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Example sentences for "rations"

Lexicographically close words:
rationem; rationes; rationibus; rationing; rationis; ratios; ratite; ratline; ratlines; ratling
  1. JOE CLARK: I God, Jake Roberts buys mo' rations out dis store than any man in dis town.

  2. They shared with us all their rations and kept us for those two days.

  3. Rations are carried up by other men who are either on rest or in reserve.

  4. The rations are carried up in sacks by limbers as far as the transport can take them--it varies according to the level of the ground and activities.

  5. That night only half rations were served to the defenders of the hill.

  6. But Slosson was telling me about two soldiers who got kantab in their rations a few years ago," insisted Green.

  7. Hampton, as you're in charge of the commissary and quartermaster details at this post, the first thing in the morning you will make sure that Sergeant Terry's detachment is supplied with rations enough for breakfast.

  8. Your men will carry such field and emergency rations as you can.

  9. Well, we shall have to do the best we can with the amount of transport and rations that you can put at our disposal.

  10. Take sixty men, two days' rations and a hundred and fifty rounds of cartridges per man.

  11. Our rations will last longer than that, with care.

  12. During all this period we treated the Indian tribes as if they were foreign nations, and made solemn treaties with them, agreeing to furnish them rations or marking the reservation bounds.

  13. The amount and nature of the rations called for by treaties vary greatly among different tribes.

  14. The removal of Hood from his vicinity was just what he wanted, and he remarked in a chuckling tone, "If Hood will go to Tennessee I will be glad to furnish him with rations for the trip.

  15. It became necessary for the government to furnish rations and clothes, lest he should starve and freeze.

  16. After the meal is completed, any inventory of the rations becomes impossible.

  17. When the time comes we will discover the reason for these differences in the rations served.

  18. The Two-banded Scolia rations each of her eggs with a Cetonia-grub.

  19. After making these preparations, registering the cells, cocoons and rations and putting all my figures in order, I had only to wait for the hatching-season to determine the sex.

  20. Napoleon entered the city with his guards and kept the rest of the army, including the stragglers, out of doors until arrangements could have been made for the regular distribution of rations and quarters.

  21. He tells us that prisoners when they were out of such parts of the country as had been ravaged by the armies, received regular rations of a very good quality, and were lodged by eight, ten, and twelve, with the peasants.

  22. There were no magazines from which rations could have been distributed, and the poor Polish peasants, upon whom requisitions should have been made, had nothing for the soldiers.

  23. Lieutenant Jacobs gives an illustration of the condition: "Orders had been given to receive rations for four days.

  24. At first this system proved satisfactory, and with what had been brought in from the vicinity regular rations could be distributed.

  25. Threats, promises of rations if the soldiers would fall in line, were of no avail whatever.

  26. The order to distribute rations among those who had rallied around the flag could not be kept up for more than a few hours.

  27. We had to put ourselves on half-rations once more, and Prof.

  28. We were to wait for him till September 3d in that neighbourhood, and if he failed to arrive we were to go on and get through as best we could on the rations remaining.

  29. We were to wait here for our pack-train which the Major, on arriving at Kanab, was to start back with rations and some extra horses.

  30. Our supply of rations being limited and now running low, Andy for some time had been curbing our appetites.

  31. The Dean was unloaded, and with three days' rations the Major started with her in the morning manned by Jack, Beaman, Jones, and Andy.

  32. Rations in quantity were not obtainable short of Salt Lake or Fort Bridger, and we had Congressional authority to draw on the military posts for supplies.

  33. Beaman secured a number of photographs, but not all that were desired, and, as we did not have rations for stopping on the summit, we went back to camp and made the climb again the next day.

  34. So liberally had we used our rations that we were nearing the end, and we began to look hopefully in the direction from which we expected the pack-train to arrive.

  35. Consequently they had planned to cache the rations and leave for the settlement on Sunday.

  36. On that evening, three days rations were issued.

  37. Cold winter was approaching with rapid strides and rations were not to the entire satisfaction of our men.

  38. So the Provost said, Boys, can you fix up something for him among you, and they all contributed some from their rations and filled my haversack full of substantial food, and besides contributed $10.

  39. Men were detailed long in the rear to cook rations for the men in the ditch, which were issued along the line, and consisted of corn bread cooked (a la hate) and a piece of fat bacon.

  40. The flour barrels served as chimney stacks, and we were comfortable; rations were also good and plentiful, but hardly were we installed when we received orders to strike camps.

  41. He had lived in a boundary hut for twenty years, only seeing another human being once a month, when his rations were brought from the head station.

  42. In France there has been since the war much "coal-saving," and had it not been that I had been careful to have with me emergency rations of blankets, I would have perished with the cold.

  43. To prepare for this, the 9th corps will have rations issued to them, same as the balance of the army.

  44. Our troops took possession of Jetersville and in the telegraph office, they found a dispatch from Lee, ordering two hundred thousand rations from Danville.

  45. All these troops will be provided with two days' cooked rations in haversacks, and one hundred rounds of ammunition on the person of each infantry soldier.

  46. But if we take this route, all we do must be done whilst the rations we start with hold out.

  47. They were ready to move without rations and travel without rest until the end.

  48. On the morning of the 4th I learned that Lee had ordered rations up from Danville for his famishing army, and that they were to meet him at Farmville.

  49. But if we took this route, all we did would have to be done whilst the rations we started with held out; besides, it separated us from Butler, so that he could not be directed how to cooperate.

  50. All the troops will move with four days' rations in haversacks and eight days' in wagons.

  51. In addition, a considerable ammunition dump fell into our hands, as well as enough rations to feed our whole force for several days.

  52. The necessary transport was arranged for, and the women were given rations for the march.

  53. But a new hardship now threatened us--our rations gave out entirely, and most of the ammunition having become wet, starvation stared us in the face.

  54. The important question of rations having been thus satisfactorily arranged, Richard was asked to guide the fugitives to some place of hiding, where no rebel could find them.

  55. The rebel escort cared very little for the wants of their prisoners, and issued no rations whatever to them--they themselves being entirely dependent on foraging for their own supplies.

  56. This was the startling fact that their supply of canned meats and other rations was fast giving out!

  57. At that time and in that locality it was customary during the haying season to deal out to the men employed stated rations of whiskey every day.

  58. They had the fruits of their labors constantly in hand, in the form either of rations or wages; and there appeared to be much sober content therewith.

  59. The terms were a certain monthly sum of money, rations for the month, rent of cottage, and privileges of milk from the dairy.

  60. If we have length represented we also have breadth, which even our present rations are unable to reduce.

  61. However, as we pointed out, it was rather their fault that we had not any rations in here.

  62. I only kept him because he appeared generally in small health, but when he flung his rations into the middle of the square yesterday, I thought it was high time for him to be off.

  63. As regards the healthy portion of the garrison the task is a fairly easy one, but for the sick (which are daily increasing in number), the women and children, and the native population to subsist on gradually decreasing rations is indeed hard.

  64. For the nurses and doctors, who work day and night, the authorities endeavoured to provide slightly better rations than those available for the general community.

  65. In this locality, called Greefdale Store, wood was scarce, but still the troops were within stone's throw of food, and were able to supplement the scanty rations which had been cut down to the smallest possible figure.

  66. He then distributed some tobacco and rations amongst them, and they took their departure apparently well pleased.

  67. Me be brother belonging to you; you go ask my brother for rations like it corroboree.

  68. We went by bus to a farm a couple of miles west of Maricourt, dumped our packs there and reached our destination Le Foret about midnight, where to our joy we were run to earth by the transport with rations and ammunition.

  69. Andrew, whose energy and determination in bringing up rations and ammunition over the most Godforsaken country, cannot be too highly praised.

  70. We ate about one whole day's rations in one enormous feed, and then went to sleep.

  71. Comparatively smooth, lying in an olive grove, and all the missing rations waiting for us.

  72. During the next week or so we managed to supplement our rations with dried figs, and the most excellent native brown bread; but the supply of the latter soon stopped, as we were forbidden to buy it, as it would just mean that the B.

  73. This proved to be the case, as no rations reached us until the end of the operations; but luckily they lasted only two days instead of four.

  74. We had also no confidence that those who were responsible for bringing up the overdue rations had any idea where to look for us even if the weather improved sufficiently to allow them to make use of the tracks.

  75. Our regiment was on battalion drill on the afternoon of October 3d, when orders came to be ready to march promptly at three o'clock in the morning, with three days cooked rations in haversacks.

  76. On the morning of the 7th, wagons arrived with rations from Bolivar, and we replenished our haversacks and began our return march.

  77. Our hunger was intense, a few rations of flour and bacon had been left for us; but we had no cooking utensils except a few mess pans which we had procured, no one knew how.

  78. Two days' rations would have sufficed instead of four.

  79. Now we pitied them; and as far as we were able, shared our rations with them.

  80. May 17th, orders were issued to cook two days' rations and be ready again to move.

  81. We had no rations in our haversacks; for when we left the barracks we had nothing to cook.

  82. Three days rations were taken in haversacks, and two in the wagons.

  83. We were to be provided with two day's rations in haversacks, and one hundred rounds of ammunition to the man.

  84. All at once, a little before sunset, up came an order to put four days' rations on the wagons and get ready to march immediately.

  85. We built fires on shore and proceeded to cook the rations we had not been able to do the previous evening.

  86. Since the previous morning, we had had nothing to eat, and for several days our rations had been scant.

  87. We ate our 3/4 rations and celebrated it soberly and seriously.

  88. These rations were evidently insufficient for healthy, strong men, who were drilling forenoon and afternoon, and otherwise in constant exercise.

  89. A common practice is for ten men to draw rations for only seven.

  90. The best quality of food is given the stokers, and they are allowed double rations of wine and kummel four times a day, practically all they care to drink.

  91. If the mess consists of thirty men the value of the commuted rations would thus amount to $2.

  92. The expense of the extras which supplement the ordinary rations on that occasion is borne entirely by the men.

  93. The things which chiefly occupy his thoughts, however, are rations and going ashore.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.