiment over a further four days produced no change in the pelt.

  16. In the case of a mixture of Neradol D and vegetable tannins, the former quickly diffuses into the pelt and fixes the fibres, thus facilitating penetration of the vegetable tannins.

  17. As soon as the tanning matter has completely penetrated the pelt, the total time of tannage is noted, and the velocity with which the tanning matter converts the pelt into leather at that particular concentration is thus obtained.

  18. N/10 NaOH) substance resulted in both grain and flesh being tanned with a black colour, whereas the interior of the pelt was pickled (white colour).

  19. A red fox may be worth all the way from five to thirty dollars, but from what I've read about the value of furs, the pelt of a genuine silver fox sometimes brings more than fifteen hundred dollars, even in its raw state.

  20. I'll hold your gun while you do the job, Elmer, because I don't reckon you'd want to spoil a fifteen hundred dollar pelt by riddling the same with bird shot.

  21. I'm sure both of us hit him, because you can see how badly the pelt is cut up.

  22. What business have you to drive Wiseli into the drift and then pelt her with snow besides?

  23. Whenever he saw us he would pelt us with stones or apples, and he invariably called us 'aristocrat-breed.

  24. When you get to the stake, hang your pelt on it, so when the wind blows the pelt will move.

  25. Opossum is the only animal that may have a "prime" pelt but an "unprime" coat of fur.

  26. If the pelt turns black the chances are that the pelt will grade No.

  27. If your traps are carefully covered you are as liable to get a valuable pelt as a low priced one.

  28. As the pelt is thin they soon dry, when they must be taken off and should be turned fur side out.

  29. Usually the darker the pelt the poorer the fur.

  30. The pelt is then of a reddish color and is entirely free from dark spots.

  31. When a pelt is put on the stretcher and becomes blue in a few days it is far from prime and will grade no better than No.

  32. Prime skins are those caught during cold weather and the pelt after drying a few days is bright and healthy appearing.

  33. I like this stretcher, as it airs both sides of pelt and will dry them in half the time.

  34. Furs from the various parts of North America have their peculiar characteristics and it is easy for the man of experience to tell in what part of the country a pelt was caught.

  35. Trappers and hunters should remember that no pelt is prime or No.

  36. On the top of the leading sledge was the magnificent snowy pelt of the polar bear, with the head forward; behind this was the deerskin with its wide-antlered head, and more musk-ox heads than they had had time to count.

  37. I skinned him and hung his pelt on a tree; and, on foot, made my way into camp, after a fruitless search for my bronco.

  38. We ran after it as hard as we could pelt up the hill, into a slight valley, and then up another rise, and again got a glimpse of it standing, but this time further off than before; and again our shots went wild.

  39. Enough of daylight remained for us to get his pelt off, with head and claws unskinned and attached, and to hurry over the mountain by moonlight with our trophy, a junk of rank meat for such as might desire it not forgotten.

  40. He was one of the largest specimens I had ever seen, weighing not less than 120 pounds, the green pelt weighing twenty-four.

  41. The Locrians hung upon their heels with a heavy pelt of stones and javelins.

  42. There the earth can rejoice in her blossoms, Unsullied by vapour or soot, And there chimpanzees and opossums Shall playfully pelt me with fruit.

  43. On Tolly Tip's part, he forced each of the lads to pack away a particular pelt which they were to have made into some sort of small article, just to remember the glorious outing in the snowy woods by.

  44. Or was it the other bobcat that came around to smell the pelt of his mate, and gave you something of a tussle?

  45. There's only one kind of bullet, boys, that you'll never hear; and that is the one which gives you such a pelt as to send you home to Ireland or to kingdom come.

  46. And tell us now, have ye left us a Gerry at all alive to get a pelt at, and we new at the game?

  47. So he had to pelt them into the little yard, where an ingeniously devised adjustable crush, formed by one barbed wire, kept them broadside-on till he caught the one he wanted for the day.

  48. But Gray Coat, having gained no response from the limp pelt upon the barn door, had left the barn-yard before the farmer got there.

  49. Next thing that happened in the great North woods, the trappers arrived; they began snaring and trapping, and took away every little wild fur pelt they could get.

  50. Following the new scent, it led him out behind a great red barn, and there it ended, for nailed against the barn door his despairing eyes saw and recognized the well-known but empty pelt of Silver Sides, his mate.

  51. If Hudden had stared before, he stared ten times more now, and no sooner was Donald's back turned, than he was off as hard as he could pelt to Dudden's.

  52. Well, at last I reached the stable, and there, by way of salute, I got a pelt from a sledge-hammer that sent me half a mile off.

  53. Defn: The skin of a seal; the pelt of a seal prepared for use, esp.

  54. A knavish skull of boys and girls did pelt at him.

  55. The children billows seem to pelt the clouds.

  56. Putorius sibiricus, the yellowish brown pelt of which is valued, esp.

  57. Defn: To pelt with snowballs; to throw snowballs at.

  58. To strike with something thrown or driven; to assail with pellets or missiles, as, to pelt with stones; pelted with hail.

  59. Pelt rot, a disease affecting the hair or wool of a beast.

  60. The head once bared, the carcass was snubbed to the centre gate post, when a gentle pull from a saddle horse, aided by a few strokes of a knife, a second pull, and the pelt was perfectly taken.

  61. The pelt of the dead wolf was taken, when the boys cantered in home.

  62. No sooner were they fast asleep again, than the little man began to pelt them afresh.

  63. THE BOYS AND THE FROGS A company of idle boys were watching some frogs by the side of a pond, and as fast as any of the frogs lifted their heads the boys would pelt them down again with stones.

  64. Then he began to pelt one of the giants with the missiles, until after a few minutes one of the men awoke.

  65. Predatory gulls had found the pelt and the head in the rock crevice and their quarrelling filled the beach.

  66. He placed the blubber on one side, cut up the meat and retaining the heart and kidneys wrapped the head and the remainders in the pelt and dumped them in a crack in the rocks.

  67. Do you mean to tell me that the duchess got out of the carriage while you were driving full pelt through the streets without saying anything to you, and without you noticing it?

  68. As if they were ranged for a supper of the Carnival, and my guests were going to pelt each other!

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pelt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.