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Example sentences for "stroke"

Lexicographically close words:
stroakes; stroaks; strobile; strobiles; strode; stroked; stroken; strokes; stroking; stroll
  1. After much effort the matador gave him the final stroke and killed him.

  2. So thick and so fast did he lay it on him, With a passionate fury and ire, At every stroke he made him to smoke, As if he had been all on fire.

  3. I will take good heed that our Emperor lose not the least of his men, nor charger, palfrey, nor mule that is not paid for by stroke of sword.

  4. With every stroke the bridge bent and trembled beneath them as if it would break.

  5. Feeling the smart of it, King Arthur dealt back such a stroke that his sword Excalibur clove the Emperor's helmet in half, and splitting his skull, passed right down to his breast-bone.

  6. The bull ran little races round Europa and allowed her to stroke his forehead with her small hands, and to hang wreaths of flowers on his horns.

  7. It was an extraordinary stroke of luck, if the Ministers wanted to tell their story in Court, that they should have this kind of clumsy libel to deny.

  8. By a stroke of genius she decided instead to make him picturesque.

  9. It is ready, therefore, at a stroke of the pen, to bring all folly into the taverns and all injustice into the jails.

  10. A good mower puts no more strength into his stroke than into his lifting.

  11. It never took him more than one stroke to behead the dummy dragon.

  12. The good mower, serene and able, stands as nearly straight as the shape of the scythe will let him, and follows up every stroke closely, moving his left foot forward.

  13. For Texas this plan was a stroke of inspiration.

  14. Layers of brown, gray, and orange sandstone, alternated from base to summit; and these tints were laid on with a breadth of effect which was prodigious: a hundred feet in height and miles in length at a stroke of the brush.

  15. The Belle's Stratagem; A Bold Stroke for a Husband, &c.

  16. Across the lower head are stretched two or more catgut strings called snares, which produce a rattling sound at each stroke on the upper head, owing to the sympathetic vibration of the lower head which jars against the snares.

  17. All jerking, struggling or tugging should be avoided, and the stroke of the legs be regular and well timed, thus husbanding strength for further effort.

  18. D, joined by iron rods or pipes which connect the middle of each stroke with the corresponding point on the other letter.

  19. Then the man's arms should be drawn up at right angles to his body and the rescuer should start swimming with the back stroke (fig.

  20. With all its faults, it may be said that The Profligate notably enlarged at one stroke the domain open to the English dramatist.

  21. Peter swung to his oar in perfect style, and Purvis with the tiller-ropes in his hands gave way to every leap of the boat, bending his short, spare body in time to the stroke of the oars as he sat in the stern.

  22. Peter had rowed stroke in the Eton boat, but Toffy had always been too delicate to be a strong rower; the other men had splendid staying power, but no particular skill.

  23. Soon Cub-hunting troops were abroad, and a yelp Told of sure scent: ere the stroke upon noon Reynard the younger lay far beyond help.

  24. What was an amazement, and at the same time a powerful stroke of luck, both our masts were rotten, and we found it out - I was going to say in time, but it was stranger and luckier than that.

  25. The stroke was repeated, but more softly.

  26. The paralytic stroke is spreading upward to his face.

  27. Must I remind you that I can make Susan your wife with one stroke of my pen?

  28. He had long contemplated a definite deed and planned a stroke against Raymond Ironsyde; but he had postponed the act, partly from fear, partly because the thought of it was a pleasure.

  29. Raymond's nature had responded to the stroke of circumstance with lightning swiftness.

  30. Sarah at the stroke of the bell also manifested no further interest in Levi's forebodings but left him abruptly.

  31. Do you know if this is the first stroke he has ever had?

  32. He never once thought of his brother: not so much even as to wonder whether the stroke had been fatal,--whether the old man was yet dead.

  33. Already he had been stricken twice with paralysis, and he knew that whenever the third stroke came it must be fatal.

  34. Surely this was the very triumph of crime, a master-stroke of villany.

  35. He had never spoken after the final stroke of paralysis.

  36. The bracer, or arm guard, is a cuff of leather worn on the left forearm to prevent the stroke of the bowstring doing damage.

  37. The arrow flew in a swift chiding stroke and smote him on his furry side with a dull thud.

  38. And the worst of the matter was, that the first energetic movement essential to one downright stroke of real labor was sure to put a finish to these poor habiliments.

  39. Each stroke of the hoe was to uncover some aromatic root of wisdom, heretofore hidden from the sun.

  40. Ye did me a bad stroke with Miss Meredith; now I ask ye to offset it by telling her what my vengeance has been.

  41. We had done a stroke or two of business in former times, and so I was able to gain his ear, and unfold a big scheme to him.

  42. Mordecai succeeds to the seal of state, and conceives the counter-stroke by which, instead of the heathen massacring the Jews, the Jews slaughter the heathen.

  43. Uzziah, another godly king, was in his later years afflicted with leprosy, a disease which was regarded as peculiarly the stroke of God.

  44. The moment had come in which she had to play the most difficult stroke of her whole game, and much might depend on the way in which she played it.

  45. It is curious how he now, a second time, lets me stroke him, without in the least moving.

  46. He lets me stroke him, and though, when I approach my finger to his face, he opens his beak, yet he cannot be said to show much fierceness.

  47. On they came with a long swinging stroke on their way to the starting-point.

  48. At last they had everything ready but the sails, and then they had an unexpected stroke of good luck.

  49. Frank impatiently; but his stroke knew what he was about, and he kept on steadily until the boats were level once more.

  50. The crew rowed a long stroke which had every appearance of strength.

  51. Marston; and Frank knew that the time for the final spurt had come, and if the stroke had been quick before it was doubly so now.

  52. As the wind was light there was not much drifting, and a few strokes of the oars of bow and stroke kept them in position.

  53. Now mind," said Marston, "one short stroke to get her away, and then row with all your might to get her ahead.

  54. They have got such a splendid long stroke and swing so evenly.

  55. The random stroke told, as he could tell by the instant contraction of her eyes of a cat.

  56. He left the declaration inconclusive--a stroke of diplomacy that would have graced an infinitely more adept wooer.

  57. Naida leaned forward in her chair, following every stroke with interest.

  58. Some stroke of good fortune brought them word of the meeting between myself and Immelan, and beyond that they guessed at its significance.

  59. His mysterious enemies had scored a telling stroke at the very start-off.

  60. Astounded at this stroke of luck, Matt and Clip, for a moment, could do no more than stare at each other.

  61. Three or four of sich bosses as Donovan may be in the drift when with one stroke of a pick I let the water into the lower level, and that'll show the others we're men, even if they do treat us like brutes.

  62. When lo, the falchion, as the stroke he plies, Snaps short, and leaves him helpless.

  63. Squaring his breast, he met the glittering blade, Nor long his brazen shield the mortal stroke delayed.

  64. Fire nor the steel's sharp stroke Could lay him lifeless, so the Fates decreed.

  65. To slay With sudden stroke Camilla unaware He gave, but gave not his returning day; The breezes puffed the bootless wish away.

  66. He laughed at the shallow reflection of Barre, which seemed so equally mistimed and unmeaning, and his merriment increased with every stroke of the oar which sent the pinnace towards the scene chosen for the tragedy.

  67. Better perish a thousand deaths, in the actual conflict with a thousand enemies, than thus submit to perish in cold blood from the stroke of the cowardly assassin!

  68. Captain La Vasseur and Ensign D'Erlach, each seized upon a mutineer whom they held ready to slay at a stroke given; and other good men and true, coming to the rescue, the famishing mutineers were shamed and frightened into forbearance.

  69. In vain would his ears have rejected the terrible sound, stroke upon stroke, which testified the continuance of this brutal outrage upon humanity.

  70. They waited for no second stroke from a weapon whose first address was so sharp and sudden.

  71. In the evening, on the stroke of seven, as Helene was finishing a tiny bodice, the two wonted rings at the bell were heard, and Rosalie opened the door.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stroke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.