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Example sentences for "stroked"

Lexicographically close words:
stroaks; strobile; strobiles; strode; stroke; stroken; strokes; stroking; stroll; strolled
  1. The thing is done," she had said, as she stroked his hair from his forehead as a mother might have done to her boy, who had been playing truant from school.

  2. I think he will grow up pretty, and perhaps be smaller; he has remained too long in the egg, and therefore his figure is not properly formed;' and then she stroked his neck and smoothed the feathers.

  3. She stroked the poor old shoe lovingly and kissed it.

  4. Poor dear little mamma," said Peggy, and as she spoke she put up her little hand and stroked her mother's face.

  5. I stroked her neck, and patted her flanks with genuine appreciation.

  6. He stroked her black side lovingly and patted her in various places.

  7. As Dacres growled out this Hawbury elevated his eyebrows, and stroked his long, pendent whiskers lazily with his left hand, while with his right he drummed on the table near him.

  8. And Hawbury stroked away the preposterous idea through his long, pendent whiskers.

  9. When they got it home, Anthea nursed it, and stroked it, and would have cried over it, if she hadn't remembered how it hated to be wet.

  10. And then Anthea hurriedly stroked the Psammead and embraced Jane, who took the woman's hand, and trotted contentedly away with the Psammead's bag under the other arm.

  11. Her dutiful spirit had stroked him up to a pleasant state of electric glow; she felt like a hound in a leash, ready to burst the bond that held her to his hand.

  12. The Colonel stroked his beard, removed his cigar deliberately, pausing every now and then as deliberately at exciting junctures to keep it alight, and reeled off a few; and by degrees the conversation drifted on to cards and gambling.

  13. He picked the mongrel up and stroked him tenderly, and the old dog winced a little mite too, as if he could see a chapter or so ahead of him.

  14. And in pursuance of these dire threats, the Colonel gently stroked the quarters of each horse in turn with the point of the whip.

  15. To my relief she sent word that she was not well and would keep her chamber; and Fifanti smiled oddly as he stroked his blue chin and gave me a sidelong glance.

  16. He leaned across to her, and stroked her velvet cheek with his delicate hand, whilst she suffered it in that lazy fashion that was so peculiarly her own.

  17. He paused a moment, and again came that broad gesture of his that stroked mouth and chin.

  18. Gonzaga nodded gravely, as if entirely approving, whilst with a fat jewelled hand he stroked his ample chin.

  19. He put his arm about her and stroked her hair.

  20. She reached for his hand and stroked it gently with her own.

  21. The stout girl tried to control herself and appear calm; the democrat stroked his long russet beard with a somewhat trembling hand.

  22. At last, he was within reach of my hands, and I gently and very carefully stroked him.

  23. The girl stooped down to milk the cow, while he absent-mindedly stroked the animal's glossy neck.

  24. The cow had lain down again heavily, and he sat down by her side and stroked her head, grateful for the nourishment she had given him.

  25. They each of them took her on their knees, stroked her soft, light hair and pressed her in their arms with vehement and spontaneous outbursts of affection, and the child, who was very good and religious, bore it all patiently.

  26. Everybody chatted and laughed, and some of the court ladies stroked Tommie's fur with their pretty white hands; and one took off her bracelet and hung it about his neck.

  27. Then the tears came into her eyes, and she took into her arms from his the gray goose whose bill was red as a cardinal's robe; and stroked his feathers.

  28. The Prince sat down and stroked the side of his face thoughtfully.

  29. He stroked his grey imperial and kept his eyes on his companion.

  30. There were tears in his eyes, and he gently stroked her hair.

  31. He stroked his leather apron with trembling hands, at the same time giving me a curious look of appeal.

  32. We stroked the soft licked fur of their glossy coats; we examined their tiny sharp black nails; their blindness only endeared them the more to us.

  33. The Seraph stroked the glistening side of the recumbent trout admiringly; he poked his plump forefinger into it's quivering pink gill.

  34. He removed the pipe from his mouth, threw back his head, stroked his long brown beard, and addressed the ceiling.

  35. Then he took his hands out of his pockets and stroked his chin.

  36. Gramps stooped beside the pair and stroked the fawn softly.

  37. He caught up the cockerel and, as he stroked it, looked around at the pullets and thought of the flock they would become.

  38. Holding the pelt he stroked its glossy surface with his hand.

  39. For a long time she stood holding the skin in one hand while with the other she stroked its softly gleaming surface.

  40. She raised it in her hand, drew it slowly across her cheek, stroked it softly, and then returned it to the counter, taking deliberate care to lay it by itself apart from the other skins.

  41. As soon as the front-door banged on the excited servant, my wife fell on that body with a loud cry, and stroked it passionately, and I could see her tears dropping on it.

  42. Mr Blackhurst took off a wrinkled black glove, stroked his grey beard, and started on a long account of the inception and progress of the organ scheme.

  43. The appeal swelled his love to a flood too full for turbulence, and he stroked her hair, drew her to his knee and rocked her there, so that she felt secure and was comforted like a child.

  44. He stood before the fire and stroked his beard.

  45. She stroked the rose tenderly, and then held it out to Mildred, though her eyes were still fastened on it hungrily.

  46. She took hold of Molly's thin hand and stroked it in a caressing, motherly sort of way.

  47. She leaned over her and stroked her little dry brow, as her mother did hers when she had a headache.

  48. The older man stroked his beard, leaned against the mantelpiece, and stared at the ground.

  49. She stroked the man's forehead lightly, and said in a tone of extraordinary assurance: "You know I don't deserve to be called naughty.

  50. But when he was gone I sneaked up to To-to's kennel and stroked him and gave him a beautiful bone.

  51. She took my hand in both of hers and stroked it gently.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stroked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.