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Example sentences for "strode"

Lexicographically close words:
stroake; stroakes; stroaks; strobile; strobiles; stroke; stroked; stroken; strokes; stroking
  1. John strode on ahead and I took the opportunity of whispering to Poirot: "There will be an inquest then?

  2. John strode across the room, and lit the gas.

  3. The two detectives strode away, Summerhaye with an incredulous grin on his face.

  4. Lascelles looked after him as he strode away round the house with the long paces of a stiff horseman.

  5. All in black he was, and horrifying and portentous he strode in.

  6. On, unflagging, strode those iron warriors, grim, silent angels of Death, speeding through the night.

  7. The young leader and two of the others strode up to where Gerard was sitting, and uttering the usual form of greeting, "Saku bona," squatted down on the grass before him.

  8. With which sonorous farewell the Zulus turned and strode away across the veldt at the same quick and hurried pace as before.

  9. Hugh strode across to Lady Newhaven, took the letter from her, and threw it into the heart of the fire.

  10. Then he strode violently out of the wood without looking behind him.

  11. Friends who met in the streets gave each other a wide berth, eyed one another askance, exchanged nods, and strode on.

  12. With menacing steps his battalions strode on, and triumphantly entered Prague, the capital city, situated in the very heart of the kingdom.

  13. Famine strode through all the streets, covering the pavements with the emaciate corpses of the dead.

  14. Bunker Bean, the divinely credulous, now daily arrayed himself in royal vestures, set a well-fashioned crown upon the brow of him and strode forth, sceptre in hand.

  15. Bean saw Tully, but strode by that gentleman with head erect, chest expanded, and waist drawn in.

  16. I strode up and down the room, and felt inclined to send her away by force as a madwoman.

  17. O---- strode into the room in a great hurry, striking his breast in a sort of ecstasy.

  18. We strode through the mud, and going along a hedge we reached the high road in a state of exhaustion, although it was not more than a hundred paces as the crow flies from where we stood to the house.

  19. Turkey left me at the gate and strode on towards the village; while I turned in, revolving a new scheme which had arisen in my brain, and for the first time a sense of rivalry with Turkey awoke in my bosom.

  20. They parted asunder, and Scroggie, still lame, strode heavily up to the gate.

  21. Turkey strode up to the heap, and turning the light down into it said, "I didn't know it had been raining peats, sir.

  22. He could not stand still for very long, but strode up and down the road that skirts the fortifications at this point.

  23. With scant ceremony he pushed his colleague aside and strode into the cell, whilst Chauvelin, seemingly not resenting the other's ruffianly manners and violent language, followed close upon his heel.

  24. Reginald Rayton turned and strode away without waiting for an answer to his last long speech.

  25. Banks left the road, climbed a fence, and strode along through dry snow that reached halfway to his knees.

  26. At this, the Major's pale face flushed for an instant, and Polson grinned sardonically as he strode away.

  27. When Jim Dennis arrived at Cudgegong he got off his horse and strode into the house.

  28. Jim Dennis strode up to the bedside and shook him roughly.

  29. Jim Dennis strode over to him and took his arm.

  30. He strode up beside the mustang, and he was so tall that his shoulder came abreast of her.

  31. She strode down with giant steps, she plunged, she started avalanches to ride them until they stopped, she leaped, and lastly she fell, to roll over the soft cinders to the pit.

  32. He held a cloth in his hand and strode toward the nearest sheep.

  33. Was this giant the tragic Glenn who had strode to her from the cabin door?

  34. He strode outside to return with a bucket of water, a basin, towel, and soap.

  35. She now strode out upon the piazza, cast a critical eye upon the horses, nodded and said: "Very fit.

  36. Only they were certainly most athletic young women if one might judge from the manner in which they strode forward.

  37. And followed, as before, by the eyes of the stranger and his companions, Garnache strode out of the room, and mounting the stairs went to find solace in talk with Valerie.

  38. And turning upon his heel, his face on fire from the lash of her contempt, he strode down the hall and passed out, leaving her alone.

  39. He strode to the fire, and the logs hissed under the pressure of his wet boot.

  40. At length I rose and strode out into the garden to cool my burning head.

  41. Against my inclination and desire, bitterly, unwilling, I strode to my horse and flung myself on his back.

  42. I strode out into the open with my heart the battlefield of a myriad contending passions.

  43. He picked up a heron, pulled out one of its feathers and fixed it in his hat, thrust the bird into his pouch, and hung his gun upon his shoulder again: he was a fine-looking fellow as he strode through the green field.

  44. Next day, as he strode alone through the fields, he saw Buchmaier driving a horse, which drew a sort of roller.

  45. At the front door Christina made another effort to detain her; but she strode off briskly with a "God bless you!

  46. He strode forward and gazed long and earnestly at the newcomer.

  47. Shirley said nothing but strode to the rear of the floor, through the door of Captain Cronin's sanctum.

  48. Grimsby strode to the window, with his characteristic limp, and drew the heavy curtains aside, to peer out nervously.

  49. As your Majesty pleases," the priest answered, and with a bow he strode across the terrace to where Kalonay stood watching them.

  50. As Barrat sipped his coffee and munched his rolls with the silent energy of a hungry man, the Colonel turned and strode up and down the terrace, pulling at his mustache and glancing sideways.

  51. He strode across the room, tall and elegant, and smiling over his shoulder so that the woman's heart leaped oddly as she watched him.

  52. He strode to Grant Simpson's side of the sleigh and tapped the sleeve of his rich, fur-lined overcoat.

  53. He died early in May 1879 and the usurper strode forward to encounter many adventures and a still more tragic fate.

  54. There were two piers that strode and sprawled into the sea, and these also were laden with correctness and with domination.

  55. He turned away to hide his face, and strode passionately off.

  56. And he held up a sheet of paper in his immense hand, and strode majestically on towards the shop.

  57. He sprang to his feet, unreflecting, wilful, and strode into the hall.

  58. Edwin snatched his hat off its hook, pushed violently past his father and, sticking his hands deep in his pockets, strode into the street.

  59. Edwin with bravado flopped his hat down forcefully on a table, pushed a chair aside, and strode towards the door.

  60. He seized his overcoat and hat, and putting them on anyhow, strode out.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    strode along; strode away